Metatron - The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020

The Archangels and Angelic Orders

Chorus of Serafim


Metatron is also the leader of the Chorus of Serafim, which takes its Sefirotic office in Kether. Metatron is considered the Chief of Angels, Prince of the Ministry of Angels, Chancellor of Heaven, Guardian, and Ordinator of Souls. He is colossal with a blindingly bright white light emanating from his seventy-two wings and countless eyes. His presence feels incredibly heavy and powerful.

Archangel Metatron makes use of sacred geometry frequently. He is God’s architect and timekeeper, making him strong with matters regarding manipulating time and bringing a project to a conclusion. Metatron can aid with learning, education, and understanding and bring balance and clarity to emotions. Peace, warmth, and patience are essential qualities.

Among the archangels, his powers are supreme, and he is the personification of the Holy Spirit. He represents the highest vibration among the archangels. He is in charge of supporting life and human acts as a bridge between divinity and humanity.

ImageMetatron teaches us to sense and understand the feelings of others. No matter what trials life presents, patience, and sharp focus are gained in critical situations with his presence. Metatron allows us to obtain a blissful sense of peace regardless of circumstances. He will help you find your path to enlightenment, which is the goal you should be working towards in your corporeal existence.

The Chorus of Serafim keeps primordial energy in reserve, and they are holding this energy in addition to manifestation. We may conceive of Kether as a formless state in the void that contains all the potentialities of life within it. As a result of the initial outpouring of divine light, it is outside everyday human experience. It is incomprehensible to the human mind, so the human mind cannot fathom its essence. The Seraphim are that which are distant from humanity, but closest to Source. They may be invoked in works of purification, spiritual enlightenment, and knowledge of higher things.

Seraphim and the etymology thereof are derived from the word “Seraph,” which refers to burning or inflaming. Their mission is to control and direct the divine light that is flowing from The Almighty. It purifies and inflames the heart with love and divine intentions for its creator. We consider them as enlightened because they have an inextinguishable light in themselves, and they can perfectly enlighten and purify others.

Correspondences of Metatron

