Money Spells

Hex Your Ex: And 100+ Other Spells to Right Wrongs and Banish Bad Luck for Good - Adams Media 2019

Money Spells

It’s that dreaded time of the month—time to pay bills, that is. Maybe you’re paying off a car loan or trying to buy another week’s worth of groceries. Maybe your intimidating student loan debt is already staring you down. Or maybe you’re just in need of a little fun, like a night out with friends, a fancy dinner with your partner, or even a plane ticket to someplace exotic. You’ve already tried cutting back on your beloved morning coffee and other so-called unnecessary expenses and working out a budget that makes sense, but those bills keep right on rolling in. So what’s a witch to do? When the going gets tough, just conjure up a little cash to get you through. Whether you’re just trying to pay your bills or want a little extra for something special, magick can help.

Spell to Stop Dreading Bills

Spell to Cover Unexpected Expenses

Spell for When You’ve Gotta Have It

Potion to Get Cash Quickly

Spell to Rein in Spending

Spell for When Your Wallet Disappears

Prosperity Circle to Keep the Money Coming

Oil to Attract the Good Life

Spell for Your Own “Buried Treasure”

Spell to Make a Money Tree

Spell to Attract Elemental Money

Spell to Clear the Way for Wealth

Spell to Become a Millionaire

Spell to “Mint” Your Own Money

Spell for an Attitude of Gratitude

Spell Image Stop Dreading Bills

The key to this spell’s success is simple—just stop dreading those bills! Easier said than done perhaps, but this spell helps give you the attitude shift you need. Remember that your creditors have provided goods or services up front because they’re confident you’ll be able to pay. Now it’s time for you to believe in yourself!


Image A piece of green paper or paper designed to resemble money

Image Scissors

Image A pen that writes gold or silver ink

Image All bills that are due

Image Checkbook

Image A black ribbon

Image Peppermint incense

Image An incense burner

Image Matches or a lighter


Whenever you pay your bills


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Use the scissors to cut the green paper into a rectangle the size and shape of paper currency and write One Million Dollars on it. Use the pen with gold or silver ink to write the following affirmation on the green paper: “I always have enough money to pay my bills. My prosperity increases every day in every way.”

2. After you’ve finished writing checks to cover your bills, stack the receipts and place the piece of green paper on top of them. Tie everything up with the black ribbon. Fit the incense in its burner and light it. Hold the envelopes containing your checks in the smoke for a few moments. Put aside any fears and imagine you have everything you need, when you need it. Open the circle. Repeat this spell every time you pay your bills.

Spell Image Cover Unexpected Expenses

When you least expect it, often at the most inopportune time, something goes wrong. Your car’s air conditioner dies suddenly, or you drop your phone and crack the screen beyond use. Don’t let yourself to get too stressed out about it—here’s the spell you need to generate extra cash to cover those emergency expenses.


Image A ballpoint pen

Image 1 green candle

Image 1 gold candle

Image 1 silver candle

Image 3 candleholders

Image Enough coins to form a circle around all three candles (any denomination)

Image Matches or a lighter


Preferably during the waxing moon, but in an emergency, you can do this spell as necessary


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Using the ballpoint pen, carve the word money on the green candle. Inscribe the gold candle with the word abundance and write now on the silver candle. Set the candles in the candleholders on your altar or another place where they can burn safely. Position them so they form a triangle, with the green and gold candles at the base and the silver one at the apex of the triangle.

2. Next, make a circle around the candles with the coins. Be sure all the coins are face up and that each coin touches those on either side of it. Light the candles and call upon your favorite spiritual helper—a guardian angel, totem animal, or other deity—and ask for assistance in acquiring the money you need.

3. Allow the candles to burn down completely, but don’t leave the burning candles unattended. If you must leave the circle before the candles finish burning, extinguish them and continue the spell later. When the candles have burned completely, open the circle and thank the deity for helping you.

Spell Image When You’ve Gotta Have It

Whether you’ve got your eye on a pair of awesome shoes, a brand-new computer, or anything else that’s a little bit of a splurge for you, this spell helps get you one step closer to whatever your heart desires. You can magickally manifest big things as easily as little ones. The only limits are in your own mind.


Image A clear quartz crystal or an “abundance” crystal (one that contains a greenish mineral called chlorite)

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image A picture or other likeness of the object you’ve “gotta have”

Image Cedar essential oil


During the waxing moon, preferably on a Thursday


1. Wash the crystal with mild soap and water, then pat it dry with the soft cloth. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Hold the crystal in your left hand while you gaze at the picture of the item you’ve “gotta have” and imagine yourself already owning it. Involve feelings and senses in the visualization—the more vivid you make the experience the better.

2. When your mind starts to drift, dab each corner of the picture with the cedar essential oil. Let the scent reinforce your intention to acquire the object you desire. When you feel confident that you’ll receive your heart’s desire, open the circle. Place the picture on your altar, desk, or another place where you’ll see it often. Set the crystal on top of the picture to increase the power of your spell. Look at the picture regularly, reaffirming your intention, until the object materializes.

Potion Image Get Cash Quickly

You need cash and you need it now. The good news is, this magick potion starts working as soon as you drink it. You can either brew this potion as a hot tea or enjoy it as a cool drink. If you like, share it with someone else whose intention to get fast cash is linked with your own.


Image A sharp knife

Image 1/2 teaspoon fresh ginger root

Image 2 tablespoons fresh mint leaves

Image 2 cups spring water

Image Dash cinnamon

Image A clear glass or cup (no designs)

Image The ace of diamonds from a deck of playing cards


During the waxing moon, preferably on a Thursday, but in an emergency, do the spell as necessary


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. With the knife, chop the ginger and mint leaves very fine. Sprinkle them in the spring water, then add a dash of cinnamon. If you wish, heat the water to make a tea (but don’t let it boil). Pour the herb water in a clear glass or cup.

2. Lay the card face up on your altar, table, or countertop and set the glass of water on top of it. Leave it for 5 minutes to allow the image on the card to imprint the water with its vibrations. Drink the water. Open the circle. Repeat the spell daily until the cash arrives.

Spell Image Rein in Spending

Does money seem to be going out faster than it’s coming in? This spell taps the magick of feng shui to slow your cash outflow and help you get a handle on spending.


Image A piece of tumbled hematite

Image A piece of onyx

Image A large stone (one that weighs a pound or two)

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image Your credit cards

Image A black envelope

Image Pine essential oil

Image Your wallet or purse


During the waning moon, preferably on a Saturday


1. Wash the stones with mild soap and water, then pat them dry with a soft cloth. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Sort your credit cards and place the ones you don’t need or use regularly—as many as possible—in the black envelope.

2. Next, dab a little of the pine essential oil on each of the stones. When the oil dries, slip the hematite in your wallet or purse—each time you reach for your cash, touch the stone to remind you of your intention. Open the circle.

3. Stash the envelope in a safe spot and set the piece of onyx on it to symbolically hold down spending. Finally, place the large stone in the wealth sector of your home. To locate this, stand at the entrance (the one you use most often, not necessarily the front door) with your back to the door so you’re looking inside. The rear left-hand corner is the wealth sector.

Spell Image When Your Wallet Disappears

You reach for your wallet and realize it’s not there. But before you panic and let your imagination run wild, stop and perform this quick and easy spell.


Image Nothing but yourself


As needed


1. Close your eyes, take a few slow, deep breaths, and calm yourself. In your mind’s eye see your wallet (or purse) clearly. Now visualize a ball of pure white light completely surrounding your wallet, encasing it safely inside. Imagine your money, credit cards, driver’s license, and so on tucked securely in place.

2. Say or think the following affirmation: “My wallet and its contents are safe and sound. They are returned to me now.” You may also wish to ask your favorite deity to help you locate the lost wallet or to intervene if it’s been stolen. (Of course, you’ll want to notify credit card companies and authorities promptly, especially if your wallet could have been missing for a while and you only just realized it.)

Prosperity Circle Image Keep the Money Coming

Your savings account is looking pretty good right now . . . but you can’t predict what the future will bring. This spell ensures that you’ll always have more than enough money to cover your expenses.


Image 9 small jars (baby food jars are perfect)

Image A pen that writes green, gold, or silver ink

Image A piece of paper

Image Coins (any denomination)

Best time to perform the spell

Daily, beginning during the waxing moon


1. Choose a spot in your home or workplace where you can leave the jars in position permanently, where they won’t be disturbed. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Arrange the empty jars in a circle. Using the colored pen, write the following affirmation on your paper: “I now have plenty of money for everything I need and desire and plenty to share with others.” Lay the paper in the center of the circle of jars and put a coin on top to secure it. Then beginning at the east, work in a clockwise direction and drop one coin in each jar. Repeat the affirmation aloud each time you place a coin in a jar. Open the circle.

2. The next day add another coin to each jar, again starting at the east and working in a clockwise direction. Continue in this manner, adding one coin per day to each jar.

3. When all the jars are full, remove the coins and donate the money to your favorite charity.

4. As you give the money away, repeat three times: “I offer this money with love and gratitude. I now receive my tenfold return, with good to all concerned.” Start filling the jars again. Continue performing this spell and sharing your wealth indefinitely, in order to keep prosperity coming your way forever.

Oil Image Attract the Good Life

This magick potion can be used alone or mixed with other spells. Dress candles with it. Dab it on talismans or sigils. Anoint gemstones, crystals, or magick tools with it. If you use body-safe glitter, you can rub a little on your body. However you use it, this oil helps you attract all forms of abundance.


Image A green glass bottle with a lid or stopper

Image A piece of tiger’s eye or aventurine

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image 4 ounces of olive, almond, or grape seed oil

Image 3 drops of peppermint essential oil

Image Gold or silver glitter


During the waxing moon, preferably on a Thursday


1. Wash the bottle and gemstone with mild soap and water, then pat them dry with the soft cloth. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Pour the olive, almond, or grape seed oil into the bottle. Add the peppermint essential oil and glitter. Drop the tiger’s eye or aventurine in the mixture, then put the lid or stopper on the bottle and shake three times to charge the potion.

2. Open the circle and apply your oil in whatever manner you choose. You can rub it directly on your body, dress candles with it, dab it on crystals and gemstones, or use it to anoint talismans. In fact, this magick oil can be incorporated into most of the spells in this chapter.

Spell Image Your Own “Buried Treasure”

No hunting for a hidden pirate’s chest for you! In this spell, you’re doing the hiding. By symbolically stashing treasure, you’ll “prime the pump” so greater riches can flow to you.


Image A small mirror

Image A tin box with a lid

Image 9 coins

Image A magnet

Image A shovel


During the waxing moon, preferably on a Thursday


1. Begin by casting a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Place the mirror in the bottom of the tin box, with the reflective side up. Lay the coins, one at a time, on top of the mirror while you envision each one multiplying exponentially. Attach the magnet to the inside of the box (on the lid or a side) and visualize it attracting a multitude of coins to you. Put the lid on the box and open the circle.

2. Take your “treasure chest” and the shovel outside and dig a hole beneath a large tree. Bury the box in the ground near the tree’s roots. When you’ve finished, say this incantation aloud:

“By the luck of three times three

This spell now brings great wealth to me.

The magnet draws prosperity.

The mirror doubles all it sees.

My fortune grows as does this tree

And I shall ever blessed be.”

Spell Image Make a Money Tree

Money may not grow on trees, but this spell will help you tap into the tree’s natural growth symbolism to increase your income.


Image Gold and/or silver ribbons

Image Small charms, earrings, beads, and/or crystals

Image Bells or wind chimes


During the waxing moon, preferably in the spring or summer; in the fall or winter, do the spell when the waxing moon is in Taurus


1. Tie the ribbons loosely on the branches of a favorite tree that’s special to you. Hang the other adornments on the branches as well. These objects represent gifts or offerings to the nature spirits, in return for their assistance in bringing you wealth.

2. As you attach each item, state your intention aloud and ask the nature spirits to help you acquire what you desire. When you’ve finished, thank the tree and the nature spirits.

Spell Image Attract Elemental Money

You’ve heard of leprechauns, who are said to possess pots of gold. These mythical characters are based on the earth elementals known as gnomes. If you’re nice to them, they’ll help you acquire your own pot of gold.


Image Chocolate mint cookies

Image A cauldron or bowl


During the waxing moon, preferably when the sun and/or moon is in Taurus


1. Bake or buy chocolate mint cookies. Put a few cookies in your cauldron or bowl and take them outside to a place in nature.

2. Set the cauldron under a bush or at the foot of a tree. Call to the gnomes and tell them you’ve brought them a gift. Explain that you need money and you know they can help you acquire the wealth you desire. Ask for their assistance and thank them in advance for helping you. Treat them with respect, just as you would a person whose aid you were soliciting.

3. In a day or so, return to the spot with more cookies. Put the cookies in the cauldron or bowl and call to the gnomes again. Do the same thing a day or so later, leaving the cookies and the cauldron under the tree. Soon you may notice money, valuables, or financial opportunities coming into your life, perhaps in unexpected ways. Repeat the spell as needed to keep the flow of wealth coming your way.

Spell Image Clear the Way for Wealth

So many expenses, so little money to pay them with. This spell utilizes the ancient Chinese form of magick known as feng shui to clear the way for prosperity and financial success to enter your life.


Image Sage incense


Any time


1. Stand at the door through which you usually enter and leave your home (it may not be your front door) and face in. From this vantage point, locate the section at the rear left-hand corner of your home (you might not actually be able to see it because walls may obscure your vision). This is the area known as your wealth sector and its condition symbolizes your financial condition.

2. Go to this part of your home and visually assess it. Be objective. Is it neat, clean, and orderly? Or cluttered and disorganized? Are there things in this area that you no longer use? Chances are this space could do with a little improvement.

3. Begin by clearing away anything you don’t need or use: furniture, clothes, books, CDs, electrical equipment, old paperwork, etc. Repair or get rid of broken, worn, or nonfunctioning items. As long as your wealth sector is cluttered with old stuff, new money can’t come in. It may take a while, and you might have to do this in stages. Keep your objective in mind while you work.

4. When you’ve finished uncluttering your space, neatly organize what remains. While you’re at it, give the area a good cleaning. Then smudge the space with sage incense to clear it energy-wise.

Spell Image Become a Millionaire

You probably don’t believe you can become a millionaire, do you? Maybe that’s why you haven’t already done it! This spell starts reprogramming your subconscious to believe you can attract a million dollars—and more importantly, to believe that you deserve it.


Image A likeness of a $1,000,000 bill

Image A clear quartz crystal or an “abundance” crystal

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth


During the waxing moon


1. Find a likeness of a $1,000,000 bill. You can download an image from the Internet or simply cut a piece of paper the size and shape of a bill, then write One Million Dollars on it. If you wish, add other images to make the bill look as realistic as possible.

2. Place the million-dollar bill face up on your desk, your altar, or in the wealth sector of your home. To locate this, stand at the entrance to your home (the one you use most often, not necessarily the front door) with your back to the door so you’re looking inside. The rear left-hand corner is the wealth sector.

3. Wash the crystal with mild soap and water, pat it dry with the soft cloth, then set it on top of the bill.

4. Several times each day, pick up the bill and stare at it as you recite the following affirmation: “I now have $1,000,000 free and clear, to do with as I please. This money comes to me in harmony with Divine Will, my own true will, and for the good of all, harming none. I deserve this money and I accept it thankfully.”

5. You don’t have to know how the money will come to you, all you have to do is believe it is already on its way. Repeat this spell until you succeed.

Spell Image “Mint” Your Own Money

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could mint your own money? Well, now you can! No, we’re not talking about counterfeiting. Instead, use magick to make your wealth grow.


Image A likeness of a $1,000,000 bill

Image A green ceramic flowerpot

Image Potting soil

Image Spearmint or peppermint seeds, or a small mint plant

Image Water


During the waxing moon, preferably when the sun or moon is in Taurus


1. Find a likeness of a $1,000,000 bill. You can download an image from the Internet or simply cut a piece of paper to the size and shape of a bill, then write One Million Dollars on it. If you wish, add other images to make the bill look as realistic as possible.

2. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fold the bill three times and place it in the bottom of the ceramic flowerpot. Fill the pot with soil. Plant the seeds or seedling in the soil and water it.

3. As you work, repeat this incantation:

“Every day

In every way


Now comes to me.”

4. When you’ve finished, open the circle. Set the flowerpot in a spot where light and other conditions are favorable. Continue caring for your mint plant and remember to recite the incantation daily. When you trim the plant, save the leaves and dry them to use in talismans. As the plant grows, so will your finances.

Spell Image an Attitude of Gratitude

Your finances don’t look good and you can’t see any relief on the horizon. However, worrying about the problem will only make it worse. This spell works by shifting your attitude from one of lack to one of abundance.


Image A notebook or journal

Image A pen that writes green ink


Every day


1. Each morning, begin the day by writing at least one thing you are thankful for in a notebook or journal with your green pen. It might be good health; it might be a loving family. It could be something nice that happened to you the previous day, such as receiving a phone call from an old friend or getting a bargain at the supermarket.

2. Each night, read some or all of your entries. Pretty soon you’ll notice your thinking is beginning to change. You no longer entertain a poverty consciousness. Instead, you see yourself as rich in many ways. Because like attracts like, that sense of abundance will draw more prosperity to you.