Zadkiel - The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Chorus of Dominations


Zadkiel is the leader of the Chorus of Dominions, which takes its Sefirotic office in Chesed. He appears as A white-winged Archangel that wears a blue robe with blonde hair and blue eyes. Often referred to as the Holy One, he teaches trust in the benevolent God. Zadkiel’s name means “Righteousness of God,” and he is most known as the angel who stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son Issac.

Zadkiel is the benevolent Archangel who grants material wealth, power, and fortune. As a planetary angel associated with Jupiter, he has always been associated with these correspondences. He releases us from our limiting behaviors and karmic debts and is frequently called upon for finance and business matters. His knowledge of present circumstances can help improve the future for those who call upon him. Freedom through transformation can be achieved with his assistance as he transitions us from the physical body into alignment with divine consciousness.

ImageRecognized as the most crucial Archangel within esoteric circles derived from the work of Helena Blavatsky. Zadkiel is called the Archangel of Invocation. He directs the Ceremonial Angels, beings that help man incorporate rites and ceremonies into his daily life, thus ensuring that every human feeling, thought, and actively participates in the day’s experience as a ritual of veneration to God.

His presence instills hope, well-being, helps fight depression, sadness, discomfort. Sachiel Archangel bestows gifts according to laws that are incomprehensible to us but within precise limits set by karma. Poverty or wealth are trials to be overcome, and each living being is free to choose how.

The Dominations who enforce God’s law may be called upon to cultivate conscientiousness in ourselves and better performance in our relationships. They are connected with the sphere of Chesed. Its quality is mercy or love on a larger, cosmic scale. Chesed anchors into our third-dimensional self through the Throat Chakra, for in order to transform our lives, we must first speak our inner truths that reside within our authentic spiritual self.

Among the Dominions’ symbols of authority are the orb and the scepter, which represent the world. They often carry swords as symbols of their power over other creatures. They are said to dress in tunics of green and gold.

The Second Book of Enoch says the Dominions are part of the angelic armies. They are said to be channels of mercy. They instill joy, trust, faith: they help us understand that all things are in abundance; cosmic, universal forces surround us, and if we lack something, it means that we are closed to these realities. Dominations lead man to live it fully and profoundly.

Correspondences of Zadkiel

