
Book of the Hidden Name - Magick of the Shem HaMephorash Angels - Caitus X 2020



Remember that the Hidden Power within us pulls the strings; there is the guiding force, there is the life, there, one might say, is the man himself Never think of yourself as a mere body with its various appendages; the body is like the ax of a carpenter: dare we think that the ax is the carpenter himself? Without this Inner Cause, which dictates both action and inaction, the body is of no more use than the weaver’s shuttle without a weaver, the writer’s pen without a writer, or the coachman’s whip without a horse and carriage.

Honor the highest thing in the Universe; it is the power on which all things depend; it is the light by which all of life is guided. Honor the highest within yourself; for it, too, is the power on which all things depend, and the light by which all life is guided.


The book you hold in your hands is intended for those who seek results. Navigating fate through the calculated practice of occult sciences will drive effects in one’s life. The world in which we live is in a continuous state of shifting energy, and the proper direction of these forces will enable one to gain control of their reality. The transformations that can be manifested are near limitless. Let this book serve as a point of origin for those in making use of the mystic arts.

For the skeptic, I implore you to read this text from an objective standpoint. Should you be inclined, experiment with the described activities. The results will likely cause you to question your disbelief.

Occultism is typically viewed through a dark lens in our society. In order to remove this visage, this topic can be explored as a series of esoteric beliefs and practices as well as unique phenomena. Magick continues to be a point of secrecy among those in prominent positions primarily because it works, it’s powerful, and not everyone is accepting of magickal practice in modern society. Although mysticism is at a point where persecution for one’s belief and practice in various magick systems is that where the risk of being harmed or exiled is much lower than in earlier eras, it is still advisable to hold tightly to one’s chest. It makes sense for those in positions of power to shy away from discussing their spiritualism as they can have their position put into jeopardy. Yet, if one is to dig deep enough, it can continually be revealed that many key members of our world including politicians, entertainers, and business owners alike, have explored various levels of occult practice.

I knew from an early age the goals I wanted to reach in life, and I began working to create a path to my future in the way I saw fit. As many of us with the entrepreneurial mindset do, I worked tirelessly to form my business and my life using the multitude of tools I found to help me along the way.

After taking interest in learning more about Western Mystery Tradition, Kabbalah, Hermeticism, and the ancient world’s religious practices, I found that many of my natural ideas coincided with that of the principals of these systems. I also learned that although my daily toils were effective and drove results, that there was a way to reach beyond what I previously thought possible.

One’s reality and life path can be viewed as a “Choose Your Adventure” novel. If the reader skips to the end of the book and looks at the various outcomes, the point of the journey will be missed. Through proper divination techniques as well as observation of signs from the universe and our spirit guides, it is possible to make better choices for one’s life path. Let this book guide you to experience the journey and the lessons so you may achieve your desired results while embracing life’s experiences. Each life path is a research project on its own.

Should you complete this book and decide that it’s not something you wish to integrate into your spiritual practice, know that you have at least gained new perspective of another subculture and received a piece of wisdom and understanding that may help you along your way.

By definition, magick is seen as a transformative influence in one’s environment through means of energetic output and will. It is the systematic approach of altering the subjective or objective universe by a point originating within the mind. When practiced with the correct skill and intent magick becomes a powerful tool capable of dramatic results. However you would like to label it, magick makes it possible to create and sustain effects in your life and dismantle aspects that you wish removed. The manifestations that can be observed are made possible as our world is in a state of constant change.

There are practicing magicians of all types of religious backgrounds. Magick is not a religion in itself. There are practicing magicians of all types of faith, just as there are magicians that are atheists. The concept is not such that it requires belief in any particular spirituality, but that it is a technology we do not further understand, but works for the magician. When the practitioner uses the psychological model of magick, the beings that are being invoked or evoked are understood by the practitioner to not exist as sentient beings, but rather are varying components of the magician’s consciousness.

This calls into question how one who does not follow the religious beliefs of Judaism or Christianity can still access this particular current of angel magick and use the angels’ powers themselves. Such a problem has been debated for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Although this book contains a system based on Jewish mysticism and, subsequently, sects of Christianity, the concepts and use of these practices go beyond religion or dogmatic limitation.

For this system’s sake, the belief of a unique eternal and omnipotent source shall be discussed. This being, the origin of all beings, each considered a shard or one of the “rays” of consciousness, we shall call God. The critical part of your belief structure is that you must be open to the possibilities and manifestations from working with these angels. The disbelief in God or spiritual entities, in turn, creates a psychic block that can create challenges in any magickal operation. Instead, shifting simply to the belief that “God and spiritual entities MAY exist” allows the subconscious to negotiate perception and permit experiences in various ways.
