Celandine - The Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham 1985

The Herbs


(Chelidonium majus) Poison

Folk Names: Celydoyne, Chelidoninum, Devil’s Milk, Garden Celandine, Greater Celandine, Kenning Wort, Swallow Herb, Swallow-Wort, Tetterwort

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Powers: Protection, Escape, Happiness, Legal Matters

Magical Uses: Celandine aids in escaping unwarranted imprisonment and entrapments of every kind. Wear next to the skin and replace every three days for this


Celandine also imparts good spirits and joy if worn. It also cures depression.

Wear to court to win the favor of the judge or jury, or as a protective herb.