Myrtle - The Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham 1985

The Herbs

(Myrtus communis) Dg

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Deities: Venus, Artemis, Aphrodite, Hathor, Astarte, Ashtoreth, Marian

Powers: Love, Fertility, Youth, Peace, Money

Magical Uses: Myrtle has long been considered a “love” herb. A chaplet of fresh leaves and flowers worn on the head while performing love spells is highly appropriate. Myrtle is added to all love sachets and spells, especially those designed to keep love alive and exciting.

Myrtle is also worn to increase fertility, but interestingly enough it is also worn at weddings by brides to ensure that they do not quickly become pregnant!

Myrtle wood, when carried, preserves youthfulness. A cup of myrtle tea, drunk every three days, will do the same, but it must be drunk every three days without fail.

When carried, myrtle preserves love. If grown on each side of the house, love and peace will reside within, and it is a lucky plant to grow in window-boxes, if it is planted there by a woman. Myrtle is also used in money spells.