Work Spells

Hex Your Ex: And 100+ Other Spells to Right Wrongs and Banish Bad Luck for Good - Adams Media 2019

Work Spells

Whether you’re on the hunt for that elusive dream job, starting to climb the corporate ladder, or just punching the clock until something better comes along, the workday is full of challenges. It can be tough to get through the day when it seems like everyone from your coworkers to your customers is conspiring against you. Good thing you’re tougher! Use the spells in this chapter to change your day around and make even that lonely late-night shift seem totally manageable. With magick on your side, you can make that dream job seem less like fantasy and more like something you can actually achieve. But make sure to take some time to think about what you really want from your career. Clearly defined needs and expectations will help you attract the work you love.

Spell to Get the Respect You Deserve

Spell for a Bitchy Coworker

Spell to Get a Raise

Spell to Attract Your Dream Job

Spell to Wind Down from the Workday

Spell to Bind a Backstabber

Spell to Cover Your Butt

Spell to Beat Out the Competition

Spell to Kickstart a New Project

Spell to Protect Your Job

Talisman to Make a Good Impression

Incantation to Inspire

Spell to Open New Doors

Belt for Everyday Empowerment

Spell for a Smooth Commute

Spell to Get Rid of an Annoying Customer

Spell to Stand Strong

Spell Image Get the Respect You Deserve

Does your boss overlook your hard work and fail to give you credit for your contributions? Do customers seem unappreciative when you go the extra mile for them? If you’re feeling dissed lately, this spell can help you get the respect you deserve.


Image A ballpoint pen

Image 1 orange candle

Image Cinnamon essential oil

Image 1 candleholder

Image Dried bay leaves

Image Matches or a lighter

Image Colored pens, pencils, or markers

Image A piece of paper

Image Invisible tape


During the full moon, on a Sunday, or when the sun or moon is in Leo


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. With the ballpoint pen, inscribe a circle with a dot in its center on the candle; this is the astrological symbol for the sun. Dress the candle by rubbing a little of the essential oil on it (not on the wick) and set it in its holder. Inhale the scent of cinnamon, letting it stimulate feelings of confidence and power. Lay the bay leaves around the base of the candle so they encircle it. Light the candle.

2. With the colored markers and paper, create a sigil from the word respect (see Chapter 4). If you like, add other images that represent status, honor, and authority to you. While you work, imagine yourself being lauded by the people you work with. See them bowing down to you, offering you gifts, or singing your praises. When you’re happy with your design, put a dot of cinnamon oil on each corner of the piece of paper. Extinguish the candle and collect the bay leaves. Open the circle.

3. Take the sigil and the bay leaves to your workplace. Tape the bay leaves, which represent victory and success, on your desk, computer, door, wall, or other spot in your work area; if you prefer, put them in a desk drawer or other safe place. Display the sigil where you’ll see it often. Any time someone behaves disrespectfully toward you, look at the sigil and take a few deep breaths, inhaling self-confidence. Remember Eleanor Roosevelt’s words: “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Spell Image a Bitchy Coworker

There’s one at every job—the coworker who makes everyone else’s life miserable. The word teamwork isn’t in his vocabulary. Her pessimism drags down the rest of the staff’s morale. Can a little magick sweeten this sour situation? Absolutely!


Image A piece of tumbled rose quartz

Image A piece of watermelon tourmaline

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image A spray bottle

Image Spring water

Image Granulated sugar

Image Jasmine essential oil

Image Lavender essential oil


During the waning moon, preferably on a Friday


1. Wash the gemstones with mild soap and water, then pat them dry with the soft cloth. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fill the bottle with spring water, then add the sugar and essential oils. Shake the bottle three times to charge the mixture.

2. Envision the annoying coworker encased in a sphere of pink light. Even though this person may be as prickly as a cactus, try to accept that negative people are filled with fear. This spell works by enhancing your coworker’s self-esteem, so projecting positive energy will actually defuse this person’s bitchiness. Open the circle.

3. Take the magick potion and the gemstones to work with you. When your irritating coworker isn’t around, mist their workspace with the water and oil mixture. Repeat as necessary.

4. Place the piece of tournamline in a secret spot somewhere in the bitchy person’s work area. (Tourmaline neutralizes and disperses negative energy.) Keep the rose quartz for yourself. Whenever you start feeling annoyed, rub the stone until you calm down. Before long you should notice an improvement in your coworker’s attitude and behavior, and in your own reactions to him or her.

Spell Image Get a Raise

You work hard at your job, are a team player, and feel like you’re exceeding expectations and making a difference. So how do you make sure your salary is what you deserve? This spell uses growth symbolism to help you get a raise.


Image A clear glass bottle (no designs) with a lid or stopper

Image Spring water

Image A $20 bill

Image Invisible tape


During the waxing moon, preferably on a Thursday


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fill the bottle with spring water. Tape the $20 bill on the side of the bottle. This infuses the water with the image of money. Cap the bottle and shake it three times to charge it.

2. Drink some of the imprinted water. As you do this, imagine you are being “watered” with wealth. You are actually incorporating prosperity into your body and your consciousness. See your boss calling you into their office and offering you a raise, or envision yourself receiving a paycheck with a larger amount printed on it—choose an image that clearly expresses your intention. Open the circle. Continue drinking your “money water” daily—make more when you finish the first batch—and watch your income increase.

Spell Image Attract Your Dream Job

You want to tell your boss to take this job and shove it, but times are tough and good jobs are hard to find. Instead, put your magick skills to work and get busy creating the perfect job for you.


Image Pictures from magazines, the Internet, or other sources

Image A large piece of paper or cardboard

Image An orange marker

Image Glue, paste, or tape


During the waxing moon, preferably on a Sunday or Thursday


1. Spend some time thinking about the job you’d really like. What images do you associate with it? Is travel a factor? If so, a plane might be a good symbol. Perhaps a big walnut desk represents authority to you, or a TV screen suggests fame. Coins and paper currency signify money. Cut out magazine pictures that depict the various facets of your dream job or download images from the Internet.

2. Once you’ve gathered all your images, cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. On the paper or cardboard, use the marker to draw a symbol that astrologers call the Part of Fortune. This lucky design looks like an X with a circle around it. Make your drawing large enough so you can paste all your pictures inside its quadrants (if necessary, tape two or more sheets together). Begin gluing or taping the pictures you’ve collected to the four sectors of the Part of Fortune. As you work, imagine yourself happy and successful in your new position.

3. When you’ve finished, lay the paper or cardboard on the floor. Remove your shoes and stand in the middle of it. Close your eyes and imagine yourself becoming one with your new job. Make the visualization as real as possible. Stand there until your mind starts to wander, then step off the paper or cardboard and open the circle. Repeat as necessary, until you land your ideal job.

Spell Image Wind Down from the Workday

No matter how hard you work, you never seem to get caught up. With constant questions and requests from customers and coworkers, you never seem to get a moment to just breathe. If stress and frustration are getting you down, this spell offers a welcome respite from workplace demands.


Image Lavender incense

Image An incense burner

Image 1 light blue candle

Image 1 candleholder

Image Matches or a lighter

Image A bathtub

Image Vanilla essential oil

Image 4 good-sized chunks of amethyst

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth


Any time


1. Cast a circle around your bathroom. Fit the incense and candle in their respective holders, then light both. Fill the bathtub with pleasantly hot water. Add a little of the vanilla essential oil to the bathwater.

2. Wash the amethysts with mild soap and water, pat them dry with the soft cloth, and then set one on each corner of the bathtub. Climb into the tub and make yourself comfy.

3. Feel the amethysts drawing off your stress and neutralizing it. Feel your frustrations and anxieties dissolving into the bathwater. The trick is not to think about anything outside the walls of the bathroom. When you worry about the past or future, you block receptivity to new ideas and guidance that could help you resolve problems. If a troublesome thought pops into your mind, send it into the water or give it to the amethysts. Soak for as long as you like until you feel calm, rested, and confident that all is well.

4. When your peace of mind is restored, get out of the tub. As the water drains away, visualize your cares flowing away with it. Pick up the amethysts and thank them. Then wash them with clean water (not the bathwater) and mild soap and pat them dry. Extinguish the candle and incense, or allow them to burn down in a safe place. Open the circle and emerge renewed.

Spell Image Bind a Backstabber

He spreads damaging gossip about you at work. She steals your ideas and claims they’re hers. It’s time to bring out the big guns, magickally that is. This spell ties the backstabber’s hands and prevents him or her from doing further harm.


Image A poppet

Image A black marker

Image A strand of black cord

Image A shovel

Image A large stone


During the waning moon, preferably on a Saturday


1. If possible, create the poppet yourself out of wax, clay, cloth, or wood. If you aren’t handy you can purchase a readymade one instead. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell.

2. With the marker write the troublemaker’s full name on the poppet. Say aloud: “Figure of [whatever material the poppet is made of], I name you [the backstabber’s name] and command you to cease your attacks now. I bind your ill will and render you powerless against me.”

3. Wrap the black cord around the figurine several times and tie it, making eight knots. Repeat the last sentence of the affirmation—“I bind your ill will and render you powerless against me”—each time you tie a knot. When you’ve finished, open the circle.

4. Take the poppet and shovel to a place near your workplace and dig a hole in the ground. If that’s not feasible, go to a remote area away from trees or water (and not on your own property). Place the poppet in the hole and cover it with dirt, then put the stone on top of it for good measure.

Spell Image Cover Your Butt

You did something you shouldn’t have . . . or didn’t do something you should have. This spell throws up a magickal smokescreen around you to prevent other people from noticing your error.


Image Loose sage leaves

Image Sprigs of dried rosemary

Image Dried basil leaves

Image A large shell, fireproof ceramic bowl, or cauldron

Image Matches or a lighter

Image A fan made of paper, feathers, or cloth

Image A small black box

Image Peony seeds


The night before the new moon (sooner, if necessary)


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Place the sage, rosemary, and basil in the shell, ceramic bowl, or cauldron. Light the herbs, then blow out the flames leaving the herbs to smoke. Set the shell/bowl/cauldron on the floor or ground (in a place where it can continue burning safely).

2. Remove your clothing. Stand near the smoke and use the fan to bring the smoke toward you. Try to direct the smoke so it touches your whole body, head to foot, on both sides.

3. Inhale the fragrant scent of burning herbs while you imagine you are invisible—you are completely concealed by magick smoke. No one can see you or link you with the mistake that was made.

4. When the herbs have burned and cooled, place the ashes in the black box. Add the peony seeds. Get dressed and open the circle. Carry the box with you at all times, until the whole business blows over and you no longer have any concerns.

Spell Image Beat Out the Competition

Have you ever seen animals defend their territory? They usually attack with teeth and claws. This spell takes its cue from them. So if your competition’s trying to move into your territory, use this spell to rise above the rest of the pack.


Image Polymer clay

Image A large needle

Image Scissors

Image Jewelry elastic

Image A nonstick baking tray


On a Tuesday, or when the sun or moon is in Aries


1. Follow the directions on the package of clay to form lots of pointy teeth and claws, each about an inch or two in length.

2. With the needle, pierce each one at the thicker end, making a hole large enough so the jewelry elastic will fit through it. Arrange the teeth and claws on the baking tray, making sure they don’t touch each other. Bake according to instructions on the package.

3. Cut a piece of jewelry elastic long enough to go over your head. When the teeth and claws have cooked and cooled, string them on the jewelry elastic to make a necklace. Tie the elastic in a knot at the back. Wear this warrior’s necklace to bolster your own courage, so you can scare off the competition and defend what’s yours.

Spell Image Kickstart a New Project

You’re having a hard time getting a project off the ground. Delays and challenges keep slowing you down. This spell plays on the symbolism of eggs as symbols of birth, life, and fertility to help you make your idea a reality.


Image A raw egg

Image A straight pin or needle

Image A bowl

Image Water

Image Acrylic or watercolor paints

Image A small paintbrush


On the Spring Equinox or on the new moon


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Carefully poke a hole in each end of the egg with a pin. Holding the egg above the bowl, place your mouth over one hole and gently blow the contents of the egg out through the other hole. When you’ve finished, rinse out the eggshell and let it dry.

2. Paint symbols and images on the eggshell that represent your project, as well as your objectives. Make sure everything you include has positive connotations for you. While you work, visualize your project moving forward and receiving the support and acclaim you seek. See your goals coming to fruition, your success assured.

3. When you’ve finished decorating your egg, open the circle. Display the egg in a place where you’ll see it often. Each time you look at it, you’ll be reminded of your goal and your intention to succeed.

Spell Image Protect Your Job

Your job is on the line, for reasons that may or may not be your fault. Worrying only makes matters worse, so use your time and energy productively by casting this spell instead.


Image 4 white stones

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image Black paint or a black felt-tip marker with permanent ink

Best time to perform the spell

Any time


1. Wash the stones with mild soap and water. Allow them to dry in the sun. With the black paint or marker, draw a pentagram on each stone.

2. Put one stone on the floor in each corner of your cubicle, office, or work area to stabilize your position. As you set each stone in place, say or think this affirmation: “My job here is safe and secure, and all is well.”

Talisman Image Make a Good Impression

You’ve got to make a good impression, but you feel anxious and uncertain. Whether you’re going for a job interview, giving a presentation, or meeting with an important client, this lucky charm helps you shine. Remember, the key to success is believing in yourself.


Image Sandalwood incense

Image An incense burner

Image Matches or a lighter

Image Red nail polish or red paint and a small brush

Image A small stone

Image A piece of paper

Image A pen

Image An orange cloth pouch, preferably silk

Image Cedar chips

Image Cinnamon

Image Dried parsley

Image A yellow ribbon

Image Salt water

Best time to perform the spell

On a Sunday, preferably when the sun or moon is in Leo


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fit the incense in its burner and light it. Use the nail polish or paint to draw the rune Inguz (which looks like two X’s stacked one on top of the other) on the stone. This rune represents new beginnings, fertility, and great power.

2. While the nail polish or paint is drying, write on the paper what you intend to accomplish. Whom do you wish to impress? What results do you desire from this meeting? As you write your list of objectives, envision yourself already achieving them. When you’ve finished, fold the paper so it’s small enough to fit into the pouch and say aloud: “This is now accomplished in harmony with Divine Will, my own true will, and for the good of all.”

3. Put the stone, paper, cedar, cinnamon, and parsley into the pouch. Tie the pouch closed with the ribbon, making three knots. Hold the image of your success in your mind as you tie the knots. Sprinkle the talisman with salt water, then hold it in the incense smoke for a few moments to charge the charm.

4. Open the circle. Carry this talisman in your pocket, purse, or briefcase when you go to your meeting to bring you good luck. Just knowing it’s there will increase your self-confidence and help you make a good impression.

Incantation Image Inspire

You really need to come up with some great new ideas, but you just don’t feel inspired. Chanting can spark your enthusiasm. Think about how a crowd’s cheers raise energy and fire up a team—incantations operate on the same principle.


Image A piece of paper

Image A pen that writes red ink

Image A drum, gong, or large bell


On a Tuesday during the waxing moon


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. On the paper, write a rhyme that conveys your intentions. It should praise you and your abilities with positive statements and imagery. Don’t worry about the literary quality of your incantation—no one but you will hear it. The point is to make it upbeat and catchy.

2. When you’re satisfied with your rhyme, read it aloud. Then strike the drum, gong, or bell. Repeat the incantation again, and again, sounding the drum/gong/bell each time. If you prefer, you can strike the drum/gong/bell after each line or after each word of the incantation. Feel the sounds stimulating your energy. Feel the blockages within you crumbling. Feel your confidence growing. Continue for as long as you like. When you feel inspired, stop and open the circle.

Spell Image Open New Doors

Downsizing, outsourcing, or another situation beyond your control has eliminated your job. You know the saying: when one door closes, another one opens. This spell uses the familiar symbolism to bring new career opportunities your way.


Image Small bells, one for each door in your home

Image 9-inch-long red ribbons, one for each door in your home


On the new moon


1. Tie one bell at the end of each ribbon, then tie one ribbon to each door in your home.

2. As you work, envision yourself attracting new career opportunities. If you already know the job you’d like to have, see yourself performing it. Or, let the universe provide a position that’s right for you. Each time you tie a ribbon on a doorknob, say the following affirmation aloud: “I now have a job that’s perfect for me in every way.”

3. As you go through the doors in your home daily, you’ll constantly be reminded of your intention. The red ribbons represent good luck. The tinkling bells send your request out into the world. Repeat your affirmation every time you open a door, until you land the job you desire.

Belt Image Everyday Empowerment

In karate, the belt you wear signifies your level of ability and accomplishment. The belt you create in this spell is not only a badge of success, it actually enhances your personal power. Use it when a work situation challenges you to step up to the plate.


Image Music that energizes you and that signifies power to you

Image A purple cord long enough to circle your waist three times (drapery cord is perfect, but you can use any material you like)

Best time to perform the spell

During the waxing moon, preferably on a Sunday


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Begin playing the music you’ve selected. Close your eyes and allow the music to make you feel stronger and more energetic. Let your breathing become deeper.

2. Grasp the purple cord in your hands as you envision yourself drawing up silvery light from the Earth. Feel the light flow up your legs, into your torso, arms, and head. Next, visualize yourself drawing golden light down from the heavens, into the crown of your head. Feel this light flow down into your torso, arms, and legs until your body resonates with it. Imagine these two forces blending harmoniously within you and around you, increasing your vitality, confidence, and personal power.

3. Holding on to this sensation, open your eyes and begin tying knots in the cord. See yourself capturing some of the energy you’ve raised into each knot you tie. Tie as many knots as you like—just make sure the cord will still fit around your waist. When you’re finished tying the knots, wrap the belt around your waist three times and secure it. Open the circle. Wear this “power belt” to help you address the challenges before you. If at any time you need a quick rush of vitality or courage, untie one of the knots and release the energy it holds.

Spell Image a Smooth Commute

Nothing makes the workday seem quite so long as a terrible commute to start and end the day. This spell will clear your way for a smooth ride to and from work.


Image An athame


During the waning moon, preferably when the sun or moon is in Gemini or Sagittarius


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Stand in the center of the circle facing the direction you must travel to get to work. Close your eyes and visualize bumper-to-bumper traffic, construction delays, bad weather, or whatever difficulties you usually face during your commute.

2. Holding the athame in your hand, begin slashing through the obstacles, cleaning a path before you. See yourself zipping along the open road smoothly and easily, until you reach your destination. When you’ve finished, open the circle. Repeat this spell as needed.

Spell Image Get Rid of an Annoying Customer

You’ve done the best you can, but a customer still isn’t satisfied. Even worse, they keep bothering you, complaining, demanding more and more. This spell erects an invisible boundary around you to protect you from this troublemaker while simultaneously neutralizing their power.


Image 8 black candles

Image 9 candleholders

Image A symbol of you or your company, such as a photograph or logo drawn on paper

Image 1 red candle

Image Matches or a lighter


Begin during the waning moon, preferably when the moon is in Capricorn


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fit the black candles in their holders and arrange them in a tight circle on your altar or another surface where they can remain in place safely for eight days. Set the symbol of you or your company in the middle of the circle of candles. Fit the red candle in its holder and position it several inches away from the circle of black candles—it represents the problem customer. Light all the candles and say this incantation aloud:

“From your complaints

Now [I am][we are] free.

Go far away

And let [me][us] be.”

2. As you gaze at the pattern on your altar, visualize your antagonist losing credibility and receding into the distance. After a few minutes, extinguish the candles and open the circle.

3. The next day repeat the ritual. This time, however, move the red candle an inch or two further away from the rest to signify its retreat. Light all the candles and recite the incantation again, while you imagine the annoying client losing ground against you. When you feel ready, extinguish the candles and open the circle.

4. Repeat the ritual in this way for six more days. On the last day, allow the candles to burn down completely. Take any remnants of candle wax and bury them in a spot far away from your home or business.

Spell Image Stand Strong

Setbacks, disappointments, losses, or frustrating circumstances make you feel like giving up. Instead, try this spell, which draws upon the fire power of the universe and asks the fire elementals to boost your energy and confidence.


Image 9 small red votive candles

Image Matches or a lighter

Image A magick wand


During the waxing moon, preferably on a Tuesday or when the sun and/or moon is in Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius


1. Arrange the candles in a circle around you, in a place where you can safely leave them to burn down completely. Beginning in the east, light the candles one at a time as you move in a clockwise direction around the circle. When all the candles are burning, stand in the center of the circle and face south.

2. Call out to the salamanders, the elementals who inhabit the element of fire. Tell them you have lit nine candles in their honor. Explain your situation and request their assistance, by chanting this incantation aloud:

“Beings of fire

Shining so bright

Fuel my desire

Increase my might.

Help me be strong

All the day long

So in every deed

I’ll surely succeed.”

3. You may notice faint flickerings of light—other than the candles—in the room or sense the energy around you quickening. It might even seem a bit warmer. That means the salamanders are present and willing to work with you.

4. Take up your magick wand and point it toward the south. Envision yourself drawing powerful energy in through the tip of your wand. You might see the wand glow or feel it tingle. Now turn the wand and aim it at yourself. Your movements should be strong and purposeful, not wimpy. Sense the energy you’ve attracted from the south—the region where the salamanders reside—flowing from the wand into your body. Feel yourself growing more powerful, more confident, more alive.

5. Continue using your wand to pull energy and courage from the south in this manner for as long as you like. Remain in the center of the circle of candles until they have all burned down completely. Thank the salamanders for their assistance and leave the circle with renewed vitality and confidence.