Raphael - The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Chorus of Virtues


Raphael is the leader of the Chorus of Virtues, which takes its Sefirotic office in Tiphareth. He appears as a brilliant golden light that resembles a hologram. He is often depicted with a pilgrim’s staff and the vial of healing potion.

Raphael is named as one of the seven archangels in the Book of Enoch, who “stand before God”. Raphael is the divine physician and archangel of physical, mental, and spiritual health. Raphael was “The Angel of the Lord” who, according to the Gospel of John, came down to the pool and stirred the water giving it healing powers. He can bestow powers of healing and energy work. Those who practice Reiki stand to increase their abilities tremendously.

ImageRaphael allows us to find our inner guidance, inspiration, love, compassion, and balance to be able to heal others and ourselves. Sometimes an individual must contract an illness or be afflicted with something in order for their life path to unfold. If that is the case, the Archangel Raphael will help clarify the bigger picture to provide understanding. Abilities can be gained to help us think in ways that are original and inventive, especially when carrying out a complex project. To feel an inner light that enables sickness and pain to be relieved. To ease the memories and traumas of the past, or to find ease in daily life where previously there was the feeling of struggle. To see things not only for what they are but for what they mean and how they relate to all other things. To develop the power to attain a calm feeling even when you are in a stressful environment.

The Virtues give the strength to overcome ourselves, our physical or mental illnesses, our enemies, obstacles on the path to our success, and all other matters of strength in our lives. Tiphereth is the center of equilibrium in the Tree; it is a link, a point of transition, where divine energies are poured into the rest of the sefira. Experiences lived from our memory to incorporate them into our Ego, or Higher Self. Virtues are the angels in charge of conferring the quality of virtue to humankind. They also grant grace and valor. The Virtues preside over the elements and rule the process of celestial life. They are also in charge of the motion of the planets, the stars, and the galaxies, as they control the cosmic laws.

This choir also rules astronomy and astrophysics. The Virtues are in charge of nature and its laws. According to Thomas Aquinas, the Virtues are in order of all miracles and are connected with all the saints and the heroes who do battle against evil. They define what the characteristics of the created element will be. From this moment on, the element is ready to descend into the temporal planes, manifesting itself, be it a flower or a galaxy. They help develop a person’s profound identity, know how to govern oneself and others, and acquire self-control. Virtues help to discover who we are and teach us to master ourselves. Virtues help develop the ability to control our emotions, our thoughts, the physical body, and all the psychic faculties that compose us.

Correspondences of Raphael

