Tobacco - The Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham 1985

The Herbs

(Nicotiana spp.) Poison

Folk Names: Tabacca, Tabak, Taaba

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Powers: Healing, Purification

Ritual Uses: Candidates for some shamanic systems must drink tobacco juice to induce visions as part of their training. Tobacco has long been used in religious ceremonies by some of the American Indians. Indeed, many peoples still regard the plant as sacred.

Magical Uses: South American Indians smoke tobacco to allow them to converse with spirits. Tobacco is also thrown into the river when beginning a journey by boat to propitiate the river gods.

Burning tobacco as an incense purifies the area of all negativity and spirits (both good and bad), and to cure earaches tobacco smoke is blown into the ear.

If you have nightmares they may cause sickness. To prevent this, immediately upon waking wash in a running stream and throw tobacco into the water as an offering to the Water Spirit who has cleansed you of the evil.

Tobacco is a magical substitute for sulphur, as well as for datura and nightshade, both of which are related to tobacco. Although it is regularly smoked by millions, tobacco is a very poisonous plant and can kill.