Magical Intentions - The Basics

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham 1985

Magical Intentions
The Basics

Magical intentions are simply magical needs; love is one, money another, and protection a third. This chapter briefly discusses some of the most common magical intentions.

Herbs appropriate to each intention are listed in the Tables & Appendices.


From the overwhelming number of herbs used for this purpose it is obvious that protection is (and has been) of the utmost concern for many people. Most of the protective herbs mentioned in this book are general in their effects; they guard their bearer against physical and psychic attacks; injury, accidents, poison, snakebite, lightning strikes, wicked spirits, the evil eye, and so on. In other words, they are protective in a general way.

Naturally, they won’t do you much good once something has happened—protective herbs should be preventatives. This doesn’t mean that if you wear a protective root or carry a sachet you’ll breeze through life unfettered with annoyances. But carrying some of these herbs will certainly help screen out potentially harmful situations.

In today’s world we should guard ourselves with every available means. Protective herbs are one of these. They create a type of force-field around your home, possessions, or self. When carried they also increase the effectiveness of your body’s natural defenses.

An ounce of prevention, after all, is worth a pound of cure.


Ah love; the endless quest for companionship, warmth, sexual contact, emotional fulfillment, and someone to talk to over coffee in the morning.

Love magic should be of one type—to attract an unspecified person into your life. Thus, simply stated, love herbs will place you in situations where you will meet people, help you to overcome shyness (if necessary), and communicate that you are more than in the mood for love.

Love herbs (as opposed to lust herbs—see page 20) extend their gentle, emotional vibrations far and wide in searching for a love. Generally they attract persons in the same frame of mind; love herbs put out the call and those who are interested will answer it.

This is on a subconscious level, of course. No one will walk up to you and say, “Hi. I just couldn’t help but notice your love vibrations.” But if you use these herbs people will pay more attention to you, and you will meet new friends. From these you may find a love.

Love herbs should not be used to magically force or persuade another human being to love you. Not only is this manipulation of a free soul (how would you feel if someone did it to you?), it also won’t work. Love is something that grows from shared experiences and quiet conversation, glances in darkened rooms, interwoven fingers and nights out on the town. Even if it begins with a burst of infatuation, real love is the mellowed product of time.

The most love herbs can do (if one does use them to entrap another person) is to confuse the victim’s emotions. At first it might seem to be love to both of you, but it quickly disintegrates into something far less appealing: emotional slavery. Capturing a person with love magic of this sort is little short of psychic rape.

The safest course is to use love herbs to bring several people into your life. The rest is up to you.


This ancient form of magic comes in handy today—not necessarily to drive demons from people or buildings, but to clear away the negativity that daily living so amply provides.

Purification herbs are simply less-powerful exorcism herbs and usually do not rid a place of evil entities.


There are many herbs which aid the body’s healing processes. Some of these are multi-purpose and others specific. All can be mixed into sachets which, when carried, help the body’s healing powers. Some are used in incense form, others added to the bath.

However, when a serious condition or severe symptoms occur, obtain medical attention immediately. Herb magic—as with all magic—must be backed up with appropriate and timely actions in the physical world. For example, you cannot perform a spell to pass a test and expect to do so without studying. Similarly, don’t expect magic to heal you unless at the same time you take care of yourself physically. This means getting medical help when needed.


As with most types of magic, prevention is better than cure, so if you’re prone to bad health it might be wise to carry some of these herbs at all times. Replace them regularly (every three months or so).


Many of the requests for information I receive concern ways of breaking hexes and lifting curses. Ninety-nine percent of these people are not now, and never will be, the target of curses or hexes. Contrary to popular belief, evil magicians don’t lurk behind each tree ready to hex everyone out of existence.

When people feel that they have been hexed, cursed, jinxed, or psychically attacked, an ordinary cause can usually be traced for the supposed hex. No matter how certain these people are of their condition, they are simply victims of life and their own fears and worries. A run of accidents, mishaps, illnesses, financial and emotional losses, even car trouble will provide the basis for imaginary hexes.

Although most hexes are imaginary, some are not. Additionally, it is a well-attested fact that the mind has a powerful effect on the body. If a person believes him- or herself hexed, its physical effects (if any) will usually manifest.

Thus many herbs are used for their traditional ability to remove evil spells and curses. They work—whether a hex exists or not.


Although magically forcing your loved one to remain faithful is violating one of the precepts of magic (harm none), there are herbs which can be used to gently remind him or her of you, and to guard against unwanted temptations. Use them with love and care.


Luck is simply the knack for being in the right place at the right time, saying the right things, and acting on instinct. If a person is not naturally “lucky” such an ability can be acquired through the use of herbs. How this “luck” will manifest is left unstated, but luck herbs are usually utilized when a person has had a run of “bad” luck—and wishes to change this to good.

Luck herbs give you the power to make your own “good” luck.


These plants have been used for centuries to create a sexual desire in those near them. Not surprisingly, they are commonly used to arouse another person’s lust, perhaps against their will.

However, they are also used as love herbs are: to attract others who desire sexual contacts, and this is certainly less manipulatory than the former use.


Some types of magic specialize in raising spirits and “daemons” to visible appearance, usually within a circle or triangle. These herbs have long been burned so that the smoke can be used by the spirit as a medium in which to materialize.

This magic, though dangerous and difficult to perform, is nonetheless traditional, and so I’ve included such herbs in this book.


These plants increase a person’s financial scene; they will not create dollar bills out of thin air. The money may come in the form of unexpected gifts or legacies, but usually it will manifest as a raise in pay, a better job, a good investment, a loan suddenly repaid to you, and so on.

Magic performed to gain money is quite commonly practiced. However, few people actually need money—they need what money can buy. If I needed enough money to pay my bills, for example, I would use these money herbs while visualizing my bills as being marked “paid in full” and then disappearing. Give the power direction and it shall flow.


Throughout this book I’ve stressed that magic should be used when needed, perhaps as a last resort when all other methods have failed. However, we all have wishes that might not be as pressing as a need. These wishes may be emotionally and physically important, however, and so magic can be used to make them come true, and herbs can help this along.