Poke - The Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham 1985

The Herbs

(Phytolacca decandra, P. americana) Poison

Folk Names: Coakum, Cocan, Crowberry, Garget, Inkberry, Pigeon Berry, Pocan, Pokeberry Root, Poke Root, Polk Root, Scoke, Virginian Poke

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Powers: Courage, Hex-Breaking

Magical Uses: Poke is used at the new Moon to break hexes and curses. Make an infusion and sprinkle around the home. Add a bit to the bath water as well. (Note: Do not drink!)

When carried, poke gives courage. To find a lost object, mix poke with hydrangea, violet, and galangal. Sprinkle this around the area where the article was last seen.

The berries are crushed and the resulting juice is used as a magical ink.