Flax - The Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham 1985

The Herbs


(Linum usitatissimum) L

Folk Names: Linseed, Linaza, Sib Muma

Gender: Masculine

Planet: Mercury

Element: Fire

Deity: Hulda

Powers: Money, Protection, Beauty, Psychic Powers, Healing

Ritual Uses: Flax was used in rituals to Hulda, the Teutonic Goddess who first taught mortals to cultivate flax, and to spin it into linen thread and weave it into cloth.

Magical Uses: Flax seeds are used in money spells. A few can be placed in the pocket, wallet or purse, or a jar should be placed on the altar and a few coins, plus some flax seed, added. This should be repeated each day to attract money. A bit of flax in the shoe wards off poverty.

The blue flax flowers are worn as a preservative against sorcery. To protect yourself while asleep, mix equal parts flax seed and mustard seed and place this mixture next to your bed. On the other side of the bed place a pan of cold water. You will be guarded during your slumber.

Alternatively, a combination of red pepper and flax seed, kept in a box somewhere in the house, prevents evil from entering.

To ensure that your child grows up to be a beautiful or handsome adult, let him or her dance among growing flax at the age of seven years.

Sprinkle the altar with flax seed while performing healing rituals, or include it in healing mixtures. To help cure lumbago, tie a hank of flax around the loins.

If you suffer from dizziness, this is a somewhat drastic cure: run naked, after sunset, three times through a field of flax. While you do this the flax will take to itself your dizziness and you’ll be cured.

You may get a cold, but you won’t be dizzy!