Sunflower - The Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham 1985

The Herbs

(Helianthus annuus) G

Folk Names: Corona Solis, Marigold of Peru, Solo Indianus

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Powers: Fertility, Wishes, Health, Wisdom

Magical Uses: Sunflower seeds are eaten by women who wish to conceive. To protect yourself against smallpox wear sunflower seeds around the neck, either in a bag or strung like beads.

If you cut a sunflower at sunset while making a wish, the wish will come true before another sunset—as long as the wish isn’t too grand.

Sleeping with a sunflower under the bed allows you to know the truth in any matter.

If you wish to become virtuous anoint yourself with juice pressed from the stems of the sunflower.

Sunflowers growing in the garden guard it against pests and grant the best of luck to the gardener.