Zaphkiel - The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Chorus of Thrones


Zaphkiel is the leader of the Chorus of Thrones, which takes its Sefirotic office in Binah. He appears tall and robust with bright silver wings. He wears a dark cloak with a red pendant around his neck. He carries a rod in this right hand and a brilliantly glowing cup in his left. Around his head is a nemyss, an Egyptian ritual headdress such as the one seen in artwork such as the Sphinx.

Zaphkiel is the angel of deep contemplation. His name means “Knowledge of God.” He affords blessings to those who strengthen their faith and increase their understanding and wisdom to generate spiritual growth. As one of his primary duties, Zaphkiel creates inspiration to serve others in need and allows us to conceive new useful ideas, uniquely express points of view, and discover new human landscapes through knowledge and wisdom.

ImageZaphkiel may be called upon in binding and cord-cutting works and will help put an end to unfavorable circumstances. Strong with the powers of rapid wisdom and serenity, bringing you a clear perception of the actual boundaries that exist within your life. When you need to get a message through clearly, or protect yourself emotionally, call on this archangel.

The Thrones are the chorus who carry the Throne of God, and are upon to gain deeper wisdom and understanding, and are living symbols of God’s justice and authority, and are related to God’s Throne, which they hold with the tips of their fingers. The angels within the Chorus of Thrones are mentioned in Daniel 7: 9-10:

“As I watched, thrones were set in place, and an Ancient One took his throne. His clothing was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool; his throne was fiery flames, and its wheels were burning fire. A stream of fire issued and flowed from his presence. A thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times, ten thousand stood attending him. The court sat in judgment, and the books were opened.”

The Thrones teach to understand the lessons to be drawn from the experiences of life, to be able to grasp the meaning of the trials concerning existence. The sefirot Binah, or understanding, is the second conscious power of intellect. Binah is also called Marah, the etymological root for Mary and is known as the mother of all things. It is associated with the power of logic and interpretation.

The spiritual journey consists of considering our earthly incarnation as a school where every experience is the bearer of learning to develop. Therefore, the Chorus of Thrones help under challenging moments to understand the meaning of events and may be invoked for this purpose.

Correspondences of Zaphkiel

