The Herbs of Uranus—Innovation, Originality, and New Thought Patterns - The Herbs and Their Planetary Signatures

The Herbal Alchemist’s Handbook: A Complete Guide to Magickal Herbs and How to Use Them - Karen Harrison 2020

The Herbs of Uranus—Innovation, Originality, and New Thought Patterns
The Herbs and Their Planetary Signatures


Energies: enlightenment, objectivity, technology, genius, eccentricity, breaking free from old patterns and electrical impulses of the brain

Color: electric blue

Number: 22

Metal: white gold

Stones/materials: quartz, rutilated quartz, kunzite, amazonite

Deities: Merlin, Shu, Ur-annu, Prometheus, Urania, Varuna

Herbs: allspice, betel nut, chicory, clove, coffee, elemi, guarana, mahuang

As Neptune is the Planet for the dreamer and the mystic, so Uranus is for the eccentric and the Magickian as she strives to transform herself and her environment in accordance with the Magickal Will. Neptune governs the irrational, nonlinear, intuitive functions of the mind, while Uranus governs the same functions of conscious perception as Mercury but on another, higher level. You might look at the energies of Mercury as the college math professor and those of Uranus as Einstein, with his intuitive thinking patterns that, once they become a part of the conscious, linear mindset, make sense of the workings of the Universe. The Uranian sphere of endeavor may be considered to be the conscious exercise of lucid Magickal perception.

Each somewhat eccentric herb attributed to this unique Planet does something to facilitate the achievement of a highly energized mental state. While Mercury may rule the nervous system, Uranus governs the electrical flow of nervous energy itself. While most Planets seem to rule a system or set of organs, Uranus rules the ongoing, kinetic processes. Each Uranian herb acts as a nervous stimulant, producing an abundance of circulated energy flow that can cause the mind and the perceptions to act and react in a decidedly eccentric manner.

Coffee was originally brewed as a sacramental drink among the Aztec, Maya, and Inca. A powerful nervous stimulant, due principally to its heavy caffeine content, coffee produces a state of temporary alertness that may be useful in Magickal operations and perceptions. The danger arises with prolonged use or overindulgence, which can produce both a physical addiction and a state of mental and emotional burnout—where what was once only charmingly eccentric becomes dangerously erratic. It is a sort of a Sorcerer's Apprentice effect wherein what was once useful becomes out of control.

Kava kava is also a sacramental drink among Pacific Islanders, though in effect it seems to be the polar opposite of coffee. It was used in ritual to induce a tranquil sleep filled with visions and is thought to be a principal agent in the astral endeavors of the Hunas. It was also thought to act—once again in contrast to the effects of coffee—as an aphrodisiac. Both coffee and kava kava act upon the electrical impulses that allow the brain to signal behavior to the body.

Nutmeg is an aromatic stimulant and mild hallucinogen that serves to kick the brain into overdrive. Neural synapses seem to fire all at once, and associational thought processes have a momentum all their own. A clear symptom of overindulgence is doubled or blurred vision. If used in excess, nutmeg can cause symptoms that express themselves as severe stomach pain, hemorrhaging, and even death.

Change, innovation, objectivity, and the repatterning of thought processes are all hallmarks of Uranian energy. You can make fundamental changes in your life and its future opportunities by harnessing the power of Uranus.

Image Innovation Ritual

When we want to make changes and new beginnings in our lives, we often must first make room for them by releasing old habits, people, or ways in which we currently use our energies that are no longer working for us. This can be in any area of your life, so before doing this ritual, first begin by looking at the person, thought pattern, job, or lifestyle that you feel is hampering your efforts. Decide what you need to release in favor of new thoughts or perceptions that will allow you to alter your attitude and ingrained reactions. This will give you the mental space to plant new roots of behavior and to have them to grow in your life. Next, determine how you want to grow or change: spiritually, monetarily, emotionally, physically, or intellectually. Once you know where you need to let go and what you wish to change about your life, you will be ready to do the ritual.

The supplies you will need for this spell are the following:

electric blue candle and candle holder

Incense burner

calligraphy ink

green quill

piece of parchment

an object that represents the new you (see Note)

three- or four-inch-long black silk or cotton cord (not polyester)

small box (such as a matchbox)

Uranus Oil (see Planetary Formulas in appendix E, Formulas and Recipes)


Uranus Incense (see Planetary Formulas in appendix E, Formulas and Recipes)

On an evening when you will not be disturbed, arrange your altar with your candle at the left top edge; your Incense burner at the right top edge; your ink, quill and parchment at the right bottom edge; and your “new you” object at the left bottom edge, leaving the center for the black cord and small box. For the moment, just lay the cord coiled in the center of your altar. Cast your circle or center your energy. Anoint your candle with your Uranus oil, from the bottom of the candle to the wick, and light it. Light your Incense charcoal from the candle flame. Let it ignite almost completely across, then set it down on a bed of insulating sand in your Incense burner. Place a small spoonful of your Uranus Incense in the center of the charcoal.

In the center of the piece of parchment, draw with your ink and quill a symbol that represents the thing that you are releasing from your life that has been holding it back. If this is a person, you can draw his Astrological Sign or initials, for example. If it is your employment, draw the logo of the company or its initials; if it is a bad habit, draw a simple image that represents this lifestyle choice. Next, around this symbol, draw a square, which represents the limitations that this has set on you. Set this parchment sigil in the center of your altar. Pick up the black cord and knot the two cut ends together, concentrating on the problems or limitations that you have encountered with this person, job, or lifestyle, placing the energy of the problem in the knot. Lay the cord in a circle around the parchment sigil in the center of your altar. For a few moments, continue to focus on the problem while you also become aware of your breathing. Each time you exhale, imagine yourself exhaling the hold that this problem has on you. Feel yourself becoming lighter and more relaxed. After each exhalation, say, “I release you.” Work on this release for about three minutes, or until you feel very relaxed and light.

Next, pick up your cord and carefully hold the knot in the flame of the candle, igniting the knot and burning away the problem. Set the remainder of the cord in the box. Next, holding the parchment by the very edge, ignite it with the candle flame. Let it burn toward your fingers and go out. If it burns dramatically, you can blow on it lightly to control the flame and blow it out while concentrating on release. Place any unburned parchment in the box with the burned cord and put the box to the side. When you have finished with this part of the ritual, relax for a few moments, enjoying the release and lightness.

Now take in your hands the “new you” object, concentrating again on your breathing and what you are bringing into your life. With each inhalation, breathe in energy, motivation, and optimism. As you exhale, breathe on the object, filling and charging it with this new, exciting change. After you have filled it, set the energies by anointing it with your Uranus oil, then hold it in the smoke of your Uranus Incense and place the object next to the candle. Leave the candle to burn down all the way and go outside to dig a hole to bury the box with the parchment ashes and cord. Bury the box, firmly tamp down the dirt, and walk away, never looking back. Feel the freedom and lightness.

The next morning, take the jewelry from the altar and go to a mirror. Watch yourself adorn yourself with the jewelry, focusing on the changes it represents. If you have chosen an art object, take it up from the altar and place it in a location in your home where it will be prominent, being mindful of the changes it represents.

* An object that represents the new you: This object can be a piece of jewelry with a clear quartz, rutilated quartz, amazonite, or kunzite stone set in it, or a small, lovely art object that you feel sums up the changes that you will make. If you use an art object, you will later set this piece in a prominent place in your home after the ritual so that you can see it every day to reinforce your changes. If you have chosen a piece of jewelry, you will wear it every day after you have charged it in your ritual to keep drawing that innovative energy to you.

* Note: In this ritual, you are literally “playing with fire,” so be careful. You may wish to also have a plate on your altar on which to set the burning parchment in case you get nervous. That way you can let it continue to burn without scorching your fingers. Also, since you are letting the candle burn all the way down, which will take several hours, your altar needs to be set up in a room that is closed off to all children and pets. You do not want to set your altar up near curtains or other flammable things. Your jewelry or object is going to be on the altar next to the candle, and you don't want it covered with melted wax in the morning. Be sure that the candleholder you choose has a bottom that can contain melted wax. You may wish to place your jewelry or object in a small container set next to the candle just to be safe.