
Magical Healing: Folk Healing Techniques from the Old World - Hexe Claire 2018


Thank You

I would like to thank all of those who share their knowledge and thus keep it alive. Keeping secrets benefits the individual; sharing knowledge benefits everyone.

I further send a heartfelt thank you to all of those people and spirits that have taught me to look ahead.


Arrowsmith, Nancy. Field Guide to the Little People. Llewellyn Publications, 2008.

Atkinson-Scarter, Dr. H. Sympathiemagie und Zaubermedizin (Sympathetic Magic and Spell Medicine). Richard Schikowski Publishing, 1960.

Bauerreiß, Erwin. Heimische Pflanzen der Götter (Our native Plants of the Gods). Raymond Martin Publishing, 1995.

Bitter, Wilhelm. Magie und Wunder in der Heilkunde (Magic and Miracles in Medicine). Klett Publishing, 1959.

Brooke, Elisabeth. A Woman’s Book of Herbs. Women’s Press, 1999.

Bühring, Martina. Heiler und Heilen (Healers and Healing). Reimer Publishing, 1993.

Derlon, Pierre. Die geheime Heilkunst der Zigeuner (The Secret Art of Medicine of the Gypsies). Goldmann Publishing, 1978.

———. Heiler und Hexer (Healers and Warlocks), Sphinx Publishing, 1984

Detterbeck, Pius. ie Wirkung der Heilkräuter auf die wichtigsten Organe des Menschen (The effects of healing plants on major human organs). Kräuterhaus (Herbal House) Hamburg, publication date unknown.

Edenheiser, Iris. Kallawaya Heilkunst in den Anden (Kallawaya—Healing Arts of the Andes). Grassi Museum for Ethnology Leipzig, 2010.

Favret-Saada, Jeanne. Deadly Words: Witchcraft in the Bocage. Cambridge University Press, 1981.

Fehrle, Eugen. Zauber und Segen (Spells and Blessings). Eugen Diederichs Publishing, 1926.

Fillipetti, Herve and Janine Troterau. Zauber, Riten und Symbole (Magic, Rites and Symbols). Hermann Bauer Publishing, 1992.

Frazer, James George. The Golden Bough. Dover Publications, 2002.

Frischbier, Hermann. Hexenspruch und Zauberbann (Witch’s Spell and Magic Charm). Enslin Publishing, 1870.

Gaßner, Franz. Brauchtum und Aberglaube aus dem Brandenberg (Old Traditions and Superstitions from Brandenberg). Tiroler Heimatblätter (Tyrolese Homeland Pages), 1936..

Gessmann, G.W. Die Pflanze im Zauberglauben (The Plant in magical Beliefs). J.J. Couvreur Publishing, publication date unknown.

Golowin, Sergius. Das Reich des Schamanen (The Realm of Shamans). Goldmann Publishing, 1989.

Hampp, Irmgard. Beschwörung Segen Gebet (Invocation, Blessing, Prayer). Silberburg Publishing, 1961.

Hanf, Walter. Dörfliche Heiler, Gesundbeten und Laienmedizin in der Eifel (Rural Healers, Health Praying and Lay medicine in the Eifel region). Greven Publishing, 2009.

Höfler, Max. Wald- und Baumkult in Beziehung zur Volksmedizin Oberbayerns (Forest and Tree Cult in Relation to Upper Bavarian Folk Medicine). Nabu Press, reprint from 1923.

Kindred, Glennie. Herbal Healers. Wooden Books, 1999.

Köstler, Gisela. Wurzelsepp und Kräuterweibl (Root-seller and Herbal Woman). Kremayr & Scheriau Publishing, 1981.

———. Geheimnis und Zauber im Alpenland (Secrets and Magic of the Alps). Styria Publishing, 1980.

Kronfeld, Dr. Moritz. Zauberpflanzen und Amulette (Magic Plants and Amulets). Moritz Perles Publishing, 1898.

Leland, Charles Godfrey. Gypsy Sorcery and Fortunetelling. T. Fisher Unwin, 1891.

Liek, Erwin. Das Wunder in der Heilkunde (The Miracle in Medical Science).Lehmanns Publishing, 1940.

Luppertz, Paul and Albert Spülbeck. Lommersdorfer Chronik (Lommersdorfer Chronicle). Self-published, 1990.

Marinova, Marina. Magie und Heilkraft der Kräuter (Magic and Healing Power of Herbs). Silberschnur Publishing, 2004.

Nemec, Helmut. Zauberzeichen (Magic Signs). Schroll Publishing, 1976.

Nitz, Dido. Kräuterzauber (Herbal Spell). arsEdition Publishing, 2012.

Paine, Sheila. Amulets. Sacred Charms of Power and Protection. Inner Traditions, 2004.

Parrinder, Geoffrey. West African Religion. Epworth Press, 1949.

Petzold, Leander. Kleines Lexikon der Dämonen und Elementargeister (Little Dictionary of Demons and elemental Spirits). C.H. Beck Publishing, 1995.

Rudolph, Ebermut. Die geheimnisvollen Ärzte (The mysterious Doctors). Walter Publishing, 1977.

Ruff, Margarethe. Zauberpraktiken als Lebenshilfe (Magical Practices as Self-Help). Campus Publishing, 2003.

Scherf, Gertrud. Zauberpflanzen Hexenkräuter (Magic Plants, Witch Herbs).BLV Publishing, 2003.

Schmelz, Bernd. Hexerei, Magie und Volksmedizin (Sorcery, Magic and Folk Medicine). Holos Publishing, 1997.

Schmidt, Ingrid. Orakel, Hexen, Heilmagie auf der Insel Rügen (Oracle, Witches, Healing Magic on the Island of Ruegen). Hinstorff Publishing, 2004.

Schöpf, Hans. Zauberkräuter (Magic Herbs). Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt Publishing, 1986.

Seligmann, Dr. S.. Die Zauberkraft des Auges und das Berufen (The magical Powers of the Eye and Ensorcellling). J. Couvreur Publishing, 1921.

The 6th and 7th Books of Moses (available from various publishers).

Speckmann, Hermann. Besprechen im Oldenburger Land (Talking off illnesses in the Oldenburg region). Isensee Publishing, 2008.

Strackerjan, Ludwig. Aberglaube und Sagen aus dem Herzogthum Oldenburg (Superstition and Legends from the Duchy of Oldenburg), Volume 1 and 2, Gerhard Stalling Publishing, 1867.

Tenhaeff, Wilhelm. Aussergewöhnliche Heilkräfte (Exceptional Healing Powers). Walter Publishing, 1957.

Thenius, Erich. Fossilien im Volksglauben und im Alltag (Fossils in folk Belief and daily Life). Waldemar Kramer Publishing, 1996.

Treben, Maria. Health Through God’s Pharmacy. Ennsthaler Publishing, 2009.

Tscharner, Gisula and Heinz Knieriemen. Hexentrank und Wiesenschmaus (Witch’s Brew and Meadow Feast). AT Publishing, 2002.

Tschinag, Galsan. Der singende Fels. Schamanismus, Heilkunde, Wissenschaft (The singing rock. Shamanism, Arts of Healing, Science). Unions Publishing, n.d.

Unger, Franz Xaver. Die Pflanze als Zaubermittel (The Plant as Medium of Spells). Antiquariat Feucht Publishing, 1979, reprint from 1858.

Wagner, Johanna. Ein Füllhorn göttlicher Kraft (A Cornucopia of divine Power). Clemens Zerling Publishing, 1992.

Wlislocki, Heinrich von. Aus dem inneren Leben der Zigeuner (Insights from the Inner Life of the Gypsies). Emil Felber Publishing, 1892.

———. Volksglaube und religiöser Brauch der Zigeuner (Folk Beliefs and Religious Customs of the Gypsies). Aschendorffsche Buchhandlung Publishing, 1891.

———. Zauber- und Besprechungsformeln der transsilvanischen und südungarischen Zigeuner (Magic Formulas and Incantations of the Transylvanian and South-Hungarian Gypsies). The British Library, 2010.