Raziel - The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Chorus of Cherubim


Raziel is the leader of the Chorus of Cherubim, which takes its Sefirotic office in Chokmah. He appears tall with vivid blue wings. He wears a grey robe made of swirling energy, and his body surrounded by a glowing prismatic aura comprising the rainbow’s seven colors and holds a massive grey tome.

Raziel was believed to be the angel who gave the mystical book, Sefer Raziel HaMalach to Adam upon leaving Eden so he could find the way back “home” and better understand their Divinity. The book was said to contain secret Universal knowledge and was considered to be a tome of magic.

ImageRaziel helps individuals reach their full potential by revealing how to incorporate their knowledge into their lives in practical ways through direction from the divine. This enables Raziel’s followers to experience more wonders in their lives. Call upon Raziel whenever you wish to learn esoteric concepts, and he is an excellent source to call upon before working further with this text. He assists in the inner search; he conducts to reflect, introspection, knowledge, and divine wisdom. With Raziel’s power, you may learn skills of magick and knowledge of energy currents in our world and how to utilize them for specific purposes.

Raziel can release old restrictions and patterns, help overcome self-limiting ideas, and present a better understanding of oneself and how we evolve along our life paths. He awakens the desire to look at and achieving success.

He works to build energetic bridges between the different levels and dimensions of spiritual reality that allow travel to another plane or dimension to soul travel in your dreams.

The Cherubim stand ready to be called upon as protectors. Many texts refer to the Cherubim as mysterious beings having four faces and wings. The prince regent cherub Raziel himself is the angel of mysteries. The sefirot where they reside, Chokhmah is seen as the realm of thoughts and ideas not yet crystallized. It is the beginning of mind, They receive the wave of Divine Thought, and the power to realize it comes directly from the Seraphim. They are known as guardians of the Ark of the Covenant and the Gate of Heaven.

People commonly mistake “Cherubs” as depictions of baby angels with soft wings. The reality is that Cherubim spirits are fierce energies. Within Assyrian texts, the Cherubs were winged creatures with the face of a man or a lion and the body of an eagle, sphinx, or an ox as symbolic of the four elements; the four Holy Living Creatures of Ezekiel’s vision are Cherubim, which exemplifies the Assyrian influence in Hebraic religious thought.

The Cherubim’s function is to make one participate in universal consciousness, in the principle of love and wisdom. The Cherubs help people become aware of transcendental reality and provide lessons to integrate spiritual practices into everyday life.

Correspondences of Raziel

