Blessing Your Creations - Create and Craft Green Witch Magic - Walking the Green Path

The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More - Arin Murphy-Hiscock 2017

Blessing Your Creations
Create and Craft Green Witch Magic
Walking the Green Path

Although everything has an innate energy and you empower every preparation or craft object you create with your intention, sometimes it’s nice to seal or enhance the combined energies. Performing an elemental blessing upon an object can help dedicate it to the purpose you intend it for. It also sends a signal to your own psyche that your work is finished and is now performing the function for which it was designed.


This blessing can be performed as the final step of any project or upon new objects or items intended for a shrine. In essence, this act purifies the object and then blesses it with positive energy.

The following blessing is written with the assumption that the object you will bless is small enough to be held in your hands. If it is not, place it on or next to your workspace and adjust your actions accordingly.

If you have previously cleansed the object you intend to bless, or if you have empowered it, you may skip steps 2 through 6.

✵ Small dish of salt or earth (or a small crystal or other stone)

✵ Stick of incense in a holder, or herbal incense and a self-lighting charcoal briquette in a heatproof dish

✵ Candle in candleholder

✵ Small dish of water

✵ Matches or a lighter

✵ Object to be blessed

1. Arrange each elemental symbol on your workspace, either in a square or in a line. Light the incense and the candle. Take three deep breaths to release stress so you can focus on your task.

2. Pick up the object with one hand or lay it on your workspace in front of you. With your other hand, take a pinch of the salt or earth and sprinkle it gently over the object (or take the crystal or stone in your hand and touch it to the object), saying: By earth I cleanse you.

3. Pick up the candle and pass it around the object in a counterclockwise direction, saying: By fire I cleanse you.

4. Pick up the incense and pass it counterclockwise around the object, saying: By air I cleanse you.

5. Touch your fingertips to the water and sprinkle it over the object, saying: By water I cleanse you.

6. Close your eyes, take three slow breaths, and focus on the object.

7. Take another pinch of earth or salt and sprinkle it over the object (or touch the crystal or stone to it), saying: You are blessed by earth.

8. Pass the object carefully over the candle flame, making sure not to burn yourself or the object, saying: You are blessed by fire.

9. Pass the object through the smoke of the incense, saying: You are blessed by air.

10. Touch your fingertips to the water and sprinkle it on the object, saying: You are blessed by water.

11. Hold the object up in the air, or if it is too heavy place your hands upon it where it lies, and say:

I ask the Green Spirit of the Universe to bless this object in the name of Earth and of all Nature.