Bamboo - The Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham 1985

The Herbs


(Bambusa vulgaris) G

Folk Names: Common Bamboo, Ohe (Hawaiian), Kauayan-kiling

Gender: Masculine

Deity: Hinna

Powers: Protection, Luck, Hex-Breaking, Wishes

Ritual Uses: Bamboo is used in divination in Chinese temples. Bits of the wood are thrown to the worshipper by the priest. According to the way they fall, the omen is interpreted as good or bad.

Magical Uses: Carve your wish on a piece of bamboo and bury in the ground in a secluded place. Or, carve a symbol of protection, like a five-pointed star (pentagram), on a length of bamboo and plant it in the ground to protect your home.

Grown near the house, bamboo gives it and its residents good fortune. Also, bamboo is placed over the door because, since its wood never changes color, it is lucky.

Bamboo is used to break hexes, either by carrying it in a sachet, growing a plant near the house, or crushing the wood to a powder (called bamba wood) and burning.

The Chinese use the bamboo as a charm against evil spirits. To call up good spirits, make a flute out of bamboo. Carve the name of the spirit (if any) and play an improvised melody.