Healing Spells

Hex Your Ex: And 100+ Other Spells to Right Wrongs and Banish Bad Luck for Good - Adams Media 2019

Healing Spells

Your racing mind is keeping you awake at all hours of the night. Your best friend has come down with a cold that just won’t seem to quit. Your partner overdid it at the gym and you can’t stand listening to them complain about their sore muscles another second longer. Time to whip up some magick to cure whatever ails you! Remember: magick spells are not a substitute for professional care. It’s also important to remember that sometimes an illness has a purpose and can point us toward other parts of our lives that need a change. For instance, if you find yourself fighting the flu, that might be a sign that you’ve been working too hard and need a rest. The same goes for other people. Although it seems compassionate to want to help others, always ask, either directly or by speaking to that person’s higher self, if it’s really the right thing to do for their overall well-being.

Spell to Soothe the Common Cold

Potion for Healthy Weight Loss

Spell for a Speedy Recovery

Spell for Healing Energy

Spell to Cure a Headache

Ritual for Less Stress

Spell for Sweet Dreams Only

Potion for a Good Night’s Sleep

Potion to Keep Your Cool

Herb Garden for Healing

Ritual for Clear, Radiant Skin

Lotion for Post-Gym Aches

Spell to Soothe Sore Eyes

Dance for Health and Happiness

Ritual for Reclaiming Energy

Ritual to Restore and Re-Energize

Ritual for Restoring Balance

Spell to Balance Your Chakras

Potion for a Healing Pick-Me-Up

Spell Image Soothe the Common Cold

It’s cold and flu season, and you’re definitely not at your best. A little herbal magick plus some TLC can relieve those miserable symptoms fast and make you feel better all over.


Image Spring water

Image Hyssop leaves and flowers

Image A strainer

Image A bathtub

Image 1 aqua beeswax candle with a cotton wick

Image 1 candleholder

Image Matches or a lighter


As needed


1. Brew a strong tea from the spring water and hyssop leaves and/or flowers. Strain the herb residue from the water. Fill a bathtub with comfortably hot water and add the tea to it. Fit the candle in its holder and light it. Get into the tub and soak for as long as you like, inhaling the soothing scent of hyssop.

2. Focus your mind on loving thoughts and feelings. Envision yourself surrounded by love. As you inhale, imagine you are bringing love into your body. See and sense love circulating throughout your entire body, from head to foot. Spend several minutes doing this. Let the loving energy gently nourish you, strengthening your system so it can throw off the cold.

3. Remain in the tub for as long as you like. After you get out of the bathwater, extinguish the candle. Repeat this ritual whenever you like.

Potion Image Healthy Weight Loss

Your jeans are getting tight and you’re not sure you want to be seen in a swimsuit just now. Other than the usual diet and exercise regime, is there anything you can do to safely shed those unwanted pounds? This magick potion works at a subconscious level to silence hunger pangs and prevent overeating.


Image Spring water

Image Unsweetened green apple tea (not spiced apple)

Image A hot pink ceramic cup

Image 1 hot pink candle

Image 1 candleholder

Image Matches or a lighter


During the waning moon


1. When you feel hungry, instead of eating something you shouldn’t, brew a pot of green apple tea using spring water. Pour the tea into the bright pink cup. Fit the candle into its holder, set it on the dining room or kitchen table, and light it. Sit and gaze at the candle while you inhale the refreshing scent of the tea.

2. Drink the cup of tea slowly, keeping your attention focused on the candle. Feel your hunger pangs gradually subside. Repeat as necessary.

Spell Image a Speedy Recovery

An illness or injury has you temporarily sidelined. This simple spell uses the color green, symbolizing healthy plants, to aid your recovery. Repeat it often and you’ll be back in the game soon.


Image A green ribbon long enough to tie around the afflicted body part

Image A green light bulb or green filter that will color the light from an ordinary lamp


During the waxing moon to promote new tissue growth or to increase vitality; during the waning moon to eliminate an unwanted condition or to decrease unpleasant symptoms


1. Tie the ribbon comfortably around the part of your body that is injured or ailing. Make sure it doesn’t interfere with an open wound or other skin damage. As you tie it, say aloud: “I am radiantly healthy and whole, in body, mind, and spirit.”

2. Shine the green light on the afflicted area for a few minutes, while you visualize yourself completely healed. Don’t think about the injury or illness; imagine the end result you desire instead.

3. Repeat this “green light” treatment several times a day. Leave the ribbon in place until the condition is healed, then remove it and burn it.

Spell Image Healing Energy

This spell draws upon the powers of heaven and Earth to help heal any condition. What’s great about this spell is that you can do it for yourself or for someone else, even if the other person isn’t physically present. Just remember to ask that person’s permission first.


Image A magick wand


Any time


1. Cast a circle around yourself. If you are doing the spell for another person who is physically present, cast the circle around both of you. Stand in the center of the circle with your feet about shoulder-width apart.

2. Close your eyes. Hold the wand over your head with both hands, with your arms outstretched and straight. Point the tip of the wand at the sky and say aloud: “With this wand I draw down the healing force of the heavens.” In your mind’s eye see light flowing into the wand, making it glow brightly.

3. Open your eyes and point the tip of the wand at the afflicted part of your body (or the other person’s). If the person for whom you are doing this spell is not physically present, aim the wand toward his or her location. Envision the light you collected from the heavens flowing into the injured or ailing body part, zapping it with healing rays.

4. When you sense that all the light has been transferred from the wand to the body, point the wand at the ground. Close your eyes and say aloud: “With this wand I draw up the healing force of Mother Earth.” In your mind’s eye see light flowing into the wand from the center of the Earth, making it glow brightly.

5. Open your eyes and aim the tip of the wand at the afflicted part of your body (or the other person’s). Envision the light you collected from the earth flowing into the injured or ailing body part, zapping it with healing rays until all the light has been transferred from the wand to the body. When you’ve finished, thank the forces of heaven and Earth for assisting you and open the circle.

Spell Image Cure a Headache

It’s been a stressful day and your head feels like someone is tightening a clamp around it. The key to this spell is detaching yourself from the pain, rather than resisting it.


Image Nothing but yourself


Any time


1. Sit in a comfortable place. Close your eyes. Acknowledge the presence of the pain, rather than fighting it. Don’t identify with it, however. Envision it as something that’s not a part of you. Mentally step back, so that your awareness is slightly above and outside your head, and simply observe the pain without emotion.

2. Hold your thumb and your index finger on either side of the back of your neck, where it joins the base of the skull. Apply firm pressure for a minute or more, while you breathe slowly and deeply. Each time you inhale, imagine taking clear light blue air into your lungs. See the soothing blue air rise into your head and gently swirl around inside your skull.

3. After a minute or so, let go of your neck and press your index finger to your “third eye,” in the middle of your forehead.

4. Continue breathing in blue air for a minute or two. Release the pressure on your third eye and hold your index fingers to your temples. Apply firm pressure for at least a minute, while you inhale healing blue light, then release. Open your eyes. Repeat as necessary.

Ritual Image Less Stress

While you may not be able to avoid stress all the time, you can definitely keep it from getting you down. This ritual helps you release stress and stay calm in the presence of everyday annoyances.


Image A tumbled chunk of amethyst

Image A tumbled chunk of rose quartz

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image Soothing music (New Age or classical is best, either instrumental or chanting, without a catchy rhythm or lyrics)

Image A ballpoint pen

Image Lavender, vanilla, sweet orange, or ylang-ylang essential oil

Image 1 blue candle

Image 1 candleholder

Image Matches or a lighter


Any time


1. Wash the gemstones with mild soap and water, then pat them dry with the soft cloth. Start the music you’ve chosen. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. With the ballpoint pen inscribe the word peace on the candle. Dress the candle by rubbing a little essential oil on it (not on the wick). Fit the candle in its holder and light it.

2. Hold one gemstone in each hand. Sit in a comfortable place and close your eyes. Begin breathing slowly and deeply. Inhale the soothing scent and allow it to calm your mind. Rub the smooth stones with your fingers. Feel the stones neutralize stress, irritability, and anxiety. Focus on your breathing, paying attention to each inhalation and exhalation. If your mind starts to wander, gently bring it back and say or think the word peace.

3. Spend at least ten minutes this way, longer if you wish. When you feel ready, open your eyes and extinguish the candle. Open the circle. Let the music continue playing or shut it off. Carry the stones with you and rub them whenever stress starts to mount.

Spell Image Sweet Dreams Only

You need your sleep, but when you do doze off, bad dreams disturb your rest. This bedtime ritual relaxes your mind so you can get a good night’s sleep. Do this spell at least fifteen minutes after brushing your teeth, as mint toothpaste or mouthwash will nullify the effects of the white chestnut.


Image A piece of amethyst

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image 1 dark blue votive candle

Image Matches or a lighter

Image A glass of spring water

Image 4 drops white chestnut flower essence (available from health food stores or online)

Image A piece of paper

Image A pen or pencil


Before going to bed


1. Wash the amethyst with mild soap and water, and pat it dry with the soft cloth. Light the votive candle and spend a few moments gazing into the flame to relax your mind. Put four drops of white chestnut flower essence in the glass of water and sip it slowly. On the paper, make a list of all the things you must remember to do tomorrow. Once you’ve written down these tasks your mind can stop reminding you of them.

2. Turn the paper over and draw the I Ching hexagram T’ai/Peace on it. This symbol consists of six lines stacked one on top of the other. Each of the top three lines looks like two dashes side by side. The bottom three lines are solid. Lay the piece of paper on your nightstand with the I Ching hexagram facing up. Set the amethyst on top of the symbol.

3. Extinguish the candle. Get into bed and feel the soothing resonances of the flower essence and the amethyst quieting your thoughts. If your mind strays to worrisome matters, gently stop yourself and replace those thoughts with a mental image of the symbol T’ai.

Potion Image a Good Night’s Sleep

This magick potion will quiet your thoughts and emotions so you can sleep better. It can also inspire prophetic dreams as well as dreams that offer guidance in your waking hours.


Image A silver or silver-plated bowl

Image A moonstone

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image Spring water

Image A glass bottle with a cap or stopper


During the full moon


1. On the night of the full moon, wash the bowl and the moonstone with mild soap and water, then place the stone in the bowl. Fill the bowl with spring water. Set it where the moon will be reflected in the water. Allow the water to sit overnight. In the morning, remove the moonstone and pour the moon-imprinted water into the bottle.

2. Each night before retiring, sip a little of the potion to help you sleep better. Pay attention to your dreams too—they may hold answers to daily dilemmas or offer glimpses into the future. Make a new batch of this potion at each full moon.

Potion Image Keep Your Cool

This magick potion helps you beat the heat, whether it’s physical or psychological. The secret ingredient is aquamarine, a pale blue gem whose name comes from the Latin word for seawater. This potion is meant for drinking, or you could also soak a clean cotton cloth in the potion to make a cooling poultice. Lay the cloth on your forehead to ease a headache or over your eyes to soothe eyestrain.


Image An aquamarine

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A chalice

Image Spring water

Best time to perform the spell

Any time


1. Wash the aquamarine with mild soap and water. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Place the aquamarine in the bottom of your chalice, then fill the chalice with water.

2. Swirl the water in the chalice in a counterclockwise direction to charge it, while you chant this incantation:

“I am healed

In body and mind

Of imbalances

Of any kind.”

3. Remove the aquamarine. As you drink the potion, imagine you are immersing yourself in a refreshing pool of water to keep your cool. Open the circle. Store unused water in the fridge, preferably in a clear glass bottle, and keep some on hand for emergencies.

Herb Garden Image Healing

Early healers grew their own medicinal and magick herbs to cure all manner of illness. You, too, can grow a magick herb garden and have fresh, healing herbs available when you need them for teas, poultices, lotions, balms, and spells. If you don’t have space for an outdoor garden, plant herbs in flowerpots or window boxes. Start with a few and add to your garden as your skills and needs expand.


Image Aloe (for burns, constipation, and stomach ulcers)

Image Basil (for insect stings and bites)

Image Blackberry (for diarrhea, colds, and sore throats)

Image Chamomile (for digestive disorders, nervous conditions, and insomnia)

Image Comfrey (for congestion and stomach complaints)

Image Dandelion (for skin disorders)

Image Echinacea (for colds and flu)

Image Garlic (to clean wounds and prevent infection)

Image Lavender (for relaxation)

Image Marigold (for rashes, eczema, and skin irritations)

Image Parsley (to cleanse the kidneys and liver)

Image Peppermint (for nausea and colds)

Image Raspberry (for female complaints)

Image Rosemary (for headaches and insomnia)

Image Sage (to staunch bleeding; for sore muscles)

Image St. John’s wort (for bronchitis and lung congestion)

Image Verbena (for coughs, breathing difficulties, and fevers)


During the waxing moon, preferably when the sun or moon is in Taurus or Virgo


1. Consider every step of your gardening process—planting, watering, tending, and harvesting—to be a magickal act. Invite the nature spirits to assist you.

2. Talk to your plants and thank them for helping you, especially when you harvest them.

Ritual Image Clear, Radiant Skin

Are you bothered by skin imperfections or annoying spots on your face? When you do this simple ritual you focus positive energy onto your face to clear and rejuvenate your skin.


Image Nothing but yourself


Every day


1. Close your eyes and begin breathing slowly and deeply. Rub your palms together vigorously, until they feel quite warm. Beginning at your collarbones, hold your hands an inch or so away from your body with your palms turned toward you. Move your hands upward, over your face, to the top of your head. When you get to the top of your head, flick your hands sharply as if throwing off water—you are actually shaking off unwanted energy.

2. As you move your hands, imagine you are drawing off all the tension and impurities that lead to pimples, dryness, and other imperfections. Envision healing, invigorating energy infusing your skin with good health. Repeat these movements six more times (for a total of seven passes). Perform this quick and easy ritual each morning and each night to stimulate your own inherent vitality and regenerative abilities.

Lotion Image Post-Gym Aches

You’ve overdone it at the gym and now your muscles are making their displeasure known. This herbal balm helps soothe sore muscles and relieve minor aches and pains.


Image A glass jar, bottle, or other container with a lid

Image A small clear quartz crystal

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth

Image 9 ounces of olive, almond, or grape seed oil

Image 2 drops camphor essential oil

Image 2 drops clove essential oil

Image 2 drops lavender essential oil

Image Fresh ginger

Image A grater

Best time to perform the spell

As needed


1. Wash the jar/bottle and the crystal with mild soap and water, then pat them dry with a soft cloth. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell. Pour the olive, almond, or grape seed oil into the bottle. Add two drops of each essential oil. Grate the fresh ginger very fine and add a little to the oil mixture.

2. Hold the quartz crystal to your “third eye,” in the middle of your forehead, and send a vision of soothing, healing energy into the crystal. You might see it as blue or green light. Then put the crystal into the oil mixture and cap the jar/bottle. Shake the jar/bottle three times to charge it. Open the circle. Rub the healing lotion on your sore muscles to alleviate pain. Repeat as necessary.

Spell Image Soothe Sore Eyes

You didn’t get enough sleep last night, and all day you’ve been staring at a computer screen. Now your poor eyes feel like they’re full of sand. Instead of using over-the-counter eye drops, try this quick spell to ease soreness and fatigue.


Image Nothing but yourself

Best time to perform the spell

Any time


Rub your hands together vigorously for a few moments, until your palms are very warm. Close your eyes and relax. Hold your palms over your eyes, letting the stimulating energy you’ve raised provide comfort and rejuvenation. Repeat as necessary.

Dance Image Health and Happiness

Dancing has long been used as a form of therapy for all types of ailments. It is taught at hospitals and mental health facilities as a fun way to treat emotional as well as physical ills. It works like magick to chase your blues away and it’s great exercise! Ask a friend or partner to join you for added fun.


Image Lively music (salsa, country, rock ’n’ roll, disco—whatever makes you start tapping your feet)


Any time


1. Play the music and start moving your body to the beat. Don’t worry what you look like or if you’re doing it right. Start slow if you’re out of shape. Try to stay loose and fluid.

2. Change rhythm from time to time, and notice how different movements make you feel. As emotions come up, note them but don’t dwell on them.

3. Dance until your breathing quickens, your heart beats faster, and your temperature rises—as long as it’s comfortable for you. Just ten minutes a day can make a huge difference in your physical and psychological condition.

Ritual Image Reclaiming Energy

Do you feel worn out at the end of the day, especially if you have to deal with a lot of people? According to ancient Toltec teachings, you leave a bit of your own vitality behind with every individual you meet during the day. This ritual lets you reclaim the energy you’ve given away so you don’t get depleted.


Image Nothing but yourself


At the end of each day, before going to sleep


1. Choose a time when you won’t be disturbed; turn off the TV, silence your phone, and so on. Sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes.

2. Start breathing slowly and deeply. Begin recalling all the people you encountered and all the incidents that occurred during the day, one at a time.

3. Turn your head to the left and remember something that happened in which you participated in some way. Inhale as you revisit the thoughts and feelings you had, as well as the events that took place. Then turn your head to the right and exhale, releasing the experience with your breath. Continue doing this until you’ve recapped every event of the day, from beginning to end, the little things as well as the big ones. Feel yourself relaxing and gaining strength with each memory you cast out.

4. Repeat this process every night. Daily practice keeps you from draining your natural energy resources.

Ritual Image Restore and Re-Energize

It’s important to take time for yourself to recharge at the end of a long day. This ritual helps you recover some of the energy you’ve let other people take from you during the day. Perform it in conjunction with the Ritual for Reclaiming Energy (see previous ritual) or by itself.


Image Nothing but yourself


At the end of each day, before going to sleep


1. Choose a time when you won’t be disturbed; turn off the TV, silence your phone, and so on. Sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Start breathing slowly and deeply. Bring to mind someone you encountered during the day. Imagine that person standing in front of you. Notice any splotches of color that appear to be stuck on that person’s body—they represent pieces of your own vital energy that you gave away to someone else.

2. Pick one splotch and as you inhale, imagine you are pulling that colored energy patch off the person’s body and drawing it toward yourself. As you exhale, feel the energy being reabsorbed into your body.

3. Continue in this manner until you’ve taken back all the energy you squandered during the day and reincorporated it into yourself. You’ll know you’re done when you don’t see any more colored spots remaining on that individual’s body. Do this for everyone with whom you interacted, so they don’t keep draining your vitality.

Ritual Image Restoring Balance

You’re not actually ill, just feeling a bit “blah.” Perhaps daily stress and worries have thrown you off-balance. With this magick visualization technique you focus on your body’s energy centers, known as chakras, to restore harmony to your entire system.


Image Nothing but yourself


Any time


1. Sit in a comfortable chair and close your eyes. Start breathing slowly and deeply. Focus your attention on the base of your spine, the energy center known as the root chakra. Imagine a ball of clear red light glowing there, and feel its warmth radiating in this part of your body for a few moments.

2. Next, focus on the sacral chakra about a hand’s width below your belly button. Envision a sphere of orange light shining there. After a few moments shift your attention to your solar plexus; see yellow light radiating and warming this part of your body.

3. Continue breathing rhythmically as you visualize bright green light glowing around your heart. Feel it calming and refreshing you.

4. Move your attention up to the base of your throat and imagine blue light shining there for a few moments.

5. Shift your focus to your third eye, in the middle of your forehead, while you envision indigo light at this point.

6. Finally, allow your attention to go to the crown chakra at the top of your head. As you see purple light resonating there, sense your connection with a higher force. Feel power flowing from the heavens into the top of your head and down your spine, energizing your entire body.

7. Enjoy this pleasant, soothing sensation for as long as you wish. Repeat this revitalizing ritual whenever you feel off-center, stressed out, or tired.

Spell Image Balance Your Chakras

Like the Ritual for Restoring Balance (see previous spell), this spell balances the chakras that run from the base of your spine to the top of your head. In this case, however, you utilize the power of gemstones to create harmony and restore your vitality.


Image A piece of red jasper

Image A piece of carnelian

Image A piece of topaz

Image A piece of jade

Image A piece of aquamarine

Image A piece of lapis lazuli

Image A piece of amethyst

Image Mild soap

Image Water

Image A soft cloth


Any time


1. Wash the stones with mild soap and water, then pat them dry with the soft cloth. Cast a circle around the area where you will do your spell, which should be a comfortable place where you can lie down undisturbed for about a half hour. Place the stones where you can reach them easily and lie down on your back.

2. Put the red jasper on your pubic bone. Set the carnelian on your lower abdomen, about a hand’s width below your belly button. Position the topaz on your solar plexus. Put the jade on the center of your chest near your heart. Lay the aquamarine at the base of your throat. Rest the lapis lazuli on your forehead, between your eyebrows. Place the amethyst so it touches the crown of your head.

3. Close your eyes. Remain in this position for about half an hour. Relax and sense the stones sending their healing vibrations into your body’s energy centers, restoring harmony and well-being to your entire system. When you feel ready, remove the stones and get up. Open the circle. Repeat this ritual whenever you wish.

Potion Image a Healing Pick-Me-Up

You’re feeling under the weather and could use a little magick to soothe what ails you. When you drink this healing brew, you nourish your body, mind, and spirit with herbal medicine and loving energy.


Image 1 mint herbal tea bag

Image A chalice

Image An echinacea capsule (available in health food stores and some supermarkets)

Image 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice

Image 1/2 teaspoon honey

Image A silver or silver-plated spoon


Any time


1. Brew the mint tea and pour some into your chalice. Open the echinacea capsule and sprinkle the herb into the tea. Add the lemon juice and honey. Stir the tea in the chalice three times, in a clockwise direction, to charge it.

2. Gaze at the chalice and imagine a ray of pink light flowing into the chalice, infusing the tea with healing energy. Then slowly sip the tea. Feel its loving vibrations being absorbed into your body.

3. Feel a tingling warmth radiating in your heart chakra. Allow the healing herbal blend to ease your discomfort and restore your sense of well-being. Repeat as necessary.