The Herbs of the Sun—Personal Power, Health, and Success - The Herbs and Their Planetary Signatures

The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook: A Complete Guide to Magickal Herbs and How to Use Them - Karen Harrison 2020

The Herbs of the Sun—Personal Power, Health, and Success
The Herbs and Their Planetary Signatures


Energies: self-confidence, success, vitality, courage, authority, dignity, fame, self-knowledge

Colors: gold, orange

Number: 1

Metal: gold

Stones/materials: diamond, citrine, yellow jasper, topaz

Deities: Ra, Apollo, Helios, Lugh, Isis, Diana, Brigit

Herbs: angelica, ash, bay, calendula, chamomile, celandine, eyebright, frankincense, juniper, mistletoe, rosemary, saffron, safflower, Saint-John's-wort, sunflower, tormentilla, walnuts

In Astrology, the Sun and Moon are called “Planets” for ease of interpretation, but they are obviously not Planets in the scientific sense. In medicinal terms, the Sun could be considered the great restorative. Even as the returning Sun allows plant life to flourish on the Earth, the herbs attributed to the Sun act to restore health and vitality. They stimulate and balance the human health system that suffers from either excess or deficiency. Many of the plants attributed to the Sun may be considered Solar simply on the basis of their appearance, of course. For example, chamomile, celandine, Saint-John's-wort, and calendula all produce bright yellow flowers, many of which blossom around the summer solstice. The sunflower follows the path of the Sun during the day, facing the East as the Sun rises and bending its head to the West as the Sun sets. Saffron produces a dye that may be considered Solar because of its bright yellow-gold appearance.

It is in healing, however, that the Solar herbs really “shine” in their diverse healing efficacy. Solar herbs restore equilibrium to the entire physical system, often serving as tonics to the heart and promoting the free flow of vital energy. The heart is commonly considered the Solar center of the body (the organ ruled by Leo, the Astrological Sign associated with the Sun), and many effects of Solar herbs center around this organ. Angelica relieves circulatory conditions, such as gout, when used as a compress. It works well to alleviate fever, inflammations, and headache (all conceivable symptoms of excess heat or high blood pressure). Saint-John's-wort relieves headaches, and chamomile and celandine reduce fever. The restorative Solar heat of chamomile, celandine, juniper, and Saint-John's-wort relieves swellings, inflammations, and rheumatic conditions; eyebright and Saint-John's-wort alleviate symptoms due to colds, such as rheumatic joints and congested lungs. Angelica and Saint-John's-wort also have restorative properties that recommend them for use in cases of weakness and anemia. In addition, Saint-John's-wort is known to balance the effects of mental depression, leading to more confidence and the ability to take action toward personal and professional goals and responsibilities.

Another herb of the Sun, mistletoe is a parasite/symbiote to the oak, a tree attributed in a wide variety of cultures to Solar Deities. Mistletoe produces a drastic and often fatal effect on the heart and circulatory system. The berries are never used, but the leaves and twigs can be made in a weak Infusion to reduce bleeding by lowering blood pressure, and the leaves can be used to reduce uterine bleeding after parturition. As one of the few spots of green in the forest in the dead of winter, the mistletoe is often viewed as a symbol of the Sun and returning life.

Because the Sun is seen in Astrology and Magick as the Planet of the ego or personality, the Magickal/energy effects of Solar herbs are to promote self-confidence and personal success. The energies of Sun herbs are represented and expressed by people in the public eye: rulers and authority figures, as well as people in successful, self-expressive endeavors that bring them pleasure. Sun herbs impart a sense of purpose and a strong will. Just as the Sun Sign in one's Natal (birth) Astrological Chart indicates the ways that a person presents himself to the world and tends to apply his energies, Sun herbs help to draw power toward self-expression and personal success in whatever endeavor toward which a person is directed. Utilized in Solar Incenses, oil blends, Philtres, and other herbal formulas used in ritual, Sun herbs give vitality, health, creativity, dignity, success, and authority.

When used in ritual and Magick, Solar herbs help us to define and understand our true purpose and Will in any specific endeavor. They inform our thought processes and how we wish to harness our motivation and energy toward the success of any given goal. Sun herbs strengthen our self-expression (the expression of our True Will), impart the confidence to embark on actualizing our goals, and give us the power to manifest our visions into the physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual realm toward which we are aiming this energy. With the self-expression of our Astrological Sun Sign, we each have our own gauge of what success means to us. The various areas of interest and aspiration a person has at a given time, how success will express itself in the final outcome of the manifestation of a goal, and what life is presenting to an individual at the diverse stages of her life will all have a bearing on the ways that a person defines success at that particular juncture. We all have personal definitions of success that can never be defined solely by the outside world.

Because of their extensive benefits to physical health, as well as the emotional, mental, and spiritual levels of being, Solar herbs are excellent for use in ritual to balance and maintain your system for optimal energy and enthusiasm leading to success in any area you choose. In this exploration of the energies of the Sun, we create a Health Philtre (a Magickally charged Herbal Infusion), which you can use now for any health issues or save for later use when the need arises.

Image Health Philtre

A Philtre is an Herbal Infusion that has been charged with your intention and sometimes, depending on the type of ritual, by the energies of the Sun or the Moon. An Infusion is created by adding dried or fresh herbs to room-temperature water and allowing them to steep for a time, releasing their properties into the liquid.

For the creation of this Health Philtre we utilize the herbs of the Sun as well as the energy and heat of the Sun. Gather calendula, Saint-John's-wort, chamomile, and juniper berries. At sunrise, place approximately one tablespoon of each of these herbs into a chalice, bowl, or cauldron that can hold at least sixteen ounces of liquid. As you place each herb in your container, focus on the healing properties that each one brings to your Philtre:

Calendula for the intake of vital force and energy;

Saint-John's-wort for confidence and mental/emotional equilibrium;

Chamomile for calmness and serenity;

Juniper for expelling any negativity or imbalance.

If you wish to include the dynamic, natural qualities of a gemstone of the Sun, now add one sunstone, one diamond, or one gold topaz to your herb mixture.

Sit for a few minutes, meditating on health, energy, and vitality as you consciously direct your slow, quiet breathing over the mixture. Next, pour spring or distilled water over your ingredients until your container is three-quarters full, focusing on the blending of these energies into a synergistic, balanced whole. Begin to stir clockwise (the direction of growth and activation) as you charge or vitalize the Philtre with your focused intention. You may visualize your aura radiating and pulsing with life and energy or recite a mantra or incantation as you stir and activate your mixture to add additional focus and energy to the brew.

Now place the Philtre mixture in an area where it will absorb the rays of the Sun all day, and let the ingredients steep together until sunset. Cover your container and allow your blend to continue steeping overnight. The next day at sunrise, strain the herbs out of the water (bury the spent herbs in your yard or in the woods) and pour the Philtre into a sterilized bottle that has a cap. You can sterilize your bottle beforehand by running it through the dishwasher with the drying element on high or by microwaving it for thirty seconds. Store the Philtre in the refrigerator and add one tablespoon of it to a cup of herbal tea at any time you feel fatigued or suspect you are getting sick. You may also wish to use some as a wash for a burn, cut, insect bite, or sprain to hasten the healing process.