Love Spells

Hex Your Ex: And 100+ Other Spells to Right Wrongs and Banish Bad Luck for Good - Adams Media 2019

Love Spells

It will probably come as no surprise, but some of the most common spells are—you guessed it—love spells. Whether you’re looking for something to help smooth over a silly argument, prepare you for the next big steps in your relationship, or even get you noticed by someone you like, you’ll find the spells you need here. Love spells can be tricky and can sometimes seem a little questionable. It’s easy to let your heart rule your head, so make sure you give yourself time to think about what you really want in a relationship. What are your motives for casting a spell? Do you really want to snag a guy who’s not that into you? If your girlfriend is cheating on you, do you really want her back? Don’t forget: it’s just as important to practice self-love and remember that you deserve only kindness and respect in all of your romantic relationships.

Balm to Reclaim Your Broken Heart

Spell to End an Argument

Spell to Get You Noticed

Spell to Turn Up the Heat

Spell to Tie Down a Cheating Partner

Spell to Leave Bad Relationships Behind

Amulet to Block Unwanted Attention

Lie Detector Serum

Talisman to Reignite Your Romance

Spell to Redirect a Flirtatious Friend

Talisman for Next-Level Relationships

Lotion for Maximum Spark

Potion for Extra Romance

Spell to Set a Jealous Partner Straight

Balm Image Reclaim Your Broken Heart

She rejects your love. He finds someone else. There’s nothing good about a broken heart. This spell helps you take back your heart by easing the pain of losing the one you love(d).


Image A piece of rose quartz

Image A glass jar or bottle, preferably green, with a lid or stopper

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image 9 ounces of olive, almond, or grape seed oil

Image 6 drops of rose, jasmine, or ylang-ylang essential oil

Image 1/4 teaspoon of dried chamomile leaves


Begin on the new moon and continue for as long as necessary


1. Wash the rose quartz and the jar or bottle with mild soap and water, then pat them dry with the soft cloth. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Pour the olive, almond, or grape seed oil into the jar. Add the essential oil and inhale the fragrance, allowing it to relax your mind. Crush the chamomile leaves very fine and sprinkle them in the oil. Add the rose quartz.

2. Cap the jar and shake it three times to blend and charge the ingredients. Open the circle.

3. Before going to bed, pour a little of the magick balm into your palm and dip your index finger in it. Then rub the oil on your skin at your heart center. Feel it gently soothing the pain. Take several slow, deep breaths, inhaling the pleasant scent, letting it calm your thoughts and emotions. Repeat each night and each morning until your sadness diminishes.

Spell Image End an Argument

You’ve had an argument, and all you’re feeling right now is frustrated, hurt, and angry. Those tricky feelings might be keeping you from making up, so try this spell to help bring you back together peacefully.


Image A clear quartz crystal

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image A ballpoint pen

Image A piece of paper

Image Jasmine essential oil

Image 2 pink candles

Image 2 candleholders

Image Matches or a lighter


As soon as possible


1. Wash the quartz crystal with mild soap and water, then pat it dry with the soft cloth. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. On the piece of paper write down everything you like and enjoy about your partner. When you’ve finished, put a drop of essential oil on each corner of the paper and fold it three times.

2. Use the ballpoint pen to inscribe your name on one of the candles and your beloved’s name on the other. Dress the candles by rubbing a little essential oil on them (not on the wicks). Fit the candles in their holders and position them on your altar, a table, or other flat surface, so they are about a foot apart. Lay the folded piece of paper between the candles and set the crystal on top of the paper. Light the candles.

3. Close your eyes and bring to mind an image of your partner. Say to that image: “I honor the Divine within you. I forgive you and I forgive myself. I am grateful for the good times we’ve known together. I bless you and love you. Namaste.” Let go of anger, resentment, recrimination, criticism, and so forth that you have held toward your partner. When you’re ready, open your eyes and snuff out the candles. Open the circle.

4. If necessary, repeat the spell the next day, only this time move the two candles a little closer together. Do this spell daily, moving the candles closer each time, until you’ve mended the rift between you.

Spell Image Get You Noticed

Does it sometimes seem like you’re invisible? If you aren’t getting the attention you seek, it’s time to boost your personal power! This spell helps you raise energy and project it into your environment, so that other people will notice you.


Image A clear quartz crystal

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image A drum or gong


During the full moon


1. Wash the quartz crystal with mild soap and water, then pat it dry with the soft cloth. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Stand or sit in the center of the circle with the drum or gong. Place the crystal nearby.

2. Play the drum or gong. Feel the vibration breaking down the wall around you that prevents people from seeing you clearly. Imagine you are drawing energy up from the Earth, through your feet, into your body. Envision it as a brilliant silver light moving up your legs and spine, until your entire body is filled with a glow.

3. Continue playing the drum or gong as you now imagine drawing energy down from the heavens. Visualize this as golden light flowing into the crown of your head, down your spine, until your whole body is alive with a golden glow. Pick up the crystal and hold it to your heart.

4. Strike the drum or gong one time as you imagine the mixture of silver and gold light radiating outward from your heart. As it flows through the crystal the light is magnified tenfold and spreads out, filling the room. Strike the drum or gong again as you send the light further, into the environment outside. You can project this powerful light as far and wide as you choose.

5. When you feel confident and secure in your newfound radiance, open the circle. Pick up the crystal and carry it with you at all times. It will retain the energy of the spell and continue resonating with it, enhancing your personal power wherever you go.

Spell Image Turn Up the Heat

Has the spark gone out of your relationship? Not to worry—this spell uses cayenne pepper and ginger to add some spice right back into your love life. It also lets you play with a little bit of fire to really heat things up between you and your partner.


Image A fireplace, balefire pit, barbecue grill, hibachi, or other place where you can light a fire safely

Image Firewood or charcoal (note: don’t burn charcoal indoors)

Image Matches or a lighter

Image A piece of paper

Image A pen that writes red ink

Image Cayenne pepper

Image Mustard seeds

Image Ginger

Image Jasmine

Image Rosemary

Image Bay leaves


During the waxing moon, preferably on a Tuesday


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Build a small fire.

2. On the paper, use your red pen to write what you find enticing about your partner and what you desire from them. Be as descriptive and explicit as you like—no one but you will read what you’ve written. When you’ve finished, draw the runes Gebo (which looks like an X) and Teiwaz (which looks like an arrow pointing up) around the edges of the paper. These two symbols represent love and passion, respectively.

3. Place the spices on the paper and fold it to make a packet that contains them. Visualize you and your lover in a passionate embrace. As you hold this image in your mind, toss the packet into the fire. As it burns, your intention is released into the universe. Open the circle.

Spell Image Tie Down a Cheating Partner

Few things hurt as much as being betrayed by the one you love. This spell puts a magick “leash” on your wayward partner so they will stay close to home. A word of warning: by casting this spell you bind your partner to you and vice versa, so be certain that’s what you truly want before going ahead. This spell could take some time so feel free to perform it in stages.


Image Thread

Image A needle

Image Your partner’s underpants (ideally, all of the undies)


On a Saturday, when the sun or moon is in Taurus


1. Cast a circle. Thread your needle and sew a stitch into the waistband of the first pair of underpants (try to do this so it doesn’t show). Tie a knot and say or think this affirmation: “[Name] is faithful to me only, and we are very happy together.” Make another stitch, tie a knot, and repeat the affirmation.

2. Continue in this manner until you’ve sewn a complete circle around the waistband of his or her underpants, with lots of little knots tied along the way. The string of knots, sometimes called a “witch’s ladder,” holds your intention firmly in place and symbolically ties the two of you together in an exclusive partnership.

3. When you’ve finished sewing as many garments as you feel up to working on, say aloud: “This spell is done in harmony with Divine Will, our own true wills, and for the good of all, harming none.” This disclaimer invites a higher power to take it from here and neutralizes the manipulative aspect of the spell. If, ultimately, the relationship isn’t in your best interests, you’re giving Divine Will license to act on your behalf to release you from the spell.

4. Open the circle. Repeat the spell as many times as necessary until you’ve stitched your intention into every pair of your lover’s underpants.

Spell Image Leave Bad Relationships Behind

You and your partner no longer see eye to eye, and you both know it’s time to move on. This spell severs the bond between you, so you can both get on with your individual lives. If you wish—and your soon-to-be-ex agrees—you can enact this spell together to finalize the break.


Image A fireplace, balefire pit, barbecue grill, hibachi, or other place where you can light a fire safely

Image Matches or a lighter

Image Firewood or charcoal (note: don’t burn charcoal indoors)

Image 2 pieces of black cord

Image Scissors

Image A handful of dried ash leaves


During the waning moon, preferably on a Saturday


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Build a small fire.

2. Tie the two pieces of cord together. If you are doing this spell with your partner, give him or her one piece of cord and hold the other piece yourself. Say aloud: “This knot represents the bond between us.” With the scissors, cut through the knot, separating the cords again. Say aloud: “The bond between us is now severed. What was two, then one, is now two again.”

3. Drop the cords into the fire, then scatter the ash leaves in the flames. Envision the separation between you; see yourself walking away from the relationship alone. Say aloud: “Go in peace [partner’s name] and let there be peace between us always. Blessed be.” Open the circle.

Amulet Image Block Unwanted Attention

Some people just won’t take no for answer, no matter how many times you tell them you’re not interested. If they won’t leave you alone, take a hint from social media and block them . . . in real life! This amulet helps you repel unwanted attention and establish clear boundaries.


Image A piece of amber

Image A piece of onyx

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image Pine incense

Image An incense burner

Image Matches or a lighter

Image A piece of paper

Image A pen that writes black ink

Image A black pouch, preferably silk or leather

Image Dried basil leaves

Image Anise or fennel seeds

Image An ash leaf

Image A white ribbon

Image Salt water


During the waning moon, preferably on a Saturday


1. Wash the amber and the onyx with mild soap and water, then pat them dry with the soft cloth. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fit the incense in its burner and light it.

2. On the paper, draw a sigil that uses the letters in the word protection (see Chapter 4). As you work, envision yourself safe and sound, completely surrounded by a sphere of pure white light that no one can penetrate without your permission. When you’ve finished, draw a circle around the sigil and fold the paper so it’s small enough to fit into the pouch. Put the sigil, botanicals, amber, and onyx into the pouch.

3. Tie it closed with the white ribbon, making eight knots. Each time you tie a knot repeat this incantation aloud:

“From energies I don’t invite

This charm protects me day and night.”

4. Sprinkle the amulet with salt water, then hold it in the incense smoke for a few moments to charge it. Open the circle. Wear or carry the amulet with you at all times, until the annoying person stops bothering you.

Lie Detector Serum

Do you suspect your partner isn’t telling you the truth? This spell acts as a lie detector and helps you get to the heart of the matter. Instead of administering the truth serum to your partner, you drink it yourself to open your second sight. But there’s no going back once you take a sip, so be sure you really want to know what’s going on before you drink up . . .


Image 6 cups water

Image 1 nettle tea bag

Image 1 chamomile tea bag

Image 1 yarrow tea bag

Image A cup

Image 1/2 teaspoon honey

Image 1 dark blue candle

Image 1 candleholder

Image Matches or a lighter

Image A scrying tool (a reflective surface, such as a dark mirror, a crystal ball, a large clear quartz crystal, or a dark bowl filled with water)


On the night of the full moon


1. Heat the water and add the nettle, chamomile, and yarrow tea bags. Allow to steep for several minutes, then cool. Add honey to sweeten it. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Sip the tea while you allow your mind to relax and grow receptive.

2. When you’ve finished the tea, fit the candle in its holder and set it on your altar, a table, or other surface so the candle flame will be at your eye level when you’re sitting down. Light the candle and gaze into its flickering flame for a few moments. Set the scrying tool near the candle, so the light reflects in it.

3. Think about your partner and the issue about which you have concerns. When you feel ready to learn the truth, look into the scrying tool and behold your partner’s face before you in the reflective surface.

4. Ask whatever you want to know. You might see visions, hear a verbal response, feel a reaction in your body, or merely sense what’s true. Trust your intuition.

5. Continue scrying for as long as you wish, asking more questions if you desire. When you’ve received all the information you seek or can process at present, extinguish the candle and open the circle.

Talisman Image Reignite Your Romance

You’re starting to think you’re losing interest in your partner. You miss the days when your relationship was spontaneous and fun. Get the romance and passion you need with this talisman, which draws upon the energies of gemstones to help rekindle your enthusiasm.


Image Carnelian beads with holes drilled in them

Image Opal beads with holes drilled in them

Image Pearls with holes drilled in them

Image Moonstone beads with holes drilled in them

Image Red coral beads with holes drilled in them

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image Jeweler’s wire, enough to make a necklace

Image Ylang-ylang or jasmine essential oil


During the waxing moon, preferably on a Friday


1. Wash the gemstones with mild soap and water, then pat them dry with the soft cloth. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Begin stringing the beads on the jeweler’s wire. String the stones in any combination, as many of each as you feel you need. Carnelian sparks passion. Opal encourages romance. Pearl promotes harmony. Moonstone makes you more accepting of your lover. Red coral heightens desire.

2. As you work, remember the good times you’ve enjoyed with your beloved. Concentrate especially on the passionate, romantic, and exciting moments between you.

3. Make the necklace as long as you like. When you’ve strung all the gemstone beads, dot each bead with a little essential oil. Allow the scent to imprint itself on your subconscious. Open the circle. Wear your magick necklace to reawaken passion in your partnership.

Spell Image Redirect a Flirtatious Friend

Is a friend getting a little too friendly with your partner? This spell uses sympathetic magick to convey your message: hands off!


Image A poppet

Image Glue or tape

Image A photo of your friend

Image A marker to write on the figurine

Image A black ribbon

Image A box with a lid, big enough to put the figurine in


During the waning moon, preferably on a Saturday


1. If possible, create the poppet yourself out of wax, clay, cloth, or wood. If you aren’t handy you can purchase a readymade one instead. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Glue or tape the photo of your friend on the poppet.

2. With the marker write your friend’s full name on the poppet. Say aloud: “Figure of [whatever material the poppet is made of], I name you [your friend’s name] and command you to keep your hands off [your beloved’s name].”

3. Tie the poppet’s hands with the black ribbon. Place the poppet in the box and close it.

4. Say aloud: “This spell is cast with love and compassion, harming none. Blessed be.”

5. Open the circle. Place the poppet in the friendship sector of your home. To locate this spot, stand at the door you use most often to enter and leave your home, facing in. The friendship sector is to your right.

Talisman Image Next-Level Relationships

Are you having trouble taking the next steps in your relationship? Whether that’s having the dreaded “what are we to each other?” talk or planning for a future together, this talisman helps deepen and stabilize the feelings between you and your partner. However, in order to make this spell work you’ll act in a way that seems contrary to your intentions: stop pushing for a commitment and give your partner the space he or she needs.


Image A piece of rose quartz

Image A piece of smoky quartz

Image A piece of carnelian

Image A piece of hematite

Image A gold, silver, or copper ring

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image Rose or jasmine incense

Image An incense burner

Image Matches or a lighter

Image A pink or rose silk pouch

Image A strand of your hair

Image A strand of your partner’s hair

Image A red ribbon

Image Salt water


On a Friday during the waxing moon, preferably when the sun and/or moon is in Taurus or Libra


1. Wash the gemstones and the ring with mild soap and water, then pat them dry with the soft cloth.

2. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Fit the incense in its burner and light it. Put the four stones into the silk pouch. Tie the strands of hair around the ring if they’re long enough; if not, simply put the hairs and the ring into the pouch.

3. Close the pouch with the red ribbon, tying eight knots. As you tie each knot, repeat this incantation:

“I love you and you love me

Together we shall always be

And live in perfect harmony.”

4. When you’ve finished, sprinkle the talisman with salt water then hold it in the incense smoke for a few moments to charge your charm. Say aloud: “This is done in harmony with Divine Will, our own true wills, and for the good of all.”

5. Open the circle. Place the talisman in the relationship sector of your bedroom. To locate this spot, stand at the entrance to your bedroom, facing in. The relationship sector is the rear right-hand corner.

Lotion Image Maximum Spark

Are you missing the passion and happiness in your relationship lately? This lotion stimulates the senses to create loving feelings between you and your partner and deepen your connection to one another.


Image A copper bowl

Image A silver or silver-plated spoon

Image A glass or china container with a lid (ideally the container should be pink or red, and/or decorated with designs that represent love to you, such as roses or hearts)

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image Unscented massage oil or lotion

Image Essential oils of rose, jasmine, ylang-ylang, patchouli, and/or musk (Choose the scents you like: one, two, or all of them. If you choose to use three or more essential oils, you may only add 1—2 drops of each, while you may use 5—6 if you select only one oil.)


During the waxing moon, preferably on a Friday


1. Wash the bowl, spoon, and container with mild soap and water, then pat them dry with the soft cloth. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell.

2. Pour the massage oil or lotion into the copper bowl. Add a few drops of one of the essential oils you’ve chosen.

3. Using the silver spoon, stir the mixture making three clockwise circles. Add a few drops of the second essential oil (if you’ve opted to include more than one).

4. Again, make three clockwise circles to stir the blend. Repeat this process each time you add an essential oil. The more essential oil you add, the stronger the scent will be, so modify the number of drops you add depending on how many scents you choose.

5. As you work, envision a beautiful pink light running from your heart to your partner’s heart, growing to envelop you both in its radiant glow. When you’ve finished, pour the lotion/oil into the glass/china container and put the lid on. Open the circle.

6. Choose a time and place where you and your partner can spend an extended period of time together, undisturbed. Take turns massaging each other with the magick lotion. Relax and engage your senses. Allow the soothing touch and fragrant oils to enhance the connection between you.

Potion Image Extra Romance

Your relationship isn’t bad, it’s just a little flat—like soda without the bubbles. This spell is designed to pump some romance back into the partnership. Perform it with your partner.


Image 2 rose-colored candles

Image 2 candleholders

Image Matches or a lighter

Image A chalice

Image Sparkling apple cider

Image 3 drops of California wild rose flower essence (available at health food stores or online)


During the waxing moon, preferably on a Friday or when the sun and/or moon is in Libra


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell so that both of you are inside the circle. Set the candles on your altar (or a table, mantel, and so forth). Light one yourself and let your lover light the other candle.

2. Pour the cider into your chalice. Add the flower essence. Share the drink, passing the chalice back and forth, while you focus on your desire for one another. When you’ve finished the drink, extinguish the candles and open the circle.

Spell Image Set a Jealous Partner Straight

Your partner overreacts whenever you look at or talk to someone else, even though they know they have no reason to worry. Jealousy and mistrust are driving a wedge between you. This magick spell helps chase away envy and sweetens the situation for you both.


Image A ballpoint pen

Image 1 small pink pillar candle—not a dripless one

Image Jasmine essential oil

Image A heat-resistant glass, ceramic, or metal plate

Image Matches or a lighter

Image Dried white rose petals

Image Dried nettle


During the waning moon, preferably on a Friday, or when the sun and/or moon is in Libra


1. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. With the ballpoint pen, inscribe your partner’s name on the candle; the candle represents your partner. Dress the candle by rubbing a little of the jasmine essential oil on it (not on the wick).

2. Set the candle on the plate and light it. Gaze at the candle and imagine you are looking at your partner. Explain your feelings and tell your partner how much you care, how important the relationship is to you. Reassure this person that you are trustworthy. Think only positive thoughts. Allow the candle to burn down completely.

3. While the melted wax is still warm, crumble the rose petals and the dried nettle. Sprinkle the botanicals on the wax. Then form the soft wax into the shape of a heart. Open the circle and give the wax heart to your partner as a token of your affection and fidelity.