Energy-Empowering Essential Oils - Become a Natural Healer - Walking the Green Path

The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More - Arin Murphy-Hiscock 2017

Energy-Empowering Essential Oils
Become a Natural Healer
Walking the Green Path

An oil is a handy way to carry the essence of an herb or other natural object. The basic ways to prepare an oil are by enfleurage or by maceration (see Chapter 7). If you prepare your own oils, they will carry the added benefit of already being attuned to you and your personal energy, although you should still empower them before use as you do with any supplies. Not everyone can prepare a full stock of as many oils as they would like to have. Two kinds of oils are generally available for purchase from shops: essential oils, which carry the pure essence of the plant in a carrier oil, and perfume oils, which are artificially scented.

Most green witches like to use as pure a product as possible in their work and will therefore choose an essential oil over a perfume oil. An essential oil is prepared directly from the original plant, which means that when you use it in magical or medicinal work it is guaranteed to carry the original energy of the plant along with its chemical benefits.

An essential oil is more expensive than perfume oil, but it will also be stronger; only a drop or two is necessary to involve the energy of the plant. The scent of a perfume oil is less accurate than in an essential oil and does not carry the plant’s energy signature. Although irresponsible merchants sometimes attempt to sell artificial perfume oils as essential oils, the comparative prices are a good guide to identifying what is essential and what is perfume. When pure essential oils such as jasmine and rose sell for over $100 for a few milliliters, you can spot an artificial oil substitute when someone tries to sell it to you for $20. You can mix essential oils and perfume oils.

Oils are generally used for anointing, but they can also be added to baths, potpourris, and sachets. Whether you create a personal blend or use a blend made from the following recipes, you can add a drop or two to any project you undertake for that magical purpose to add extra energy and power.

Blending oils is a wonderful activity that allows for experimentation and personal expression and also enhances your personal intuition. There will be times when you feel inspired to add a drop or two of a certain oil that wasn’t in your original recipe. Do so, and make a note of the addition. When the oil has matured, perform an energy-sensing of it and write your observations in your journal under the new recipe. How has the energy changed? Use the oil and note your results. This is how recipes evolve over time and come to reflect the personal growth and understanding of the green witch.


Creating an oil specifically to represent yourself and your energy gives you a bottled essence that can be used for a multitude of purposes.

✵ Oils (your choice)

✵ Small dishes, bowls, or empty vials

✵ Container with tight-fitting lid for the final oil blend

1. The recipe for this blend is really up to you. Think about your favorite herbs, flowers, and trees. Think about the elements you resonate with. Think about the color of the plants the oils are derived from and the scent.

2. In your green witch notebook, make up a list of these elements. You don’t have to limit them to oils you already have on hand. Also think about the emotions or goals you wish to include in your blend. Are you creative? Are you an excellent communicator? Are you a nurturer?

3. Next, look up correspondences for the plants on your list, then look up plants that correspond to the traits and goals on your list. Write this information in your journal.

4. Now start to narrow the list down. Use your intuition and consider the importance of what corresponds to what.

5. When you have a manageable list of between three and thirteen items, work out your proportions. How much of each oil? To begin, you may wish to blend everything in a proportion of one part each. You can also use one oil as a base and add only trace amounts of others. However you mix your personal oil, the way you put it together is up to you.

6. When you’ve worked out your proportions, take a look at your stock of oils. If you’re missing oils, decide whether you will make them yourself (which will require time) or buy them. You will also need to decide whether you will use essential oils or perfume oils. Remember, you can mix these oils together.

7. To blend your personal oil, measure out the appropriate proportions of your chosen oils and place each in an individual small dish or clean empty vial.

8. One by one, pour the oils into your chosen container. Swirl them together.

9. Empower the final oil blend by holding it in your hands and visualizing your personal energy flowing from your hands into the oil. Continue until you feel the oil has been fully empowered with your energy.

10. Cover and label your personal oil blend. Write down the date, the final ingredients, and the proportions in your green witch journal.

Following are oil recipes that you can use. They may also inspire you to create new recipes. Do not take these oils internally! Blend the oils by following steps 7 through 10 in the previous Personal Oil Blend recipe. If the recipe calls for an addition of herbal matter, add it last.


The magical associations of this oil are happiness, health, protection, and energy.

✵ 1 part rosemary

✵ 1 part mint

✵ 1 part orange

1/2 part lemon

1/2 part thyme


The magical associations of this oil are peace, harmony, and love.

✵ 1 part rose

✵ 1 part lavender

✵ 1 part pine


This oil’s magical associations are clear thinking, harmony, health, and protection.

✵ 1 part pine

✵ 1 part rosemary

✵ 1 part sage


The magical associations of this oil are movement and energy.

✵ 1 part mint

✵ 1 part basil

✵ 1 part cinnamon

✵ 1 part pine


This oil’s magical associations are health, communication, and strength.

✵ 1 part thyme

✵ 1 part eucalyptus

✵ 1 part pine

✵ 1 part ginger


The magical associations of this oil are meditation, spirituality, and harmony.

✵ 1 part violet

✵ 1 part lavender

✵ 1 part jasmine

✵ 1 part sandalwood


This oil’s magical associations are protection, wisdom, and purification.

✵ 1 part sage

✵ 1 part sandalwood

✵ 1 part angelica

✵ 1 clove

✵ Pinch of salt


The magical associations of this oil are love and harmony.

✵ 1 part rose

✵ 1 part jasmine

1/2 part geranium

1/4 part vanilla