Herbal Materia Magicka - Appendix

The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook: A Complete Guide to Magickal Herbs and How to Use Them - Karen Harrison 2020

Herbal Materia Magicka

The Magickal herbal practice that I have followed for so many decades is based on the Doctrine of Signatures as developed by Paracelsus and then added to by my own experiments with herbal materials. As time has gone on and my practice has evolved, I have discovered additional Planetary energy applications for some herbs as well as the herbs that correspond with the three other Planets, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto, which were not addressed by Paracelsus. Every person's experience with the use of herbs and essential oils for Magick is personal and based on their own participation with the blending of the energies. It is all an ongoing work in progress for the modern herbalist/Alchemist just as it was in times past. Your own experimentation is encouraged, and your results will add to future herbal knowledge and lore.

You will find in the following materia magicka, or materials of Magick, that there are some herbs that have a dual correspondence with two Planets. This is due to the inherent nature of the herb, which, as with people, can have several layers of action and result depending on the intention and focus of the herbalist. The following is a collection of energy signatures, lore, and history of the herbs that I utilize the most in my practice. Included with each herb's correspondence to Element and Planet are the parts of the herb that can be used.

Remember to consult a reliable medicinal herbal as you develop your blends to ensure that there will be no contrary physical result from the inclusion of any herb in your formula.


Scientific name: Acacia senegal

Other name: gum arabic

Element: Air

Planets: Mercury, Sun

Part used: flower

The lovely white flowers of the acacia tree are reminiscent of a cluster of shooting stars. Acacia is traditionally burned to honor ancestors and the afterlife, and its clean scent brings an opening of the psychic senses to Spirit and purification of one's home or temple. The flowers can also be used in Herbal Amulets to draw angelic presence during sleep.


Scientific name: Agrimonia eupatoria

Other name: cockleburr

Element: Air

Planet: Jupiter

Part used: leaf

Agrimony is traditionally used in psychic healing, particularly when ill health is the result of a curse. The leaves of this powerful plant are helpful in all protection formulas. Agrimony leaves can also be scattered in front of entrances to the home or office to ward away negativity.


Scientific name: Medicago sativa

Other name: buffalo herb

Element: Earth

Planet: Venus

Part used: leaf

Abundance, plenty, and prosperity are the energies of this plant. Use in Money Amulets or keep a sprig in your wallet, cash drawer, or purse to increase your fortune. An effective Philtre or Condenser can be made with cut alfalfa leaves to promote abundance. An alfalfa Elixir can be ingested by the practitioner or sprinkled over contracts to attract success in an endeavor.


Scientific name: Pimenta officinalis

Element: Fire

Planet: Uranus

Parts used: berry, essential oil

Allspice berries can be added whole or crushed to Herbal Amulets for increasing money and luck. They are also useful in transforming energy that may be causing obstacles into a more positive flow.


Scientific name: Aguilaria agallocha

Other name: Lignum aloes

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Part used: wood

The ground wood of aloeswood has been traditionally used to add energy and potency to any herbal formula. Used particularly in ceremonial Magick of the Renaissance period, aloeswood is burned as an Incense to promote growth and success in any area of interest.

Angelica root

Scientific name: Angelica archangelica

Other names: archangel, master root

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun

Parts used: root, essential oil

One of the most utilized herbs for exorcism and protection, angelica root is associated with the Archangel Michael, vanquisher of the wicked. The energy of the root, when burned, can also be used to provide visions of one's Holy Guardian Angel and one's proper karmic path. Angelica root also has long associations with healing, being one of the herbs burned to cleanse the atmosphere during the various plagues of the Dark Ages.


Scientific name: Arnica montana

Other names: leopard's-bane, wolfsbane

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Parts used: leaf, flower

The flowers of this herb are best used in an Herbal Amulet, as it is poisonous if ingested. Used in the Alps to poison wolves, this plant is traditionally used to protect from shapeshifters and life-sucking spirits.


Scientific name: Ferula foetida

Other names: devil's dung, giant fennel

Element: Fire

Planets: Mars, Saturn

Part used: powdered root

Asafoetida is the dried resin from the giant fennel found in the Middle East. Used extensively in Middle Eastern cooking, it lends the mild taste of leeks to the dish. In Magickal use, when burned, its fetid (foetida) odor is excellent in exorcism and banishing. Smell it once and you'll know why.

Balm of Gilead

Scientific name: Commiphora opobalsamum

Other names: balsam, poplar buds, Mecca balsam

Element: Water

Planets: Venus, Saturn

Part used: bud

Balm of Gilead is lauded in the Old Testament as an amazing healer, and legend has it that the Queen of Sheba made a gift of the poplar tree to King Solomon, thus bringing it to Judea. The buds exude a sticky, sweet-smelling resin that is used to anoint in blessing. Burning the balm of Gilead bud assists in spirit manifestation in séances.


Scientific name: Berberis vulgaris

Other names: pipperidge, holy thorn

Element: Air

Planet: Mars

Part used: bark

The root of the barberry is most commonly used in Incenses, Amulets, baths, and any other herbal formula to promote courage, strength, and motivation. The red leaves and thorns from the thin branches can be strewn across the path to one's entrance to bar persons of ill intent.


Scientific name: Ocimum basilicum

Other names: Saint-Joseph's-wort, sweet basil

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

A versatile herb, basil leaves can be used for love, protection, or to attract wealth. Burned in an Incense with rose petals, basil helps to restore peace in a relationship. Strew your floor with the leaves to dispel discord. Use it in the bath or ingest it in a Philtre to restore the vitality of your aura. Added to an Herbal Amulet, it is carried to overcome obstacles to prosperity.


Scientific name: Myrica cerifera

Other names: candleberry, wax myrtle

Element: Earth

Planet: Mercury

Parts used: leaf, berry, essential oil

Bayberry is a good addition to any formula focused on abundance. The root, leaves, or berries can be added to Incense or added to a bath mixture to bring wealth. Many people anoint a green candle with bayberry oil and burn the candle with a focused meditation on money. The energy and scent of bayberry also attracts familial love and friendship, promoting harmony in the household.

Bay laurel

Scientific name: Laurus nobilis

Other names: bay, laurel, daphne

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Victory wreath crowns of the noble bay laurel were worn by the winners of athletic contests in Greece. The fresh scent of bay brings protection from negative energy and the strength to combat it. In Delphi, the Pythoness who prophesied to leaders of the ancient world chewed bay laurel leaves to help her in her visions. Burning bay in an Incense or adding a few drops to an oil to develop psychic powers is effective.

Benzoin gum

Scientific name: Styrax benzoin

Other names: styrax, gum benjamin

Element: Earth

Planets: Venus, Saturn

Parts used: resin, essential oil

This earthy resin is grounding and stabilizing when added to any formula and is perfect for Home Blessings. A mixture of benzoin, bayberry, and cinnamon is also helpful as an oil or Incense to attract success to a business. Sometimes confused with storax, benzoin has an earthy scent, while storax is sweet.


Scientific name: Mentha citrata

Other names: bergamot, orange mint

Element: Air

Planet: Mercury

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Smelling pleasantly of citrus mixed with a hint of mint, the bergamot, when burned in an Incense or added to an oil, promotes creativity through its gentle stimulation of the thought processes. Bathing in bergamot before engaging in gambling or commerce stimulates luck in the form of opportunities encountered. It also clears the atmosphere of a place or of the human aura when used in any type of formula.


Scientific name: Vaccinium myrtillus

Other names: huckleberry, blueberry, whortleberry

Element: Water

Planet: Jupiter

Part used: leaf

The use of bilberry leaf in herbal mixtures draws the energies of peace and tranquility. Bilberries were traditionally gathered at Lammas, and the amount of berries collected was said to foretell the size of the autumn harvests.

Black cohosh

Scientific name: Cimicifuga racemosa

Other name: black snakeroot

Element: Earth

Planet: Venus

Part used: root

The root of the black cohosh is used effectively in Philtres, Condensers, and Elixirs for physical healing. Steeped in red wine or added to the bath, black cohosh adds fertility by helping to alleviate impotence.

Black walnut

Scientific name: Juglans regia

Other name: English walnut

Element: Earth

Planet: Sun

Part used: leaf

Tall and strong, the black walnut tree's energy is protective, grounding, and stabilizing. In nature, the tree attracts lightning, and in Magickal use, the leaves can attract and absorb directed negative energy and ground it into powerlessness. Powdered dried black walnut leaves can also be used like henna to decorate the body with temporary designs. Applying a Magickal design to the skin like a protective Talisman in times of stress is very effective.

Bladder wrack

Scientific name: Fucus vesiculosus

Other names: bladder, kelp, sea wrack

Element: Water

Planet: Moon

Part used: leaf

Bladder wrack enhances psychic ability, attracts abundance, and aids connection to the Element Water to enhance dreams and emotions. Corresponding directly with Water Elementals and the Magickal denizens of the sea, bladder wrack is a treasured offering to Yemaya, Poisedon, and Aphrodite, all Deities connected with water. An Infusion or Philtre containing bladder wrack can be used to wash the floor of an enterprise to attract business and can be consumed to enhance one's intuition.

Blessed thistle

Scientific name: Centaurea benedicta

Other names: holy thistle, lady's thistle

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Part used: leaf

Blessed thistle has long been used for protection and strength—sprinkle it around a home to divert negative energy, or add it to an Herbal Amulet to protect during travel. An Herbal Potpourri can be constructed with this and other Mars herbs and kept by the front door to protect and strengthen the inhabitants. Sacred to Pan, Herne, and other protectors of woodland creatures, blessed thistle is a perfect Earth offering. It is not advised to add blessed thistle to an Incense, as it can irritate the throat if burned.


Scientific name: Sanguinaria canadensis

Other names: redroot, king root, tetterwort

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Part used: root

Added to an Herbal Amulet or carried by itself, bloodroot protects and brings order out of chaos. Used in a Philtre and applied only externally to afflicted body parts, bloodroot is excellent for health. Long used to get rid of warts, a bloodroot wash is also very effective to stop the production of tumor cells.

Blue cohosh

Scientific name: Caulophyllum thalictroides

Other names: blue ginseng, papooseroot, squawroot

Element: Earth

Planet: Venus

Part used: root

Used for millennia by Native Americans, blue cohosh blesses the home and protects children. Tie an Herbal Amulet containing this herb above the bed of a child to bring sweet dreams. Anoint a baby with a blue cohosh Philtre or Condenser in a blessing to protect and strengthen.


Scientific name: Eupatorium perfoliatum

Other names: agueweed, Indian sage, white snakeroot

Element: Water

Planet: Saturn

Part used: leaf

Burn boneset in an Incense to balance the energies of a space or to ground and focus your energy. Added to a Condenser, Elixir, or Philtre, boneset promotes health. Mixed with angelica and added to the bath, boneset is excellent for ritual cleansings.


Scientific name: Borago officinalis

Other names: burrage, peace herb

Element: Air

Planet: Jupiter

Parts used: seed, leaf

Borage can be used in Incense, Philtres, baths, and Herbal Amulets to add courage and attract peace. Borage oil applied to the forehead clears thoughts and dispels depression. Sacred to the Celts, it was used to bring knowledge, good judgment, and persuasion.


Other name: sulphur (mineral)

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Part used: powdered mineral

While brimstone, or sulphur, is not a plant material, it is useful in such a variety of formulas that it has been included here. When burned, its fumes are very protective, dispelling phantasms and negative entities. Brimstone adds power in any application and has long been used as a hex breaker in the most difficult of circumstances.

Broom tops

Scientific name: Cytisus scoparius

Other names: besom, Irish broom

Element: Air

Planet: Mars

Parts used: flower, leaf

Sprinkle the floor of a space with broom tops and let the herb sit for a few hours, absorbing the energy of the space. Next, with the front door open, sweep the floor with an actual broom, sweeping all the broom tops and psychic “dust bunnies” out the front door. Make an aura-cleansing Philtre and add to the bath or sprinkle into the aura of a person to remove blockages and attachments. Add broom tops to an Incense for releasing imbalance and negativity—as the scent floats through the air, see the problems floating away and dissipating.


Scientific name: Aesculus hippocastanum

Other name: horse chestnut

Element: Earth

Planet: Mercury

Part used: seed

Carried in an Herbal Amulet, the buckeye is known in folklore as the plant for wishes and hopes. Hold buckeye in your hands, letting your body's warmth heat it, and meditate on the heart to ease heartbreak. Place all the pain in the buckeye, then bury it in the earth.


Scientific name: Rhamnus cathartica

Other name: dogwood

Element: Water

Planet: Saturn

Part used: bark

Used in any herbal preparation, buckthorn brings justice and strengthens legal arguments. For protection, hang buckthorn bark or branches by entrances or burn buckthorn in an Incense.


Scientific name: Arctium lappa

Other names: batweed, hardock, lappa

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Parts used: root, leaf

Excellent for healing, burdock can be added to an Incense formula, Herbal Amulet, or included in a Philtre for a health tonic. Burdock also brings courage to act when one is confronted with obstacles, drawing the calm and resolve to do what must be done. In Native American tradition, burdock root is consumed as a fasting Infusion to help clear the mind for spiritual visioning.


Scientific name: Acorus calamus

Other names: sedge, sweet flag

Elements: Water/Earth

Planet: Moon

Parts used: root, essential oil

One of the four herbs used in the famous formula for Abramelin the Mage, calamus works as an effective herb for healing, luck, abundance, and spiritual visions. Calamus brings control in situations, leading to a positive resolution. Chewing on the root can aid in formulating effective plans and brings wisdom and a larger vision of the situation. Added to Incense, Ritual Oil, or Elixir, calamus binds the energies for manifestation. Creating an Anointing Oil for Qabbalistic work is useful in rites involving the Holy Guardian Angel and the Fountain Breath, a Qabbalistic exercise incorporating focused breathwork (sometimes called the Alchemical Circulation).


Scientific name: Calendula officinalis

Other names: marigold, summer's bride

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun

Parts used: leaf, flower, essential oil

Just viewing the bright yellow-orange petals of the calendula plant brings optimism and vitality! Burned in an Incense formula or added to a mixture for Ritual Oil, calendula attracts success in every area including legal matters. The petals sprinkled in the bath draw health and vitality into the auric field. Calendula has long been used in protection, its energy dispelling negativity and drawing light to the user. In Mexico, calendula (marigold) flowers decorate the gravesites of loved ones, attracting the passed souls and bringing them joy and comfort.


Scientific name: Cinnamomum camphora

Element: Water

Planet: Moon

Parts used: gum, essential oil

The scent of burning camphor purifies a space and brings self-discipline, aiding in controlling and transforming bad habits. Long used in the Eastern Hemisphere for temple purification and protection, camphor is excellent for deep meditation and gaining insight. Camphor oil added to the bath clears the thoughts and soothes the soul. A little goes a long way, so if you burn camphor on charcoal, use only a small pinch.


Scientific name: Carum carvi

Element: Air

Planet: Mercury, Uranus

Parts used: seed, essential oil

The energies of caraway promote memory and intelligence as well as transformative change in mental outlook and attitude. Brewed in a tea Infusion or simply chewed, caraway brings eloquence and persuasion to the speaker. When utilized in any herbal formula, this small seed promotes quick resolution to any Magickal project. Caraway also has been used in weddings, thrown like rice at the married couple to bring fidelity, communication, and luck to the union.


Scientific name: Elettaria cardamomum

Element: Air

Planets: Mars, Mercury, Uranus

Parts used: seed, essential oil

An interesting herb with a dual Mercury/Uranus rulership and a correspondence with Mars energies, cardamom connects the linear intelligence of Mercury with the intense, innovative thought processes of Uranus. Its associations with Mars bring warmth, lust, and seduction. Adding the seed or oil to an herbal preparation for a relationship promotes a connection that combines love, attraction, and a union of equals. Cardamom's versatility makes it a good addition to any herbal formula for enhancing a project whose goal is to inspire many people.


Scientific name: Dianthus carophyllus

Other name: gilliflower

Element: Water

Planet: Sun

Parts used: flower, essential oil

Inhaling the gorgeous scent of the carnation flower will immediately enhance emotions of joy and happiness, so the addition of the oil is perfect for Incenses and oils to dispel depression and disappointment. Carnation flowers attract abundance as well, either as a bouquet or in a formula. Including carnation in a mixture for the sickroom is perfect to aid in the mental aspects of healing.

Cascara sagrada

Scientific name: Rhamnus purshiana

Other name: sacred bark

Element: Earth

Planet: Mars

Part used: bark

Cascara sagrada is excellent in rites to release negativity, whether action or thought. As an ingredient in Incense, Herbal Amulet, or Elixir, it vigorously cleanses the energy patterns to return them to a state of neutrality. If you choose to include it in a liquid to be ingested, be warned: it can dramatically loosen the bowels.


Scientific name: Nepeta cataria

Other names: catmint, catwort

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

A mild hallucinatory, catnip, when inhaled in Incense, applied as a Ritual Oil, or drunk in a potion, aids in psychic visions, dreamwork, and intuition. Catnip is also a relaxant and so enhances sexual experience and romantic endeavors. Use in formulas for love, inspiration, and, of course, cat Magick.


Scientific name: Uncaria tomentosa

Other name: uña de gato

Element: Water

Planet: Saturn

Part used: bark

Used traditionally in Peru for unhexing and protection, cat's-claw bark is particularly useful in shielding animals from harm. Rub a handful on their fur or add a pinch to a locket on the animal's collar. Creating an Infusion from the bark and washing the body with it can release negativity and illness attached to the person.


Scientific name: Cedrus libani

Element: Fire

Planet: Jupiter

Parts used: bark, leaf, essential oil

Traditionally an herb of the summer solstice, cedar's energy promotes confidence, authority, and plenty. Cedar can be one of the ingredients in any formula to attract prosperity and growth. Objects, animals, or people who are censed with cedar smoke will experience a cleansing and magnetism in their auric fields that draws abundance and health.


Scientific name: Chelidonium majus

Other names: kenningwort, swallowwort

Element: Water

Planet: Sun

Part used: leaf

Celandine has been used in Incense, bath herbs, and Amulets to deflect entrapment or unfair imprisonment and as an aid in dream- and trancework. For visionary work of this type, celandine's use in the bath or in a dream or meditation pillow is perfect.


Scientific name: Centaurium spp.

Other name: feverwort

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun

Part used: leaf

One of the Nine Sacred Herbs of the Celts, centaury, when used as a strewing herb, Incense, or in the bath, protects against natural pests (ants, spiders, snakes) and scatters any negative energy directed toward an individual. In addition, the leaf of this plant helps to understand the meaning of dreams.


Scientific name: Anthemis nobilis

Other name: manzanilla

Element: Water

Planet: Sun

Parts used: flower, essential oil

Very useful in Herbal Amulets for sleep, chamomile aids in dispelling both insomnia and nightmares. When used as a wash for the hands, chamomile successfully attract money. Sacred to the Egyptian priesthood, the lovely yellow flowers can be added to Incense or strewn in an area to promote purification and vitality. Like centaury, chamomile is also one of the Nine Sacred Herbs of the Celts. (The other seven herbs are mugwort, plantain, watercress, nettle, apple, chervil and fennel.)


Scientific name: Larrea tridentada

Other names: greasewood, creosote bush

Element: Earth

Planet: Mercury

Part used: leaf

Chaparral is commonly used by Native Americans in the Southwest for purification and positive change. Burned in an Incense or ingested in an Infusion, chaparral cleanses the soul and draws opportunities for change and to alter bad luck.


Scientific name: Cichorium intybus

Other names: succory, wild chicory, coffeeweed

Element: Air

Planet: Sun

Part used: root

Brewed as an Infusion, chicory can be consumed or used as a wash to aid in alertness and removing obstacles. When burned in Incense or used in the bath, chicory draws luck and synchronistic events leading to success.


Scientific name: Cinnamomum zeylanicum

Other name: sweetwood

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun, Mars, Mercury

Parts used: bark, essential oil

Cinnamon is one of the herbs used throughout the Far and Middle East for purification and temple cleansing. In addition, cinnamon's energy promotes success, healing, the raising of spiritual intent, and clear psychic vision. It is an excellent addition to almost any Magickal herbal formula, but avoid its use in oils and baths. Many people are very physically sensitive to the potency of this bark and its essential oil. Its application to the skin can cause burns. Very energizing to the human nervous system, cinnamon awakens the mind to clear and quick thought.


Scientific name: Potentilla canadensis

Other names: five-finger grass, silverweed

Element: Fire

Planets: Jupiter, Mercury

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

The word cinquefoil translates to “five leaves” or “five fingers,” referring to the number of points on each elongated leaf. Each leaf represents an area of achievement: love, money, dreams, health, and power. Used by Agrippa in Incense of Mercury, cinquefoil has associations with Jupiter as well for the broad number of issues it can address. Combined with mugwort and jasmin in a dream pillow, cinquefoil aids in prophetic dreaming; added to an Incense or oil for love, prosperity, or health, cinquefoil expands the interaction of all herbs in the combination and helps to very clearly focus them. When used in a bath, Philtre, Condenser, or Amulet, cinquefoil purifies and attracts success to anyendeavor.


Scientific name: Gallium aparine

Other names: clivers, goosegrass, bedstraw

Element: Earth

Planet: Moon

Part used: leaf

As an ingredient in any formula, cleavers works to unblock and remove obstacles or problems. Cleavers is traditionally added to Infusions or Incense for weddings or handfastings to strengthen the commitment and lend the union power.


Scientific name: Syzygium aromaticum

Element: Fire

Planet: Uranus

Parts used: bud, essential oil

Burned in an Incense, clove lends protection, brings joy to the home, attracts riches, and gives inspirational confidence. Add seven cloves to an Herbal Amulet for quick expansion in financial opportunities, or include clove oil in your candle anointing blend to shine light on the truth and stop gossip. Clove added to a child's pillow encourages sweet dreams.


Scientific name: Tussilago farfara

Other name: coughwort

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Part used: leaf

Named for its broad, rounded leaves, coltsfoot in an Herbal Amulet, Infusion, or bath increases psychic awareness. Burned in an Incense, colftsfoot smooths the atmosphere and brings peace to the mind.


Scientific name: Symphytum officinale

Other names: bruisewort, knitbone

Element: Earth

Planet: Saturn

Parts used: root, leaf

Used extensively in Travel Amulets, comfrey keeps the traveler safe and alert. With its grounding properties, comfrey can be used in any herbal blend to strengthen energy shields and protect the home, business, or automobile from theft. A doubly manifesting herb with its combined correspondences of Earth and Saturn, comfrey can be added to Incenses where the intention is physical appearance of spirit. A small bit of comfrey held under the tongue anchors chaotic thoughts and helps with grounding.


Scientific name: Bursera odorata

Other name: frankincense of the Americas

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun

Part used: resin

Copal's wafting scent is reminiscent of frankincense with a bit of spice added. Traditionally used in Mexico in loveworkings, copal is also an excellent resin to burn for purification and as an offertory to the Gods.


Scientific name: Coriandrum sativum

Other names: cilantro, Chinese parsley

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Parts used: leaf, seed, essential oil

Used the world over for fertility, sexuality, and stamina, coriander can be added to any herbal concoction to enhance the formula's primary focus. Steeped in red wine, the seeds add a subtle spice and enhance virility. Coriander leaf added to food creates a convivial social atmosphere.


Scientific name: Piper cubeba

Other name: loveberry

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Part used: berry

Associated with sexuality and love in folk Magick, the small, dried berries of the cubeb plant can be added to Herbal Amulets, Incense, or bath herb mixtures to ensure fidelity or help to find a new love. Crush and sprinkle cubeb over food (its taste is close to pepper, though a bit bitterer) and say an incantation to strengthen a romantic union before the food is consumed.


Scientific name: Cumimum cyminum

Other name: comino

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Parts used: seed, essential oil

Used in both the Old World and the New World as an herb to prevent theft, cumin can be added to any herbal formula (when using the oil, add only a drop or two—the smell is very potent). Mixed with salt and sprinkled around a space, cumin breaks up negativity. Like cubeb, cumin seeds are often steeped in red wine to stir the senses and promote fidelity.


Scientific name: Cupressus sempervirens

Other name: tree of death

Element: Earth

Planets: Saturn, Pluto

Parts used: chip, essential oil

Sacred to Hades, cypress is used to bind and unbind (depending on your focus), to honor the dead, and to ease grief or loss. Cypress chips sprinkled over a gravesite or at the site of a death ease both the pain of those left behind and the soul of the deceased. They can also be used to bind a spirit and encourage it to move on. Cypress chips or oil added to an Incense comforts the heart and uncovers deep subconscious ideas that are contributing to mental/emotional pain in an individual.


Scientific name: Turnera diffusa

Element: Water

Planets: Mars, Pluto

Part used: leaf

One of the few real herbal aphrodisiacs, damiana enhances drive in both men and women, and as such, it is often used in rites involving sexuality and love. Included in Incense or the bath, damiana also produces slight hallucinations, leading to psychic impressions and visions. Damiana, with its natural sweetness, can be added to wine. It can be smoked in a pipe either as a simple or with other herbal ingredients—it can be slightly harsh, so I would recommend adding a bit of peppermint to smooth out the slight acridness.


Scientific name: Taraxacum officinale

Other names: blowball, lion's mane

Element: Air

Planet: Jupiter

Parts used: leaf, root, seed

We all know about making a wish while blowing the dandelion seeds into the wind. The root brewed in a tea brings psychic impressions and dreams. Adding dandelion to an Herbal Amulet for abundance increases financial acumen and opportunity.

Devil's claw

Scientific name: Harpagophytum procumbens

Other names: arthritis tea, grapple plant

Element: Water

Planet: Saturn

Part used: root

Used in any herbal mixture, devil's claw confuses and confounds the enemy. Burned on charcoal, this root removes any negativity. Brewed in an Infusion, devil's claw relieves pain and promotes health.

Devil's shoestring

Scientific name: Symphoricarpos orbiculatus

Other names: Indian currant, buckbrush

Element: Earth

Planet: Mercury

Part used: root

The low-growing spindly branches form a fortress of protection—add devil's shoestring to any blend to prevent difficulties and to protect an individual, home, or business. In folk Magick, devil's shoestring is used both for gambling and for gaining employment. Create an Herbal Amulet containing this root to take to the casino or on a job interview.


Scientific name: Anethum graveolens

Other names: aneton, dilly

Element: Fire

Planets: Mercury, Venus

Parts used: leaf, seed, essential oil

One of the most popular protection and uncrossing herbs of the Middle Ages, dill can be added to an Incense, oil, or Herbal Amulets to create a shield against negative energy. Added to the bath, dill is said to make one irresistible and to promote fertility. Sprinkled around the bed, it protects the sleeper; and placed in the mouth, it promotes the truth.

Dittany of Crete

Scientific name: Dictamus origanoides

Other name: dittany

Element: Water

Planet: Saturn

Part used: leaf

Traditionally burned in Incenses where the manifestation of spirit into corporeal matter is sought, dittany is helpful in séance work. With its close association with physical manifestation of energy or spirit, dittany of Crete can also be used in any herbal mixture where the physical manifestation of the focus is desired—money, love, employment, etc.

Dong quai

Scientific name: Angelica sinensis

Other names: Chinese angelica, tang kuei

Element: Earth

Planet: Venus

Part used: root

Known as the female equivalent to ginseng, dong quai acts as a medicinal balancer for estrogen and progesterone. Magickally, dong quai root is sacred to women, giving them strength and protection.

Dragon's blood

Scientific name: Daemonorops draco

Other names: sanguis draconis, blood palm

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Part used: resin

Truly as red as the blood of dragons, this resin is a powerful herb of protection. Burned by itself on charcoal or added to other Incense ingredients, it quickly banishes any negative energy or entity. Dragon's blood also adds power and potency to any working. Use sparingly in an oil blend or in the bath—it will stain enamel scarlet and leave a stain on the skin. You can create your own pure dragon's blood oil by crushing the resin into a power and mixing in a light oil, such as safflower. Heat gently to melt the resin into the oil while stirring. Do not ingest.


Scientific name: Echinacea angustifolia

Other names: coneflower, purple coneflower

Element: Air

Planet: Venus

Parts used: leaf, flower, root

This herb is most often used as an offertory of thanks or petition and can be added to any herbal blend to strengthen the focus of the ritual or meditation.


Scientific name: Sambucus canadensis

Other names: rob elder, ellhorn

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Parts used: leaf, flower, berry

The lore and use of the elder is huge—contacting Elementals, divination, honoring the dead, protection, and prosperity being only a few of the Magickal uses of this respected plant. Sit near or under the elder and quietly ask a question: in a few minutes, the plant sprite within will give you your answer. Wands or dowsing rods made from the elder branch are traditional tools. Branches or sprigs of elder flowers are sacred offerings to the dead, and elder can be used effectively in Incense, baths, Philtres, Amulets, and more to bless and protect.


Scientific name: Inula helenium

Other names: elfwort, velvet dock

Element: Air

Planet: Mercury

Part used: root

The energies of elecampane are helpful in work with the faery realm, either as an offering or an enticement. One of the herbs used by the Druids, elecampane, when burned in a Divination Incense, aids in scrying, whether by crystal ball or on the surface of a clear spring.


Scientific name: Eucalyptus spp.

Other name: gum tree

Element: Water

Planet: Moon

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

The clear, bright scent of the eucalyptus lends itself perfectly to cleansings of temples, homes, and the human aura. Use in any herbal formula to clean and balance a place or a person. Create an Herbal Amulet or Anointing Oil to strengthen and clear the ill.


Scientific name: Euphrasia officinalis

Other name: euphrasia

Element: Air

Planet: Sun

Part used: leaf

Made into a Philtre and used as an eyewash, eyebright has long been associated with both clearing physical eyesight and also enhancing clairvoyance—the ability of Second Sight. In an Incense, bath, or Condenser, eyebright brings forth clarity in a situation as well as the truth of the matter.


Scientific name: Foeniculum vulgare

Other name: fenkel

Element: Water

Planets: Mercury, Moon

Parts used: seed, leaf, essential oil

Like white sandalwood, fennel enjoys the dual rulership of Mercury and the Moon. It aids in obtaining psychic impressions (Moon) and interpreting those impressions accurately (Mercury). Fennel is also used in protection rites—strew the whole seeds in each room, burn it in an Incense blend, or make an Infusion with the seeds and wash the walls and floor. Burning fennel in Incense or anointing the Third Eye also clears the mind and aids in memory. Fennels seed are tossed at a wedding couple like rice for health and abundance in the relationship.


Scientific name: Trigonella foenumgraecum

Other name: Greek hayseed

Element: Air

Planet: Mercury

Parts used: seed, essential oil

Included in a Philtre or Elixir, fenugreek promotes wisdom and good decisions. As an ingredient in Incense or Ritual Oil (one drop will suffice), fenugreek draws success to any enterprise. Make a Magickal Potpourri money jar by combining fenugreek seeds, bay leaves, and cinnamon in a small jar along with a silver coin. Shake it while you visualize a shower of gold and green drifting down on you.


Scientific name: Chrysanthemum parthenium

Other name: febrifuge

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Part used: leaf

Strew this herb along the walkway or in the entrance of a home or business to prevent accidents. Adding feverfew to an Herbal Amulet for travel helps to keep the journey safe (add some dried or fresh leaf to the suitcase to prevent its loss). Burn feverfew as part of an Incense formula to stop negative influences from ruling decisions that you are making or that are being made about you, such as court cases.


Scientific name: Linum usitatissimum

Other name: linseed

Element: Water

Planet: Moon

Parts used: flower, seed, essential oil

Protector of children and pregnancy, the flax flowers or flaxseeds may be incorporated into Herbal Amulets, Incense, or Elixirs to bless children, increase chances of fertility, or protect an endangered pregnancy. Flax oil applied to a child's forehead or a woman's pregnant belly is protective as well.


Scientific name: Boswellia carteri

Other name: olibanum

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun

Parts used: resin, essential oil

This is one herb that you must have in your Magickal supplies cabinet. The resin has been burned for thousands of years to sanctify, promote success, protect, connect with the Divine, and consecrate. In an oil blend, frankincense uplifts and opens the user to higher levels of being. A fantastic base for any herbal blend, frankincense is indispensable.


Scientific name: Alpinia officinalis

Other names: chewing John, low John

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Parts used: root, essential oil

Powder the galangal root and strew it about the home for protection, chew a small piece for courage and protection, brew into an Infusion for vitality and sexual energy, or add it to an oil blend for power. The galangal root can be charged with energy by itself and kept on the person to enhance health and energy levels. A relative of ginger, this root brings additional power to any formula.


Scientific name: Allium sativum

Other names: ajo, stinkweed

Element: Earth

Planet: Mars

Parts used: root, essential oil

Used in every culture for protection and exorcism, garlic is a powerful tool in dispelling negative entities and can be burned in an Incense, hung from the doorway, and strewn throughout a room. Garlic can also be employed in an oil blend for drawing protective symbols on doors and windows to keep illness and spirits out. The essential oil's scent is incredibly strong; a little goes a long way.


Scientific name: Gentiana lutea

Other name: bitterroot

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Part used: root

Arousing desire, gentian root has traditionally been added in Herbal Amulets to draw someone to you or to add sensuality to a relationship. It is also one of the herbs that can be used in a Home Blessing, using the Mars energy with which it corresponds to burn away negativity and bring energy, passion, and health to the home.


Scientific name: Zingiber officinale

Other name: gingerroot

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Parts used: root, essential oil

Perfect as an addition to any herbal mixture, ginger adds force and potency to every working. In a Philtre, Condenser, or Elixir, ginger root acts as an energizing tonic, bringing strength, courage, and health. Ginger can be part of a rite to bring interest back to a romantic union or be a strong addition to a Protection ceremony. Chewing ginger has traditionally been a quick technique for bringing strength to the herbal practitioner as she focuses and releases energy in Magick.


Scientific name: Gingko biloba

Other name: maidenhair tree

Element: Air

Planet: Mercury

Part used: leaf

Known medicinally as an excellent brain herb, gingko increases the oxygen absorption in the blood cells, increasing clear thought processes and intelligence. Magickally, ginkgo works in a similar fashion, attracting inspiration, new thought, and eloquence to the user.


Scientific name: Panax quinquefolius

Other names: wonder-root, eleuthero

Element: Earth

Planet: Mars

Part used: root

Known worldwide as the root that provides strength, stamina, and vigor to men, ginseng is also associated with enhanced sexuality. Using the whole root, you can inscribe the name of your intended romantic partner on one side, your name on the other. Wrap the root in red cloth and visualize the union. Ginseng can also be added to an aphrodisiac Philtre with potent results.

Grains of paradise

Scientific name: Aframomum melegueta

Other name: Guinea grains

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Part used: seed

Place three seeds under your tongue as you meditate on a desire. Swallow the seeds and expect results in three days, says the lore. A wonderful addition to any herbal mixture to be used in a Home Blessing, grains of paradise attract luck, prosperity, wishes, and a joyful household.


Scientific name: Paullinia cupana

Element: Air

Planet: Uranus

Part used: seed

Very effective in an Infusion to promote innovative thinking, alertness, and energy, guarana exemplifies the Uranian energies with which it is associated. The ground seeds in an Incense blend promote higher thought processes and a world/Universe consciousness.

Gum Arabic

Scientific name: Acacia spp.

Other name: arabic gum

Element: Air

Planets: Mercury, Sun

Part used: resin

Gum arabic is the resin obtained from the acacia tree. When it is burned, its light, clean scent is refreshing and is used for purification of a space as well as an offertory to the Gods. Lore says that the Ark of the Covenant was made from the acacia tree.

Gum mastic

Scientific name: Pistacia lentiscus

Other name: mastic

Element: Air/Fire

Planet: Uranus

Part used: resin

A bright and clear yellow, gum mastic is used for rapid change and to attain a high spiritual level. One of the staple resins in many Incenses used in ceremonial Magick, this clean-smelling resin raises the vibrations in a temple and imparts a sense of higher purpose.


Scientific name: Crataegus oxyacantha

Other names: maybush, hagthorn

Element: Air

Planets: Mercury, Uranus

Parts used: berry, leaf, thorn

Used for centuries to protect and bless the home, hawthorn wards off lightning and negativity. Placed in the cradle or in a child's bed, hawthorn stops nightmares and blesses the child with intelligence and health. Known to attract faery folk, hawthorn incorporated into an Incense can be burned or the berries can be sown into the garden to ensure a good harvest. Hawthorn branches carried into the bridal chamber bring fidelity and erotic desire for the partner. In Teutonic lands, Hawthorn was burned in the funeral pyre to lift the soul gently from the body.


Scientific name: Prunella vulgaris

Other names: woundwort, allheal

Element: Earth

Planet: Mars

Part used: leaf

Included in an Infusion, heal-all brings health, strength, and vigor. In an Incense or Herbal Amulet, heal-all soothes a broken heart. Strewn in a circle around a place, heal-all sanctifies and creates a sacred circle for ritual or protection.


Scientific name: Lawsonia inermis

Other names: mehndi, al-henna

Element: Fire

Planet: Venus

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Associated with brides and weddings in India, the intricate patterns left on the skin by using the stain from henna paste are intended to draw the favor of the Gods. When mixing the paste, different essential oils and floral waters can be used that add to the focused energy of the final design. Mixing henna paste with tea tree oil brings purity; rose water attracts sexuality and love; orange oil invites prosperity and happiness. A Talismanic emblem or Magickal square can be drawn on the skin as a part of a ritual. As the henna paste is applied, focus on the intention of the ritual, and as the dried paste is removed, leaving the pattern, release the desire into the Universe.


Scientific name: Hibiscus sabdariffa

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Parts used: flower, essential oil

Perfect for brewing into an Infusion to connect with the Divine Feminine, Hibiscus is sacred to the Goddess Kali in all her guises. Adding the dramatically red flowers to Incense adds beauty and results in an uplifting spiritual response in the practitioner. This flower can be used to petition for mercy.

High John

Scientific name: Ipomoea jalapa

Other names: jalap root, High John the Conqueror

Element: Air

Planet: Mars

Part used: root

High John root is most often taken into court for legal success and can be stored with legal papers prior to a hearing to incite a positive resolution. Adding a small root or bit of root to a carrier oil such as sweet almond and letting the blend cure for two weeks creates a High John oil that can be used to dress candles, Talismans, and other objects for success and overcoming obstacles.


Scientific name: Lonicera caprifolium

Other name: woodbine

Element: Earth

Planets: Mars, Venus

Parts used: flower, essential oil

The use of honeysuckle in any herbal formula brings increase and energy. The flowers produce a heady, sweet scent that is sometimes used to seduce a lover. Honeysuckle can be used to gently protect—creating an energy space that deflects negativity.


Scientific name: Humulus lupulus

Other name: beer bud

Element: Air

Planet: Moon

Part used: flower

Medicinally, hops work as a sedative, calming and soothing. They work well in dream pillows when a prophetic dream is the goal, and they soothe the ill and ease them into a tranquil sleep.


Scientific name: Marrubium vulgare

Other name: hoarhound

Element: Air

Planet: Mercury

Part used: leaf

Sacred to the Egyptian God Horus, the leaves of the horehound protect from chaos and aid the thinking processes for clarity and purpose. Before energy healing, the hands are washed in an Infusion of horehound and the body is bathed in an Incense containing horehound to clear the aura.


Scientific name: Equisetum spp.

Other names: shave grass, bottlebrush

Element: Earth

Planet: Saturn

Part used: leaf

An excellent herb for clearing the residual energy of sadness and grief, horsetail can be burned or scattered and then swept away, leaving a neutral atmosphere. Rubbed on the skin, horsetail removes emotional attachments. This clearing results in wisdom and understanding in a karmic situation.


Scientific name: Hydrangea arborescens

Other names: seven barks, wild hydrangea

Element: Water

Planet: Moon

Parts used: root, flower

The use of this root disperses negative energy and dispels pain. An Infusion of hydrangea can be ingested, which enhances intuition. Hydrangea flowers planted outside the bedroom aid in lucid dreaming and increased sensuality.


Scientific name: Hyssopus officinalis

Other name: yssop

Element: Fire

Planet: Jupiter

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Used extensively for purification and protection, hyssop can be utilized in all the herbal formulas that focus on clearing a person or a space of negativity. In the Old Testament, sprigs of hyssop were used to paint lamb's blood around the doorways of the Hebrew inhabitants of Egypt, causing the Angel of Death to pass by that home. Bouquets of hyssop were hung in the home during the Middle Ages to deflect the plague as well.

Irish moss

Scientific name: Chondrus crispus

Other names: carrageen, pearl moss

Element: Water

Planet: Moon

Part used: leaf

The dried leaf of this moss can be powdered and added to any mixture to attract prosperity and release energy that is causing poverty in the home. In folk Magick, Irish moss powder is placed under the rug in the entryway or front room on the evening of the New Moon to entice prosperity through the door. Pieces of the leaf can be added to Herbal Amulets and charged for attraction of prosperity as well.


Scientific name: Jasminum offcinale

Other name: jessamine

Element: Water

Planets: Moon, Venus

Parts used: flower, essential oil

Jasmin enjoys the rulerships of both the Moon, as a night-blooming, white or pale flower, and of Venus for its intoxicating scent. Used often for love and to bring peace and tranquility to the home or emotions, its flowers or oil can be a wonderful addition to all herbal formulas to bring these goals into manifestation. In addition, jasmin oil can be used to anoint the Third Eye when the practitioner is seeking to connect with mystical inspiration for art, music, dance, or poetry. Jasmin can also be utilized for dreamwork and astral projection.

Job's tears

Scientific name: Coix lacryma

Other name: tear grass

Element: Air

Planet: Jupiter

Part used: seed

Most often added to an Herbal Amulet for manifesting one's wishes or producing luck, some practitioners use three tears, some seven tears, in the Amulet. With each tear, a statement is made regarding the wish to be granted. In folk Magick traditions, a necklace of Job's tears is strung on red cord for health or on a blue cord for protection of children.


Scientific name: Juniperus communis

Other names: gin berry, geneva

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun

Parts used: leaf, berry, resin, essential oil

An herb that attracts health, juniper can be used in Herbal Infusions, Incenses, Ritual Oils, baths, and more to bring vitality to an individual. The resin is not generally commercially available but is easy enough to procure by picking some of the juniper sprigs and gathering liquid resin from the bark. Burned to drive out spirits, juniper leaves behind a clean, woodsy scent.

Kava kava

Scientific name: Piper methysticum

Other names: ava, awa

Element: Water

Planets: Neptune, Saturn

Part used: root

Drinking a Philtre of kava kava root relaxes the conscious mind and allows psychic visions to occur. Used by the Hunas as a ritual sacrament, kava kava is drunk as an Infusion for communing with the Gods. Sometimes an ill person is instructed to chew on a piece of the root, which is then used by the practitioner in a rite of protection and restoration for the patient.


Scientific name: Agropyron repens

Other names: witchgrass, couch grass, twitch grass

Element: Earth

Planet: Jupiter

Part used: leaf

Growing prolifically, knotgrass brings abundance and repels difficulties. Add to any herbal concoction to attract increase and disperse challenges.


Scientific name: Polygonum aviculare

Other names: lady's thumb, nine joints

Element: Earth

Planet: Saturn

Parts used: leaf, vine

Used in folk Magick to confound and entrap enemies, knotweed can be scattered in the perimeter surrounding a home or office to thwart thieves and negative energy. Knotweed is also burned in an Incense or added to an Herbal Amulet for releasing problems. If burning knotweed, visualize difficulties wafting away on the Incense smoke; if using in an Herbal Amulet, fill the Amulet with the energy of the problem and then toss it into a running stream or bury it at a crossroads.

Lady's mantle

Scientific name: Alchemilla vulgaris

Other name: stellaria

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Parts used: leaf, root

Lady's mantle is associated with Goddess energy, including that of the Virgin Mary. Dew collected from the leaves of this herb at sunrise and applied to the face brings beauty. As you may have extrapolated from its Latin genus name, Alchemilla, lady's mantle also has been used extensively in Herbal Alchemy over time. Added to any alchemical mixture, lady's mantle adds potency and power to any formula. Drinking an Infusion of lady's mantle imparts emotional focus.


Scientific name: Lavandula officinalis

Other names: elf leaf, naid

Element: Water

Planet: Mercury

Parts used: flower, essential oil

Lavender is almost an all-purpose herb, and its energies lend focus to herbal mixtures for love, protection, peace, and purification. Dip fresh sprigs of lavender flowers in water and sprinkle them throughout a space to bring protection and purifying energy. Next, dry the flowers to be used later in a Home Blessing Incense or simply display them above the front door to cleanse and bless all who enter. One of the herbs added to love sachets during the Renaissance, lavender brings stability to a romantic union and increases fidelity.


Scientific name: Citrus limon

Element: Water

Planet: Moon

Parts used: juice, peel, essential oil

Very useful in cleansings and dispelling poltergeist phenomena, lemon helps to break up and absorb etheric energy. For protection during sleep, place a few lemon slices and sea salt in a bowl and keep by the bed. If a room in a house seems “unhealthy,” a bowl of sea salt and lemon slices will absorb any negative energy. After three days, dispose of the salt and lemon by either burying it away from the house or tossing them in a running stream. The walls and floors of a home or office can be washed down with a solution of lemon juice and water to rinse away draining vibrations, and lemon juice can be added to a Purification Bath to cleanse the aura.

Lemon balm

Scientific name: Melissa officinalis

Other names: melissa, bee balm

Element: Water

Planet: Moon

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Added to an Incense blend, Ritual Oil, bath, or any other herbal formula, lemon balm attracts love, success, or healing according to the focus of the practitioner. Fresh smelling and tasting, lemon balm lightens the thoughts and the heart.

Lemon verbena

Scientific name: Lippia citriodora

Other names: cedron, verbena

Element: Air

Planet: Mercury

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Long used to end disputes and protect from strife, lemon verbena purifies and opens the Heart Chakra. Useful in a Dream Amulet to protect from nightmares, it brings peace and tranquility. To clear away old patterns and energy, write a keyword on parchment paper describing the pattern and burn it in an Incense containing this herb.


Scientific name: Cymbopogon citratus

Other name: sweet root

Element: Air

Planet: Mercury

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Lemongrass is a powerful addition to any formula intended to purify, clear energy or thoughts, and discover the truth. Burned, carried, anointed, or ingested, it can be safely used in any herbal mixture. Associated with both Air and Mercury, lemongrass aids with the memory and can be used for study and accessing creativity.


Scientific name: Glycyrrhiza glabra

Other names: sweetwood, licourace, omolilo

Element: Water

Planet: Mercury

Parts used: leaf, root

Used medicinally for sore throats and hoarseness, licorice root's energy also lends eloquence and humor in speech. Perfect for the actor or teacher, chewing a bit of root brings inspired thoughts and the ability to influence others with words.


Scientific name: Lobelia inflata

Other names: asthma weed, Indian tobacco

Element: Water

Planets: Saturn, Neptune

Part used: leaf

Ingested in a Philtre, Elixir, or Condenser, lobelia brings energy of protection, health, and prophetic visions. Burn the leaves and watch for omens in the resulting smoke. Used in storm Magick, both to draw a storm or to deflect one, tradition directs the practitioner to toss the lobelia leaves in the direction in which the storm is brewing.


Scientific name: Nymphaea lotus

Element: Water

Planets: Moon, Neptune

Parts used: flower, pod, root, essential oil

Prominent in Egyptian religion and Magick, lotus used in Ritual Incense, oil, and Infusions promotes spiritual awakening, peace, and true dreaming. Placed in an Herbal Amulet, lotus attracts the favor of the Gods. The oil of lotus flowers added to a bath aids in psychic development, astral projection, and cleansing of the aura.


Scientific name: Levisticum officinale

Other names: loveroot, sea parsley

Element: Fire

Planet: Venus

Part used: root

Long added to baths to attract love and romance, lovage also brings peace and love. With a subtle floral scent, the root is an effective addition to Herbal Amulets to attract love, and it can be steeped in wine to be served to a prospective lover.


Scientific name: Magnolia grandiflora

Other name: swamp sassafras

Element: Earth

Planet: Jupiter

Parts used: bud, flower, leaf

Placing magnolia flowers near the nuptial bed ensures fidelity, and when added to the bath, they attract honor and recognition. With its rulerships by the Element Earth and the Planet Jupiter, the energies of this dramatic and beautiful tree promote financial increase. After the flower petals have dried and fallen away, the resulting seed cone makes a wonderful aspergil for sprinkling ceremonial waters.


Scientific name: Adiantum capillus

Other names: maidenhair fern, capillaire

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Part used: leaf

Historically used to attract romance, beauty, and joy, the fronds of the maidenhair fern are stirred through the bath to charge it with erotic energy. Placed under or over the bed, the herb promotes sexual energy.


Scientific name: Atropa mandragora

Other names: mandragore, mannikin

Element: Earth

Planets: Mercury, Uranus

Part used: root


The lore of the mandrake is truly legion. Used for binding, strengthening, protection, and power, this root is quite versatile and has been used for millennia. Pulled fresh from the ground, the mandrake root can be carved into a figure and used in healing and love Magicks to represent a person. The dried root is traditionally placed near the door or in the bedroom to protect the inhabitants. A binding can be performed by wrapping the root with a small piece of parchment on which the name of the person who is causing harm is written and then burying them together. As the parchment decays and dissolves, so does the power of the individual to do harm. Although it is referred to in Genesis as an herb of fertility, this root should never be ingested, nor any other part of the plant, as it is very poisonous.


Scientific name: Origanum vulgare

Other names: wintersweet, marjolaine, sweet marjoram

Element: Water

Planets: Venus, Mars

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Perfect as an addition to any herbal love combination, marjoram is sacred to the Goddess Aphrodite. An herb that blends the potent energies of Venus and Mars, marjoram brings strength to the union of marriage. Burned as an offertory, it promotes spiritual bliss and connection to the Divine. As a symbol of familial love, marjoram sprinkled around the perimeter of the home or grown by the front door protects the inhabitants.


Scientific name: Spiraea ulmaria

Other names: queen of the meadow, joe-pye weed

Element: Water

Planet: Mercury

Parts used: leaf, root

A traditional herb of the summer solstice, meadowsweet brings happiness and increase to the home. Fresh meadowsweet can be cut and placed at the hearth to attract calm, happy energy or burned in the home to disperse negative tension. A sacred plant to the Druids, meadowsweet, fresh or dried, was used as a strewing herb for its pleasant smell and calming energy. Its common name, meadowsweet, comes from the Anglo-Saxon word medu (mead), because it was used to flavor this drink made from fermented honey.


Scientific name: Viscum album

Other names: golden bough, holy wood, wood of the cross

Element: Fire

Planets: Sun, Jupiter

Parts used: leaf, berry


Another plant sacred to the Druid priesthood, mistletoe provides protection when placed near a cradle or hung near the front door. The berries added to an Herbal Amulet attract love and increase the chances of fertility, which is why we have the tradition of kissing under the mistletoe. While the leaves are not poisonous, the berries most certainly are and should never be consumed or added to any herbal combination that might be ingested. Mistletoe will grow on any deciduous tree but that which grows on oak is particularly powerful.

Moss, oak

Scientific name: Evernia prunastri

Element: Earth

Planet: Saturn

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Just inhaling the earthy fragrance of this plant is grounding and peaceful. Used in an Incense or Ritual Oil, this herb attracts stable increase and brings a tranquil focus to any working. Perfect for honoring the sprites in your garden, place some oak moss there to encourage plant growth. Strengthening and enduring, the energies of oak moss lend power and stamina to any herbal formula.

Moss, Spanish

Scientific name: Tillandsia usneoides

Element: Earth

Planet: Saturn

Part used: leaf

Traditionally used in folk Magick to stuff gris-gris or poppets (voodoo dolls for healing or other forms of Magick), Spanish moss can also be used to thwart and bind any ill intention. Placed in the wallet or purse, Spanish moss helps to retain prosperity for the carrier.


Scientific name: Leonurus cardiaca

Other names: lion's-tail, throwwort

Element: Fire

Planet: Venus

Part used: leaf

Protective of the home and lending extra power and strength to women, motherwort also brings the motivation and the energy to complete tasks and take advantage of opportunities.


Scientific name: Artemisia vulgaris

Other names: artemisia, Saint-John's-plant

Element: Water

Planets: Moon, Neptune

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

One of the traditional ingredients in a dream pillow, mugwort promotes psychic energy and lucid dreaming. Used to aid astral travel, it helps the practitioner to leave the body in its etheric form and return to it safely. Added to a Divination Incense, oil, or Philtre, mugwort is a powerful ally in getting and interpreting psychic information. An Infusion of mugwort is perfect for cleansing and charging crystal balls, speculums, pendulums, and other divining tools.


Scientific name: Verbascum thapus

Other names: Aaron's rod, velvetback

Element: Earth

Planets: Saturn, Mars

Parts used: leaf, flower

Lending the energies of courage, health, protection, and love, mullein can be one of the powerful ingredients in an Herbal Amulet to protect from nightmares and visitations by entities during sleep or kept in the car for safety while traveling. It can be hung over doors to keep any negativity from entering. An Incense composed of mullein and dittany of Crete can be used to give manifestation to the spirits of loved ones at Samhain.


Scientific name: Commiphora myrrha

Other name: mirra

Element: Water

Planets: Saturn, Pluto

Parts used: resin, essential oil

Burned with frankincense resin to raise the vibration of temple or home, myrrh protects and brings sanctity and connection to spirit. Used in many ancient Egyptian rites, myrrh was used as an offertory to the Gods and as one of the ingredients in the mummification process. Myrrh resin is sacred to the Goddess Hecate, and burning it during meditations on death and transformation brings deep wisdom.


Scientific name: Myrtus communis

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Roman women traditionally wore wreaths of myrtle, an herb long associated with the home and with marriage, to honor the Goddess and to attract a marriage partner. Drinking an Infusion of myrtle leaves or adding them to the bath draws romantic love and youthful beauty.


Scientific name: Urtica dioica

Other names: stinging nettle, sting weed

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Part used: leaf

Utilized extensively for protection and to confound enemies, nettle is a good addition to a Cleansing Bath to remove any negativity from the aura. It also can be placed in an Herbal Amulet to be kept in a sickroom to help the patient recover. The energies of nettle are hot and tend to burn away vibrations that are draining to the vitality of a place or person.


Scientific name: Myristica fragrans

Other name: mace

Element: Air

Planets: Jupiter, Uranus

Parts used: nut, essential oil

The transformative energy of nutmeg attracts positive change, promotes health, and can aid Vision Quests. Included in any herbal formula, nutmeg attracts quick and sometimes quirky changes. An opportunity that you may not have considered before can open up before you. An Infusion that utilizes nutmeg can be consumed or washed over the body to “reset” the electromagnetic nervous system, resulting in a quicker and more creative thought process. In folk Magick, a whole nutmeg can be charged by wrapping it with a dollar bill or simply carried in an Herbal Amulet to draw luck and prosperity.


Scientific name: Citrus sinensis

Element: Air

Planet: Sun

Parts used: peel, juice, essential oil

Bringing confidence, a feeling of well-being, and happiness, the easy-to-obtain orange fruit is truly a wonderful Sun herb. The dried peel can be added to Incense or an Herbal Amulet to bolster strong, positive energy; the juice can be charged with the focus of vitality and health and then consumed; and the essential oil can be added to all herbal concoctions to add the energy and vitality of the Sun.


Scientific name: Iris pseudocorus

Other name: Queen Elizabeth root

Element: Water

Planets: Venus, Moon

Parts used: root, essential oil

This root of the iris flower has long been used in rites of love, beauty, and divination to know the thoughts of the dead. Used extensively in France and Italy in perfumery and love formulas, its oil works well as a fixative in any oil blend to make the scent longer lasting. The iris was also prized by the Egyptians, the image of the flower being carved into some of the temple walls at Karnak. Powdered orris root can be added to herb formulations focusing on romance as well as sprinkled on clothing to attract a partner. The oil adds the Divine feminine energies of the Moon and Venus. Sacred to Iris, the Goddess of the Elysian fields, for whom the plant was named, the root or its derivatives can be used to soothe the souls of those who have passed on.


Scientific name: Passiflora incarnata

Other name: passion vine

Element: Water

Planets: Venus, Neptune

Parts used: leaf, flower, vine

Associated with the energies of the Christ, passionflower brings peace, friendship, and familial love. The word passion in its name denotes the passion of the Christ, the union of Heaven and Earth in a balanced whole. As an ingredient in Incense, Herbal Amulet, Philtre, or bath, passionflower attracts tranquility and blesses the home.


Scientific name: Pogostemon cablin

Other names: pucha-pot, pacouli

Element: Earth

Planets: Mars, Saturn

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Perfect for promoting lust, patchouli is an ingredient in any herbal formula for romance and sexual intrigue. Its earthy scent also grounds and protects, creating an energy barrier to negativity and ill will. Along with its association with Earth energies and those of Saturn, patchouli attracts the acquisition of property and money for a stable financial foundation.


Scientific name: Mentha pulegium

Other names: mosquito plant, squaw mint

Element: Air

Planets: Venus, Mars

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Clearing and strengthening, pennyroyal was used in the Eleusinian mysteries of the Greeks to prepare the initiate for communing clearly with the Divine. Associated with the powers of death and rebirth, which is the focus of initiation, pennyroyal has also been used medicinally to induce miscarriage. It contains a large amount of the chemical pulegone, which causes the uterus to shed its lining, bringing on menstruation. Neither the herb nor the essential oil should be handled by a pregnant woman.


Scientific name: Mentha piperita

Other name: lammint

Element: Fire

Planet: Mercury

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

The energies of peppermint renew and refresh. Useful in unblocking stagnant, negative patterns of thought, behavior, and vibration, peppermint clears the old to make way for new vibrations that attract money and health. Used in a dream pillow, peppermint leaves one refreshed and can aid in obtaining useful information in one's dreams.


Scientific name: Pinus spp.

Element: Air

Planet: Jupiter

Parts used: needle, resin, essential oil

The clean scent of pine is uplifting and inspiring. Its needles can be used in an Incense, bath herb combination, or as a strewing herb to purify a space or the human aura. The custom of bringing cut pine branches into the home during the winter holiday season is one that promotes clearing the home of negativity and illness during the winter months.


Scientific name: Plantago major

Other names: Patrick's dock, snakeweed

Element: Earth

Planet: Jupiter

Parts used: leaf, root

Tying together plantain leaves and hanging them by the door is a traditional method to invite calm, guard against thieves, and soothe the energy residue from an argument. It can be an effective ingredient in herbal formulas focused on healing of the body, mind, or heart.


Scientific name: Papaver somniferum

Other name: khaskhas

Element: Water

Planets: Moon, Neptune

Parts used: seed, flower, essential oil

Associated with fertility due to its proliferation of seeds, poppy can also be used with good results to encourage prophetic dreams and develop the intuition. As a symbol of sleep and death, poppies were lovely offerings by the Greeks to lost loved ones, and the opium obtained from the poppy plant leads to a hallucinatory experience of the Underworld.

Queen of the meadow

Scientific name: Spiraea ulmaria

Other names: meadowsweet, joe-pye weed

Element: Water

Planet: Mercury

Parts used: leaf, root

See Meadowsweet.


Scientific name: Rubus idaeus

Other name: red raspberry

Element: Water

Planets: Venus, Moon

Parts used: berry, leaf

As with all plants producing an impressive amount of seeds, raspberry is associated with fertility and, used medicinally, helps to stabilize and strengthen the female reproduction system. When grown around the house, this thorny bush serves as a protector, and the branches can be brought inside and hung at the doors, windows, and hearth to keep out intruders, both in physical and spirit form. Steeping the berries in wine and serving them to a lover strengthens the relationship. It is also helpful in protecting pregnant women from miscarriage when used in a bath, Infusion, or Herbal Amulet worn by the expectant mother.

Red clover

Scientific name: Trifolium pratense

Other names: shamrock, trefoil

Element: Air

Planet: Mercury

Parts used: leaf, flower

The Celts traditionally burned clover and censed their herds with the smoke to cleanse and purify the animals, ward against sickness, and aid in fertility. Clover has always been associated with luck and the faery folk. Planted near gardens, it attracts the blessings of the plant Devas (spirits) to promote growth and repel pests. Three-leaf clovers are sacred to the Triple Goddess Maiden, Mother, Crone, and protect the wearer. The leaves on a four-leaf clover represent faith, love, hope, and luck. If you find one, make a wish and then place the four-leaf clover between the pages of a closed book. When the wish comes true, return the clover to the faeries by burying it in a natural mound for additional luck.

Rose hips

Scientific name: Rosa canina

Element: Earth

Planets: Venus, Jupiter

Part used: hip

Rose hips are the fruit of the wild rose—the seed pod left after the petals have dried and blown away. They can be used effectively in Love Rituals: add them to the bath, drink them in an Infusion with honey, include them in an Herbal Love Amulet, or pierce fresh rose hips with a needle and string them on pink or red silk cord into a necklace. Rose hips contain Jupiter vibration and so can be used to attract wealth: charge the rose hips with energy and add them to an Herbal Amulet that you keep in your cash drawer, purse, or wallet.


Scientific name: Rosa spp.

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Parts used: flower, leaf, essential oil

In every culture, the rose is linked to love and beauty and was the first plant cultivated purely for its beauty and scent. Sacred to the Goddess Venus, the lore has it that the rose was formed from the tears of the Goddess as She wept over her dying lover, Adonis, the blood mingling with the tears. Different colors of rose signify the essence of the love expressed: red or pink signify romantic love; yellow, familial love; and white, sorrowful love at death. Incenses or oil blends made with rose attract love and affection, and a bath filled with rose petals is perfect prior to seduction.


Scientific name: Rosemarinus officinalis

Other name: elf leaf

Element: Air

Planet: Sun

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

The reviving scent of rosemary stimulates the memory and thought processes. Its scent when burned or added to any herbal preparation adds an energy of protection and purification to a space. The oil applied directly to rashes and skin blemishes clears the area, and when inhaled, its aroma aids the memory and brain functions. Sprinkling rosemary leaves over a grave brings comfort to the dead and memories for the ones left behind. Rosemary placed in the bath before bedtime wards away nightmares, and when carried in an Herbal Amulet, it gives confidence and courage.


Scientific name: Pyrus aucuparia

Other names: mountain ash, Thor's aid

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun

Parts used: berry, leaf, bark

Used for centuries for protection, rowan wards off lightning and creates a barrier to negative energy. A small forked rowan branch is excellent for dowsing, and the berries are used in potions to invoke psychic and creative visions. Plant a rowan tree at the front door or by the front gate to prevent the entrance of enemies or trouble.


Scientific name: Ruta graveolens

Other names: ruta, herb of grace

Element: Air

Planets: Sun, Mars

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Fortifying and strengthening, rue has long been used for health, purification, protection, and mental focus. One of the herbs used to banish the energies of negative spirits, it can also be used to thwart shapeshifters. Rue is excellent in clearing energy from objects: cover the object with rue and let it sit for three days. During this time, any imbalanced energy is absorbed by the rue and the object is spiritually cleansed. Burn the leftover rue afterward. Rue was used commonly in Europe as a strewing herb to prevent plague, and sprigs of the plant were used to sprinkle the holy water at High Mass. It is said that Leonardo da Vinci regularly ate fresh rue to inspire his creativity and focus. This herb should not be used by pregnant women.


Scientific name: Carthamus tinctorius

Other names: fire petal, dyer's safflower

Element: Fire

Planets: Sun, Mars

Parts used: flowers, oil

Often effectively substituted for the much more costly saffron, safflower can be used to dye material a lovely red-orange. Its profuse plumage of red, sharp flower petals remind one of thistles, and they can be used in Incenses and Amulets for prosperity. The leaves of safflower end in small, sharp needles, so its utilization in protection formulas is indicated as well. When creating a Solar or Mars oil, using safflower oil as a carrier base adds those energies in abundance.

Sage, Clary

Scientific name: Salvia officinalis

Other name: garden sage

Element: Air/Earth

Planet: Jupiter

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Clary sage has been used extensively in Europe for purification and Home Blessing; in Incenses, Herbal Amulets, and bath herb formulas; burned as a simple; and added to Anointing Oils. Its deep scent is grounding and shielding, and some sage leaf (fresh or dried) is very useful in calming the emotions and clearing the senses. Burning sage or inhaling the scent of the essential oil is very helpful when making difficult decisions, as its energies lend themselves to practical thought patterns and truth.

Sage, white

Scientific name: Salvia apiana

Other name: medicine brush

Element: Air/Earth

Planet: Jupiter

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Like its European cousin, clary sage, white sage is used for blessing and energy cleansing. When its fresh leaves and stems are tied tightly in a wand shape and left to dry, it is often used as a “smudge” to burn and purify the area. If you want to make your own smudge, gather three or four six- to eight-inch stems and place them together. Beginning at the bottom where the majority of the woody stem is present, twist the leaves around each other gently but tightly. With red or white cotton string, wrap the woody end thoroughly and then continue wrapping the string with about an inch between each strand around the remainder of the smudge. Let it dry completely—this will take two weeks. When you wish to cleanse a place of imbalanced or negative energy, light the top and let it flame for about ten seconds. Blow the flame out gently and allow the smudge stick to smolder. It will continue to burn very slowly and will tend to drop ashes, so you will want to hold something under it (like the traditional abalone shell) to collect the smoldering ash. Cleanse the space with the sage smoke, and when you're finished, tamp it out lightly as you would a cigar. You can relight the end when you next wish to cleanse a space or an object.


Scientific name: Hypericum perforatum

Other names: goatweed, tipton weed

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun

Parts used: leaf, flower, oil extract

Perfect for dispersing ghosts and spirits, Saint-John'swort's ancient name, fuga daemonum (“scare demon”), attests to its use in dispelling the negative energies of vampiric spirits. Traditionally gathered around the time of the summer solstice (Saint John's Day is June 24), it can be tossed into the hearth to purify and protect the home. Hung over the door, burned, or strewn, Saint-John's-wort was also used to purify pastoral animal herds to ward off illness. Among its historical uses, this efficacious herb was also given as a tea to calm the mentally ill. Of course, in our modern times, it is used in capsules and as a tea to treat depression and mental illness. To make your own Saint-John's-wort oil extract, place the fresh flowers and leaves in a wide-mouthed jar and cover with extra-virgin olive oil. Close the jar and tighten the lid. Place the jar in a sunny window for six weeks, shaking it a couple of times a day. You will know the oil is being extracted as it turns red. After the extraction period, strain the oil through a cloth or wire colander—actually the foot from some clean panty hose works very well for this!—and decant into a dark blue or amber bottle. Kept in a cool, dry area, this extracted oil will keep for up to two years. This extracted oil can be used in the formulation of any of your alchemical herbal recipes, added to the bath or anointed on a candle.

Sandalwood, red

Scientific name: Santalum rubrum

Other names: red santal, red saunders, santalinus

Element: Fire

Planets: Mars, Venus

Part used: wood

Lightly scented, unlike its brother white sandalwood, the energy and color of red sandalwood brings courage, protection, and sexual arousal, hence its affiliation with both Mars and Venus. Burned in an Incense, carried in an Herbal Amulet, or added to the bath, red sandalwood fortifies the strength of one's convictions and gives driving purpose and focus. A writing ink perfect for drawing Talismans and inscribing one's wishes on parchment can be made by bringing water to a boil and then pouring the hot water in a small jar filled with red sandalwood chips. Let the chips rest in the jar and, every few days, lightly masticate them with a small pestle, dispersing the color into the water. After about a month's time you will have your Magickal ink!

Sandalwood, white

Scientific name: Santalum album

Other names: white saunders, sandal

Element: Water

Planets: Moon, Mercury

Parts used: wood, essential oil

There may be nothing more uplifting than the scent of white sandalwood—it inspires spiritual connection and positive energy and is a universal herb for cleansing the temple, home, or human aura. Sandalwood raises any herbal formula to a higher vibration. An herb of calming wisdom, it is perfect for meditation and in rites focused on gaining higher wisdom.


Scientific name: Sassafras officinale

Element: Fire

Planet: Jupiter

Parts used: root, leaf, essential oil

The base of the flavoring for root beer, the root of the sassafras tree is grounding and promotes happiness in the home. Its energy attracts prosperity and it can be added to any herbal formula to enhance and enlarge its focused results. According to folklore, the leaves or root bits carried in the wallet or purse ensure that there is always a supply of money there.

Saw palmetto

Scientific name: Serenoa repens

Other name: sabal

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Part used: berry

Used medicinally as a tonic for the prostate gland in men, saw palmetto is associated with sexuality, lust, and romance. Added to Incense or an Herbal Amulet, the formula can attract a romantic partner. Inscribe the name of the beloved on a whole saw palmetto berry and place it under her pillow to induce romantic dreams of you. Saw palmetto can be added to an aphrodisiac Infusion for a romantic evening—I would suggest mead or a heavy red wine, as saw palmetto has a distinctive taste that is not for everyone.


Scientific name: Scutellaria galericulata

Other names: hoodwort, madweed

Element: Water

Planet: Saturn

Part used: leaf

Encouraging enduring love and fidelity, skullcap is a natural for herbal preparations focusing on marriage and unions. Placed in the bridal bed, it brings understanding, commitment, and peace to the relationship. Consumed or sprinkled as a Philtre, Elixir, or Condenser, skullcap works to bring opposites into balance and is thus useful in helping to solve problems in a partnership or marriage.

Slippery elm

Scientific name: Ulmus fulva

Other name: moose elm

Element: Air

Planet: Saturn

Part used: bark

Slippery elm is used in folk Magick to protect from gossip. Sprinkle the powdered bark on the front doorstep or in the office to stop slander and lies. A wash can be made by infusing the bark in spring water to release entities or energy “hooks” from the aura.


Scientific name: Sanicula marilandica

Other name: black snakeroot

Element: Fire

Planet: Mercury

Part used: root

Worn or carried, snakeroot is utilized by hoodoo practitioners to attract luck, money, or love. As an ingredient in an Herbal Amulet or added to the bath, the energy of this plant expands opportunities in any of those three areas when charged with intention.

Solomon's seal

Scientific name: Polygonatum multiflorum

Other names: lady's seal, sealwort

Element: Earth

Planet: Saturn

Part used: root

Used extensively for protection, healing, and the attainment of wisdom, the root of this plant received its name from the “characters” that appear when the root is cut transversely or when the stems dry and fall from the main rootstock, and which somewhat resemble Hebrew characters. Legend has it that Solomon, “who knew the diversities of plants and the virtues of roots,” set his seal upon the roots in testimony of its medicinal and Magickal values. Binding the spirit world to the physical world, Solomon's seal helps to physically manifest the energy and dreams of the practitioner. Small pieces of the root placed on the windowsill, by the door, and by the hearth bind negativity if it tries to enter.


Scientific name: Mentha spicata

Other names: garden mint, mint

Element: Water

Planets: Venus, Mercury

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Refreshing and cleansing, spearmint attracts happiness, peace, and mental alertness. Added to any herbal formula, it brings an uplifting feeling to the atmosphere and to mental attitude. Consumed in a Potion or added to the bath, it draws clean, positive vibrations to a space or person.


Scientific name: Inula conyza

Other name: nard

Element: Air

Planets: Mercury, Uranus

Parts used: root, essential oil

Noted in the Song of Solomon—“Spikenard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, with all the trees of Lebanon; myrrh and aloes with all the chief ointment”—spikenard is associated with wisdom, honor, and learning. It was an ointment of spikenard with which the Magdalene anointed the feet of the Christ, and spikenard was one of the most precious scents in the ancient Semitic world. Spikenard as an ingredient in an Incense or other herbal formula enhances the workings of the mind and allows for the understanding of diverse and complex philosophical works.


Scientific name: Urginea scilla

Other names: sea onion, white squill

Element: Water

Planet: Mars

Part used: root

Growing near the rocky shores of the Celtic Isles, squill has been used for centuries to attract money, provide protection from phantasms, and to turn back the negative energies of a hex. Hanging a squill root or an Herbal Amulet containing squill near the front door reverses misfortune and brings renewal and positive change.

Star Anise

Scientific name: Illicium verum

Element: Water

Planets: Moon, Neptune

Parts used: seed, pod, essential oil

The small brown seeds obtained from the star-shaped pod can be brewed into a delicious tea to promote astral projection and psychic ability. You can make a pendulum for dowsing or divination from a whole star anise pod that is perfectly formed with uniform pods. Carefully prick a small hole through the end of one of the pods, pull a twelve-inch strand of silk thread through the hole, and suspend. Add star anise seeds or the whole pod to the bath, Incense, or Herbal Amulets for purification and renewal.


Scientific name: Hierochloe odorata

Other name: blessing grass

Element: Air

Planet: Sun

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

With a slightly spicy, sweet scent, sweetgrass is used in rites of purification and blessing. Often strands of this long grass are braided together when first harvested and then dried to be burned like the white sage smudge stick. Chant your intention and let it rise on the wafting smoke to receive the blessing of the Earth spirits.


Scientific name: Helianthus annuus

Other names: Aztec flower, corona

Element: Fire

Planet: Sun

Parts used: flower, seed, oil extract

Following the path of the Sun, facing East at dawn and West by sunset, the sunflower is true to its name. Sacred to the Aztecs and in Peru, this plant brings life, vitality, and wishes to those who employ its energy. Adding the petals to the bath brings health and happiness, and anointing with sunflower oil sanctifies and draws strength. Folklore has it that charging the seeds with the intention of fertility and consuming them can help with becoming pregnant.


Scientific name: Tanacetum vulgare

Other name: buttonweed

Element: Water

Planet: Venus

Parts used: flower, leaf, essential oil

Tansy's connection with the Goddess makes it a perfect herb to bless young girls at first menses and to gift to a woman at her Croning. Buried with the deceased, tansy grants a new life and rebirth. In Roman lore, Zues gave Ganymede tansy to grant him immortality, thus it also has an association with longevity. Consumption in an Herbal Infusion is not recommended as the leaves can be toxic.


Scientific name: Thymus vulgaris

Other name: serpyllum

Element: Air

Planet: Mercury

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Long utilized in the energy cleansing and clearing of temples in Greece, thyme can be burned or strewn to disperse stagnant vibrations and invite the new. Attractive to the faery folk, thyme can be grown in the garden to entice their plant blessings, and a little thyme under the tongue allows one to see them more clearly. An herb that helps connect with psychic consciousness, thyme in a divination formula aids the mind in understanding and deciphering psychic visions and impressions.


Scientific name: Coumarouna odorata

Other names: coumara nut, tonqua, love wish bean

Element: Earth

Planets: Venus, Jupiter

Part used: bean

Smelling like spicy vanilla, tonka beans are used in Herbal Amulets and added to the bath to attract love. Three beans placed in a money lockbox or cash drawer encourage prosperity, and small slivers of the bean added to Incense bring courage and the fulfillment of wishes. It is not used in any potion that will be ingested, as it is slightly toxic.


Scientific name: Arctostaphylos uva-ursi

Other names: bearberry, kinnikinnick

Element: Water

Planets: Moon, Venus

Parts used: berry, leaf

The leaves of this low-growing plant have been added to sacred smoking mixtures by many Native American tribes, as uva-ursi brings dreams and visions of a prophetic nature. The berries can be charged with Magickal intention and eaten to encourage fertility.


Scientific name: Valeriana officinalis

Other names: allheal, bloody butcher

Element: Water

Planet: Saturn

Parts used: root, essential oil

The original natural basis for the synthetic sedative Valium, valerian promotes dreamless sleep and calmness. In times when it is thought that mischievous spirits are present, the root or oil has been used extensively in rites of protection and purification to calm the situation. This herb can be added to Incense, ceremonial oil blends, herbal sachets, and in various Philtres and Condensers to bring and release negative emotions.


Scientific name: Verbena hastata

Other names: blue vervain, holy herb

Element: Earth

Planets: Venus, Jupiter

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Extremely versatile in its usage, vervain's energy traditionally has been used for purification, love, protection, chastity, healing, and as an offertory to the God Jupiter and to the Goddess Venus. It can be an ingredient in any herbal preparation, as it enhances and helps to focus the whole. Sacred to the Druids, vervain was used as an aid to obtain visions and commune with Earth spirits. The Welsh called it llysiaur hudol, “enchanting herb.” Vervain is an excellent herb for artists; its use before any creative attempt or performances ensures success.


Scientific name: Vetiveria zizanioides

Other names: khuskhus, vetiver

Element: Earth

Planet: Saturn

Parts used: root, essential oil

When the root is burned or one is anointed with the oil, vetivert provides grounding, shielding, and protection. Often added to Herbal Amulets for love, it enhances affection and calms quarrels. Also used to discourage theft, the powdered or cut root is scattered outside of the openings to a home or business, and a small sprinkling of vetivert in a cash drawer keeps away thieves. Vetivert also works to keep prosperity flowing toward a business.

White oak

Scientific name: Quercus alba

Other names: duir, king oak

Element: Air

Planet: Jupiter

Parts used: seed, bark

Stately and authoritative, the oak has always been a symbol of strength and courage, and it was sacred to the Druids and Romans. Its bark can be burned as an offertory to the Gods, and its fallen small branches, when retrieved and prepared, are perfect for Magick Wands. White oak bark can be an addition to the bath or in an Herbal Infusion to promote strength and resolve. The seed of the oak is the acorn, which is versatile in its use: carve a wish into the acorn and plant the seed; string three or five acorns on red thread and wear them about the neck as you meditate to comprehend your destiny; or draw or carve a different runic or Magickal symbol on a grouping of acorns and use them in divination.


Scientific name: Salix alba

Other names: osier, pussy willow, white willow

Element: Water

Planet: Moon

Parts used: bark, wood, leaf, bud

Wonderful for dowsing and for Magick wands, willow is a plant of intuition, luck, and protection. The bark added to Incense and other herbal formulas brings visions. Use an Infusion made with willow bark to cleanse and charge a crystal ball or scrying mirror, or drink it before settling down in bed to obtain information through dreams. Traditional in Celtic funerary rites, willow is planted near graves to soothe the souls, and it is sacred to Hecate.


Scientific name: Gaultheria procumbens

Other names: patridgeberry, teaberry

Element: Water

Planet: Sun

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

When strewn in the home or business, wintergreen attracts luck and protects. As an ingredient in any formula focused on healing, it brings soothing energy and gentle vitality. An evergreen, this herb is associated with renewal and endurance. The essential oil can be caustic, so add only a few drops to an oil formula.


Scientific name: Agropyron repens

Other names: dog grass, couch grass, twitch grass, knotgrass

Element: Earth

Planet: Jupiter

Part used: Leaf

Added to any herbal concoction, witchgrass brings happiness and luck. Sprinkle the dry herb or an Herbal Infusion of witchgrass about the home to unhex and send any negative energy back to the originator. An Infusion of this herb can also be consumed to dispel depression and bring a more positive outlook. Placed under the pillow of the beloved, witchgrass brings new love and closeness to a relationship.

Witch hazel

Scientific name: Hamamelis virginiana

Other names: spotted alder, winterbloom

Element: Fire

Planets: Sun, Saturn

Part used: leaf

Dowsing rods made with witch hazel branches are very effective in divining and water witching, as the thin branches literally bend when they encounter an underground source of water, lost items, or hidden treasures. It can be used in workings to guard against evil influences and to heal broken hearts. This herb provides purification of a space or the aura when burned in an Incense or used in the bath, and a Philtre can be created to wash the body to loosen and release any psychic “hooks” that are embedded in a person or object's energy field.


Scientific name: Arnica montana

Other names: arnica, leopard's-bane

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Parts used: leaf, flower


Although another plant, Aconitum napellus, is also called wolfsbane, most modern practitioners utilize Arnica montana, as it is much less lethal, though it's still toxic. Wolfsbane provides protection from spirits and is one of the hex-breaking herbs. Use this in an Herbal Amulet only; do not ingest or inhale, whether in Incense smoke, Infusion, or other combination.

Wood betony

Scientific name: Betonica offincinalis

Other names: betony, bishop's-wort

Element: Earth

Planets: Jupiter, Mercury

Part used: leaf

Traditionally used for work with Elementals (the Deva, or spirit essence, of one of the Elements—Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) to entice and communicate with them, wood betony is also an herb that protects from harm and purifies an area. Added to an Herbal Amulet and taken to court, wood betony encourages justice and fairness. Traditionally gathered around the summer solstice, wood betony is tossed onto a bonfire, and then the fire is jumped, cleansing the auric energy.


Scientific name: Asperula odorata

Other names: master of the woods, sweet woodruff

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars

Part used: leaf

Added to any herbal formula, woodruff attracts success in all endeavors. Placed in an Herbal Amulet or used as an ingredient in a bath herb preparation, Woodruff protects and blesses. A traditional ingredient in May wine, woodruff brings health to the drinker. Carried alone or in an Amulet, woodruff was used by Teutonic warriors to ensure victory and protection in battle.


Scientific name: Artemisia absinthium

Other name: absinthe

Element: Earth

Planets: Mars, Saturn

Parts used: leaf, essential oil

Opening the psychic centers, wormwood allows the user to communicate with the dead, summon spirits, and obtain information in the dream state. Wormwood is also utilized in Incenses, bath herbs, Herbal Amulets, and Elixirs of protection, in which it banishes anger and turns back negative energy. If you add wormwood to an Infusion that you intend to ingest, use only a small amount, as it can cause stomach cramps and diarrhea.


Scientific name: Achillea millefolium

Other names: achillea, field hops, milfoil

Element: Air

Planets: Venus, Sun

Parts used: flower, stalk

Yarrow stalks are used in the Chinese system of I Ching, helping to bring clear information and wisdom. It bolsters courage and commitment when used in the bath and is a good ingredient in formulas designed to make love lasting and enduring. Adding a gentle power to any formula, yarrow attracts steadfastness and fortune. Associated with Chiron, the God of healing, yarrow encourages vitality and beauty while attracting Solar vitality to the body.

Yellow dock

Scientific name: Rumex crispus

Other names: sour dock, dock

Element: Earth

Planet: Jupiter

Parts used: leaf, root

Traditionally used in herbal formulas for healing the body and soul, yellow dock is also associated with fertility. The seeds are placed in an Herbal Amulet and worn by the prospective mother.

Yerba santa

Scientific name: Eriodictyon californicum

Other names: sacred herb, holy herb

Element: Air

Planets: Venus, Sun

Part used: leaf

Yerba santa is used in Magick for spiritual strength and to increase psychic powers. It can be carried in an Herbal Amulet for protection or to ward off sickness or added to an Incense formula to clear the aura. Some people add yerba santa to the bath to gain beauty and joy. When illness is thought to be occurring due to vital energy leaking from the aura, the leaves are used in Healing Incenses to close the energy holes and strengthen the patient.


Scientific name: Pausinystalia yohimbe

Element: Fire

Planet: Mars, Pluto

Part used: root

One of the few real herbal aphrodisiacs, yohimbe is associated with sexuality, lust, and power. Included in a Lust Incense or mulled in wine, it increases the blood flow to the genitals in both men and women and arouses desire. A mild hallucinogen, yohimbe should never be used or consumed by anyone who has heart or blood pressure problems, as it dramatically raises blood pressure.