Holly - The Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham 1985

The Herbs


(Ilex aquifolium or I. opaca) V

Folk Names: Aquifolius, Bat’s Wings, Christ’s Thorn, Holy Tree, Holm Chaste, Hulm, Hulver Bush, Tinne

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mars

Element: Fire

Powers: Protection, Anti-Lightning, Luck, Dream Magic

Magical Uses: A par excellence protective herb, holly guards against lightning, poison and evil spirits. Planted around the home it protects it and its inhabitants from mischievous sorcerers. When thrown at wild animals, holly makes them lie down quietly and leave you alone, even if you don’t hit them with the plant. Holly water (infused or distilled) is sprinkled on newborn babies to protect them.

Holly is also carried to promote good luck, especially by men, since the holly is a “male” plant. (Ivy is the corresponding plant for women.) It is also hung around the house for good luck at Yule.

After midnight on a Friday, without making a sound, gather nine holly leaves, preferably from a non-spiny plant (one that has smooth leaves). Wrap these up in a white cloth using nine knots to tie the ends together. Place this beneath your pillow, and your dreams will come true.