Dodder - The Herbs

Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs - Scott Cunningham 1985

The Herbs


(Cuscuta glomurata or C. europaea) P V D

Folk Names: Beggarweed, Devil’s Guts, Fireweed, Hellweed, Lady’s Laces, Love Vine, Scaldweed, Strangle Tare, Witches’ Hair

Gender: Feminine

Planet: Saturn

Element: Water

Powers: Love Divination, Knot Magic

Magical Uses: Pluck the dodder, throw it over the shoulder back onto the host plant (dodder is a parasite), and then return to the plant the next day. If the dodder has attached itself to the plant again, the person in question loves you. If not, no.

Use the “laces” as cords for knot magic (don’t tie the knots too tightly).