Michael - The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Chorus of Archangels


Michael is the leader of the Chorus of Archangels, which takes its Sefirotic office in Hod. Each of the Archangels from this choir holds their province and may be called in conjunction with the other Choirs or by themselves. Michael’s name means “He who is God” and is one of the most powerful beings of physical protection in the universe. He teaches the magician secret methods for evoking entities. He appears to the magician as a mighty soldier with wings, clad in armor over an orange tunic, and a blue sash. In his right hand, Michael wields a golden sword.

ImageMichael oversees matters of protection, defense, and spiritual combat. He is the celestial army commander and leads his legions of light against the malignant forces. He will give a time of peace when dealing with difficult situations. He will help you remember your life purpose and then give you the courage to follow through on it. He incarnates the power, the divine conscience of faith, the protection, the religious ideas, the initiative, and the perfection of the divine will. Strength against adversity is gained and the power to solve emotional unrest so that we can be comforted when feeling alone or unusual.

When conducting a cord-cutting meditation, ask Michael’s assistance and envision him working on cutting the negative energy cord with his sword. He is driven to remove fears and attachments to lower energies that do not aid in the greatest possible outcome. The primary duty of the Chorus of Archangels is to intercede on behalf of humanity.

Hod represents intellectual powers and is the sphere where the emotions and instincts of Netzach take form to come into action. Hod is known as the sphere of magic, where visualizations of things desired are realized and caused to manifest.

There is great confusion about the Archangels and the angels that do not belong to this choir but are addressed. At the beginning of the study of angelology, the confusion started because there were only two classes of angels: Archangels and Angels. Through the scholarly efforts of Thomas Aquinas, Saint Augustine, and Pseudo-Dionysius, the various angelic orders were classified. During those early times, the most exalted angels were called Archangels, a custom that persists in modern times. But not all the high-ranking angels are Archangels.

Correspondences of Michael

