Angelica - The Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham 1985

The Herbs


(Angelica archangelica) P S

Folk Names: Archangel, Masterwort, Garden Angelica

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Sun

Element: Fire

Deity: Venus

Powers: Exorcism, Protection, Healing, Visions

Magical Uses: Grown, the plant is protective. Use in all protection and exorcism incenses. Sprinkle the four corners of the house with angelica to ward off evil, or do this around the perimeter of the house. Added to the bath, angelica removes curses, hexes, and any spells that may have been cast against you. The root was carried in the pocket as a gambling talisman among some American Indian tribes. Angelica is also used in healing incenses and mixtures, and smoking the leaves is said to cause visions.