Kava-kava - The Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham 1985

The Herbs

(Piper methysticum) P N Pa D+

Folk Names: Ava, Ava Pepper, Ava Root, Awa Root, Intoxicating Pepper

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

Deities: Lono, Kane, Kanaloa

Powers: Visions, Protection, Luck

Ritual Uses: Long used in rites in Hawaii and Polynesia.

Magical Uses: This Polynesian plant’s root is infused and the resulting tea is drunk to offer protection against evil and to invite in good luck.

Infused and left to steep overnight in the refrigerator, it is then drunk to enhance psychic powers and to induce visions. Too much of the infusion, however, may be damaging to the kidneys.