You Are Not Like the Others

Glamour Magic: The Witchcraft Revolution to Get What You Want - Deborah Castellano 2017

You Are Not Like the Others

As Witches, we have learned to defang ourselves in exchange for a place for ourselves in small towns, cities, and suburbs. It would be an actual falsehood to deny that it’s beneficial for us to have at least a thin veneer of respectability.

So, we give fresh water infused with mint and homemade meringue cookies with smiles to our suburban neighbors at Pagan Prides. We head up committees on the PTA. We walk our dogs and adopt cats at our local shelters. We serve in the military. We fast our hands together in marriage, we give birth to tiny babies with names full of unfulfilled promise. We live in condos and cottages, we work in the media, we work in accounting, we work in hospitals, we honor our (recent) ancestral familial heritage at Christmas, at Rosh Hashanah, at Ramadan, at family reunions. We are everywhere. We want everyone to sleep well at night with the knowledge that we’re just like everyone else. There’s nothing to fear, we offer chanting for peace and volunteer at our local food co-operatives.

So much the better to mask what we do alone and together in the dark of the moon.

Make no mistake about it, we are Other. Whenever you are removed from the dominant narrative in your culture, you become Other. If you are a woman in a traditionally masculine role, you are Other. If you are a man in a traditionally feminine role, you are Other. If you don’t identify as a gender at all—let’s stop right there, you are Other.

Tolerance Is Not the Same as Acceptance

But! But! So many pop culture Witches! I wear my preferred Witchcraft symbol in a noticeable place and no one bothers me! We, like, worked totally hard for chaplains in the US military to acknowledge us and when they bury us for dying for this country, we now have four whole symbols to choose from!

Right. Except almost every pop culture Witch I can think of off-hand has to be punished in their narrative. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Willow is considered a Witch with an addiction to magic and is punished for it when her girlfriend, Tara (also a Witch) is murdered. In Wicked, Elphie is dead in the end of the book version (though may someday come back to life) and has to leave Oz forever. In the musical version, she is unable to tell Glinda that she survived. Glinda is trapped in Oz with all of her loved ones gone and forced into a role that she may no longer want. So you’re punished if you’re an outcast and punished if you play the game too, making Oz a very enticing locale for Witches.

In Frozen, Elsa is not permitted a love interest, though Hans could have very easily been written as non-villainous and a love interest for Elsa or Anna, leaving Kristoff for the remaining “unmatched” sister (It is still Disney after all). In Practical Magic, the aunts are marginalized in their community for practicing the Craft. Prue Halliwell in Charmed is double punished—when she becomes a “super Witch,” she’s killed by a demon. It’s a double punishment because Shannon Doherty couldn’t get along with the publicly better-liked Alyssa Milano, which is (allegedly) the reason she got kicked off the show, never to be seen again. And the kill list for American Horror Story: Coven? Too long to even get into.

We can be more public with our Craft, but how often do you actually meaningfully talk about it with authority figures in your life? No one would ever tell you that you were fired or excluded due to your beliefs, but they could certainly find other reasons to give for letting you go or not including you. Does that silence you?

As a Witch who is part of the Other by virtue of refusing to submit to the monolithic religions in power in a first-world country, you are expected to behave in a certain way to fit into society. You are expected to be a shining example of morality; you are expected to keep altars in your home that will not make others uncomfortable, you are to have a career where you help others, you are to only use your power for the good of yourself and others, you are expected to behave within your community’s code of social mores. You are expected to work harder to prove yourself to those in power, which typically means showing that you are just like them except for this one teensy thing (Witchcraft. But also: sexual orientation, gender identity, dis/ability, ethnicity, social class. The more Other you have in you, the less palatable you are to those in power as you create more disruption to the ruling order). Then, if you are deemed good enough by those who hold power over you by being a shining example despite your Otherness, you may be given some crumbs from their table and be allowed some nominal power.

That is the route of the Good Girl. If you are a Good Girl, the only kind of Other you can be is one who allows herself to be commodified by her “betters” and trotted out as a show pony who can perform on command and make everyone else feel educated and tolerant. You will read tarot on command, you will heal on command, and you will produce an open circle that can be attended by all on command. When your oppressors show you where your place is supposed to be, you accept it graciously and gratefully. If you have the option to tone down your practice to make others more comfortable, you are to always choose that option. You are a Very Special episode of Degrassi or Skins where it is your goddess-given duty to educate, advocate, and never ever make a mistake that cannot be immediately corrected with your tears washing your oppressors’ feet.

Or you could be a Bad Girl. Bad Girls are there to function as fetishes in the Witchcraft community. What freaky things can you do in bed for me under the watchful eyes of your goddesses (or better, demons!) in your bedroom? What hexes will you lay down for me if I pay you enough or give you what you want? What will you wear to the school board meeting so I can disapprovingly cluck my tongue? You are there to be a cautionary tale of what happens when you are subjected to a twenty-mile radius of fear, suspicion, and jealousy. You are the sand in their eye, the rock in their shoe, the pea under their mountain of Good Girl mattresses. You need to be held down and thrown down whenever possible because you disrupt your local cultural narrative. You are the enemy. The Witch who must be stopped from accomplishing anything. You must be silenced as soon as possible. You must be kept from having lovers, family, friends, along with any commonly accepted measure of success. Any mistake you make will be told over and over again in languorous detail to remind your Good Girl sisters what happens when a bitch forgets her place.

Or, you could recognize that every small decision you make has the possibility to subtly claim power over someone else, and you can work to use these small decisions that you make to reclaim your agency. If you make enough of these small decisions, you may just cause a micro-rebellion for yourself. All through your day you are making tiny decisions to have power over someone or something else. The food you eat that comes from animals and plants that had to be sacrificed to sustain you, the text messages you dodge because you don’t want to deal with the proffered drama, when you refuse to back down from a decision even though it makes others’ lives more difficult, sending your child to bed an hour early because they cannot tell time yet and you have had enough for one day—these are all “power over” decisions. Small “power over” decisions, but “power over” decisions nonetheless.

Witchcraft is a tool of the oppressed to find an advantage in a world that has given us significantly less advantage than others. It’s why the wealthy traditionally (and currently) outsource their deeds to a Witch versus becoming a Witch themselves. They want to know that it’s being taken care of, they don’t want to dirty their hands in it.

This Is Your Secret Power—Use It

Think about it this way: old, straight, privileged, white dudebros have never been particularly concerned about how money and power will alter their personalities. There is no hand-wringing about how having privilege will change their relationships with others because it’s not a concern. They accept money, prestige, and power as what the world owes them and go about their business running the world. Perhaps it’s time that we stopped worrying about what isn’t our place and obsessing over how our actions could possibly inconvenience others and fight for ourselves and our Great Works.

You might be concerned that all of this potential power will change who you are internally in unexpected ways, which is a valid concern. If done correctly, you will. Your moral compass may shift, you could make regrettable mistakes along the way, you could learn difficult things about yourself. Glamour is guerilla warfare, which is why it is not to be taken lightly. Especially since it’s not a fight you will always win. How badly do you want your heart’s deepest desire?

If you are still unsure that Witchcraft qualifies as Otherness, I invite you to partake in this optional social experiment.

(Optional) Social Experiment No. 1

Objective: Learn a loved one’s

true feelings about Witchcraft.

Step One: Among your non-magical circle of family, friends, and acquaintances who know you are a Witch, wait for one of them to have a semi-serious problem with someone else. Perhaps this antagonist is causing problems for your loved one in the workplace, perhaps your loved one has a troublesome ex-lover, perhaps there are landlord issues. Listen to the problem.

Step Two: Ask your loved one if she would like you to magically work on the antagonist causing her problems. Do not give any standard Craft modifiers to this statement. Standard Craft modifiers include, “Positive energy only!” “I only work with white magic!” “I would never work on another person without her permission!” Even if those statements are true of your personal practice, do not say them. If asked if you plan on doing any black magic on the antagonist, be noncommittal about it. Shrug, say you’re not sure yet.

Step Three: Watch your loved one closely for a reaction. In the majority of cases, you will see something like fear and/or repulsion on his face along with a hasty, “No thank you!” regardless of your loved one’s personal beliefs or moral code. The minority will want you to work on their antagonist, in which case offer to help in whatever way you would generally magically assist someone according to your own code of ethics. Most people don’t want to be Macbeth to your Lady Macbeth, even if their waking-self claims not to believe in Witchcraft.

I invite you to step into that Otherness and to make it a cornerstone of your Craft. There is strength in embodying the unknown, the discarded, the feared. Some of you may be fretting that this may lead to “power over” versus “power with.” If you are using it correctly, it should lead to exactly that. Make the odds be ever in your favor. Starting now.

It’s not enough in your Great Work for you to blend in with the general masses. If that was enough it would be called a mediocre work. Your Otherness gives you power, your Otherness enhances your glamour, your Otherness can potentially give your Great Work opportunities because you are different.

Esoteric Experiment No. 2

Objective: Step into your Otherness.

Wear clothing that feels most like an expression of you. Choose music that feels most expressive of you. Gather tiny representations of your Otherness that are meaningful to you. Charms, herbs, bones, stones, pictures, whatever is special to you. Use a small scrap of cloth from a piece of your clothing that you cannot wear anymore and is too damaged to donate. Wrap your objects in this piece of cloth. Use yarn to wrap your packet closed. Over your packet, breathe your intention for stepping into your Otherness. Breathe your intention for your Otherness to help you achieve your Great Work. Breathe your intention for your Otherness to be part of your glamour. Keep your packet in your pocket, your bra, or purse until you feel firmly entrenched in your Otherness. Then, keep it on your altar or bedside table.

Your Actions Have Consequences

Now that we’ve decided that we are serious about this adventure, let’s discuss what actually needs to be done here. On one hand, it is easier (morality aside) to go into the woods, find the maiden who is prettier than you, and cut out her heart yourself thus making you the prettiest pretty forever and ever, amen. It would be less of a challenge if you simply needed to commit some forbidden, bloody act and then be granted your wish. That’s the seductive part of the faery tale, the sluagh in the woods who promises you a life away from your despised parents in Faeryland if you murder them first.

Perhaps, for some of us, it is that simple. Dark deeds, pacts with the right demons, and then it’s a smooth path to your longing that doesn’t require you to change, be inconvenienced, or work harder than you wanted to; everything is just as you imagined. I can’t say that I know anyone (or even the urban legend “friend of a friend”) who has had that kind of luck or grace regarding the occult, so I feel safe in saying I sincerely doubt that will be the case for you.

Your journey to achieving your purpose won’t look the way you imagined it to be, so your success (should you be so un/lucky) won’t look the way you envisioned it either. You will have long, dark moments where it feels like you are lost in your internal Schwarzwald Forest, no better than Hansel or Gretel. People who genuinely care for you will openly doubt you … and you will doubt yourself. You will be rejected in places that wound you. All of your flaws, all of your faults, all of your tender points will be spewed up for you like a fountain of black tar. You will wonder if all of your suffering, all of your pain, all of your anxiety will make it worth it to achieve your coveted longing.

Maybe. Maybe it will be.

But maybe it won’t be.

What you think you want and what you actually want aren’t always the same thing; sometimes it is quite the bitter discovery to learn the difference.

None of this matters. I can tell you that the oven is hot and will burn you, that boy will only break your heart, and eating belladonna will kill you. But if you are bound to step onto a path, nothing will stop you. It certainly never stopped me.

However, if you would like to be successful in achieving your wish however advised or ill-advised it may be, you must look at it holistically. Do the work. All of it. Do the tedious tasks that don’t require candlelight. Do the work that requires you to enlist others to aid you, letting your glamour engulf them into your cause. Do the Witchcraft that leads you into a deeper understanding of your desire and casts the odds in your favor. Do the work you are avoiding. Do the work that makes you uncomfortable. Do the work even when your passion has died and you would rather watch YouTube videos instead.

That said, however badly you want your Great Work, you also need to be able to sleep at night. Glamour, just like any other magic, has a price. Magically speaking, it will be difficult to see if your magical work is having an effect on your karma because karma is actually a super complicated process that is based off of good deeds and bad deeds over lifetimes and weighed out by various bureaucratic spirits and goddesses who are tasked with the tedious job of keeping track of when you are naughty and when you are nice. The law of three is a very nice story that keeps our neighbors easy around us. After all, if we only practice white magic and we are all only Good Witches, there is nothing to fear if they transgress against us. Without an easy-to-follow rhetoric that promises to keep us in line, what couldn’t we do? Getting tied up into Good Girl morality tales of being rewarded due to virtue and Bad Girl morality tales of being punished due to disregarding social mores isn’t going to help you here.

What will help you is to determine what behavior and magic you think is acceptable to your own moral compass and what behavior and magic you think is unacceptable to your moral compass. Do you feel sick to your stomach at the idea of double-crossing a coworker? Does the idea of hexing your enemies make you feel uneasy and upset? Would seducing your sister’s husband make you feel eaten alive with guilt? Here’s an idea: Maybe don’t do those things.

Perhaps, you see yourself as someone who is more morally flexible. Perhaps manipulating a situation in the workplace where you look great and a coworker you can’t stand gets fired doesn’t bother you. You may believe that a Witch needs to be able to hex as well as heal. Maybe you want to show your sister who’s in control by sleeping with her husband. Maybe none of this bothers you.

I’m not here to shake my finger disapprovingly at morally questionable acts or bully you into committing yourself to acts that are outside your moral code. I am here to tell you that you have to be able to live with yourself every day, no matter what. I can’t tell you where those lines should be. I can tell you that it’s entirely likely that you will make some mistakes and inadvertently step outside your moral boundaries while practicing glamour magic. I can also tell you that if you ever leave your house and engage with other people on any kind of level, you are equally likely to accidently make moral mistakes because that’s life as a human.

Where does that leave you? It leaves you as a Witch. A Witch is someone who is not constrained by always doing the societally accepted “right thing” to appease others and who may be inclined to actively work against those who would harm her or prevent him from achieving his goals. A Witch is also someone who may not want to ever actively work against someone and may find it morally repugnant to engage in certain acts both mundanely and magically. Which Witch you are is up to you and only you. You may start out as one kind and then find yourself as the other; you may find yourself in some kind of morally gray middle ground. But it is vital that a Witch has a strong grasp on their own personal moral compass and works to live within their own moral code of ethics.

It can be a heady time when you are coming in to your glamour, and it’s understandable that you may find yourself either desiring to or actually wielding it rather injudiciously. However, finding a situation understandable is not the same as finding it excusable. Ignorantia juris non excusat. You need to be able to think critically about your magic, your spirits and goddesses, the people you interact with, and your Great Work. This also includes learning to predict possible consequences of your actions and taking responsibility for them. Sometimes seeing harm come to another can be an action for which you are willing to take responsibility. Sometimes it is not. Only you and your moral compass know what is acceptable collateral damage for you to inflict upon the world at large.

Let’s say you do something that another party finds morally questionable but you don’t find it to have been a morally questionable action. You need to be able to stand in your action and accept that the other party may not agree that it was the right thing to do. It’s not your place to convince the other party that you somehow had the moral high ground because it’s likely you didn’t. You felt the ends justified the means. And maybe they did. But that doesn’t suddenly excuse you from consequences from that action. Other parties may disassociate themselves from you due to that action, it may be poorly received in your local community or workplace, it may have unforeseen consequences years down the line that you did not anticipate. You need to decide if these potential repercussions are an outcome you can live with. If they are, bonne chance. If they’re not, here’s that crazy idea again: don’t do it.

Most importantly, no matter if your intention was pure and good and then somehow went off the rails, was slightly bad then got out of hand, or was a bad action you had planned but did not like the result of, you need to take responsibility for your actions when you transgress. Avoid “butbutbut magic—” as in, “But, but, but I didn’t mean to!” No one else cares about that when you hurt them. Intention may help the other party understand why you did what you did, but that’s not an apology. Defensiveness is not an apology. Casting blame on others is not an apology. An apology is “I’m sorry for doing x to you. How can I fix our relationship?”

Glamour is not for the faint of heart. You need to be able to own every action you commit and when you misstep, you need to be able to apologize for it and offer help. If you want to win your battles great and small, that will require other people. What you do to/with other people is up to you and only you know what is morally right and wrong for you. This is why you need to do a moral compass check before going any further.

Esoteric Experiment No. 3

Objective: Define your own moral code of ethics.

Find a place that is suitable for meditation: a shed in your backyard, your workroom, or an overnight camping trip in a secluded area. Twilight is the suggested time frame for this rite.

Select an activity that is physically vigorous for you: moon salutations, ecstatic dance, a long walk, lovemaking.

Encircle yourself with protective herbs. Cedar tips. Vervain. Acorns. Heather. If you feel you can safely surround yourself with a circle of glass-encased candles, do so. If you have doubts about setting your home, your yard, or a forest on fire, use a string of battery-operated LED faery lights to create an inner circle surrounding you. Burn a stick of palo santo wood in a heat-safe container. Wear something that flows—a tulle skirt, linen pants, a long cotton dress. Lie down in savasana (corpse) pose: palms facing upward, lying on your back, legs spread slightly apart. Take in tiny sips of air three beats apart. When you can no longer take in sips of air, exhale in a long breath. Do this until you feel centered.

Travel inward to places that are sacred to you. Consider possible actions and consequences. What do you find morally repugnant? What actions could you do in this life that are unforgiveable to your conscience? What would you find repulsive for someone else to do to you? Does that affect your decision on whether or not to do that to others? Are you willing to work on others for your own goals? What are your boundaries with that? Are there actions you could commit that your goddesses and spirits would find abhorrent? What would you do if you were caught in frowned upon actions? What would you do if someone started working on you due to your actions? Can you get out of a mess? When you feel you have put together a cognizant outline for your moral quandaries, you are now ready to move forward into the next stage of glamour: involving others.

Your Darkness and Your Light: Perfect Together

There is glamour in the darkness, in the evil queen, the Witch in the woods. There’s something exciting about feathers, bone, and blood draped over wild hair, a dark cloak, and the cottage that could save you or suck the marrow from your bones. The stranger offering the maiden everything she ever wanted … with one small catch. Equally exciting is the dashing paladin, the Good Witch, the beloved queen. The beauty of the glittering armor, the jeweled crown, the drying herbs that smell of life and love. All of those things live inside you—the Bad Girl Turned Good, the Good Girl Gone Bad, the Patient Princess, the Dark Queen—but we tend to want to favor one over the other. Why? There is deep power in the intimate knowledge of the aspects of self that most shy away from, especially the parts of yourself that are Other and that you try to gentrify for the comfort of those around you.

When you know the great and terrible things that you are truly capable of, when you know what lives inside of you, that is when you truly own the space you stand in. Think of the savage beauty that comes from that knowledge, the wild constellation of glamour that will gleam out of every molecule of your skin. If you can harness all that is cruel and ferocious about yourself, all that is prodigious and beautiful, wouldn’t the Moirai notice?

Esoteric Experiment No. 4

Objective: Learn truths you have hidden from

yourself about yourself. Decipher how to use these truths to move you closer to achieving your

Great Work and as part of your glamoury.

This rite is best performed during a waning moon in the evening. Use a windowless room with a door that can be shut, such as your bedroom closet. Choose a time and day when you will not be disturbed. Bathe yourself in the smoke of purifying herbs. Sage. Lavender. Rosemary. Dress simply in dark colors; leave your hair and face unadorned. Arrange your space in such a way as it is comfortable to you to sit for a potentially long period of time. Once arranged, ponder which of your ritual tools will assist you best in the dark. A black glass chalice filled with sacred water. A dark mirror. Prayer beads. A spirit dolly. Bones to throw. Softly played trance music. The sound of running water. Arrange your tools. Hang a protective amulet over the door inside your room. A hamsa, a Brigit’s cross, a horseshoe. Darken the room and use your method of divination that you have chosen to begin your journey about your hidden truths. Stay in the space until you have found what you had concealed from yourself about your darkest and lightest pieces and consider how to use them both in achieving your Great Work and as fragments of your glamour, that which makes you most fascinating and exciting to others.

Your glamour won’t look like anyone else’s; it shouldn’t. You aren’t attempting to mimic an actress you aspire to be like; you are working toward being your best self. Your best self is just that—you at your best. It is you at your most clever, your most beautiful, your wittiest, your most cunning, your most compassionate, your most kind. You at peace with your darkness, your anger, your sadness, your grief, your insecurities.

All of these aspects will open doors in the universe to your Great Work. Stay with me. Glamour is despised and spat upon because it’s an artificial construct. We want what’s most real! No, you don’t. You think you do; we all do. We think that’s what love, beauty, and success are, effortless. If you look like you put a lot of effort into something, then somehow, inexplicably it becomes of less worth to others.

Let’s be clear: This is a completely ridiculous notion. Anything worth doing is a lot of work. Glamour is such a fantastic form of Witchcraft because it’s completely self-created. It’s not about presenting a false front; it’s about manipulating actual personality aspects that are within you and external constructs that others find interesting and attractive. If you don’t care about long lashes, that’s not going to be a cornerstone to your external glamour. If you think long lashes are glamorous but yours are short, you may find the perfect mascara or learn to put on false eyelashes because it’s meaningful to you. If you don’t have eyelashes and wanted to wear false eyelashes, that’s your right and privilege, too. You didn’t suddenly become a false version of yourself because you now have eyelashes/longer eyelashes when you previously didn’t. Your new false eyelashes may give you a boost to be flirtier or bolder, but they’re not going to make you knock over a bank if you weren’t previously planning on doing so.

Reflect about what you learned about yourself in the fourth Esoteric Experiment. What did you decide were the best and worst parts of yourself? How can you work with these aspects to bend and shape how you present them to others? It’s important to note that your glamour won’t look like anyone else’s, nor will you (or should you) become someone you aren’t. You want to draw opportunities, influences, and people to you, not a false projection. In terms of Witchcraft, if you are presenting a completely false front, the energy you draw to it won’t “stick” as well, because there’s nothing really there to stick to.

Choose an aspect that is part of the light side of your glamour: your kindness, your charisma, your humor, your compassion, your adorableness, your intellect, your bravery, your resolution. Consider how to take a generically “good” trait and make it into something glamorous. Reflect on these two examples:

1. 1. People think I’m smart.

2. 2. People think I’m smart because I’m very knowledgeable about Hermeticism and I can talk about it in a way that’s relatable and interesting even if the other person is new to it, both in person and on my blog.

The first one is good, but it’s very general and it’s hard to do much with. The second one is much more specific. You want to stand out in the minds of others (also including goddesses, spirits, and the universe) because that’s how you make forward progress. Consider how to do that about this trait and find small ways in your daily life to “read” as specific in that trait and not generally in that aspect. Find a mantra for it, keep it simple. My bravery is glamorous to myself and others. Start building energy up inside you as you concentrate on how you see this aspect. Imagine this aspect’s energy coming up from the ground, over your legs, over your back, and then over your head, over your throat, over your chest, over your stomach, over your sex, over your legs, and then cycle it back up, seven times. On the eighth time, when you draw it up, see yourself completely surrounded by this aspect. However you see this aspect, amplify it until it’s an ocean within you of how you see this aspect. Focus on how this aspect will help you achieve your Great Work and what your Great Work will bring you until you feel encircled by this aspect of your glamour. Keep notes in your journal about how this affects your daily life. Keep working with this aspect until you notice change. Once you notice change in how you see yourself and how others treat you about this aspect, you can move on to a darker aspect.

Find the glamour in your darker aspects. Shyness can be glamorous. Sullenness can be glamorous. Ineptness can be glamorous. Hesitation can be glamorous. Angst can be glamorous. Melancholy can be glamorous. It’s all in how you present it. On an energetic level, it’s about how you project it. Which sounds enticing:

1. 1. I haven’t showered in a week, my clothes are stained because I can’t bring myself to care, and I’m eating handfuls of cereal out of a box because I am too demotivated to do otherwise.

2. 2. I have an air of sorrow about me, I wear a simple dress because I am too gloomy to be too concerned about fashion, and I make a humble meal of chicken and greens?

Both are essentially the same thing; you’re depressed, you’re miserable, and you are probably not doing as much as you feel you could. Both require approximately the same amount of effort, but one sounds sad, slumpy, and frumpy, and the other sounds more like a Brontë novel. How you see yourself affects how others (including goddesses and the universe) see you.

Think about how to shape your intent with this dark aspect of your glamour and put it out into the universe. How do you see this aspect? Are words attached to it? Feelings? Colors? Images? Sounds? Music? Scents? Really fully develop it internally. Your glamour is a part of you, so you get to decide how to mold it. How can you take this difficult aspect and make it attractive to yourself and others? How will you change some small daily habits to take it from tolerable to glamourous, both to yourself and others?

Do the energetic exercise described with the light trait now with the dark trait. Choose a simple mantra, My gloom is glamorous to myself and others. Continue to journal until you see change as we discussed and then continue to alternate between light traits and dark traits until you feel you have a good handle on how your glamour works as a cohesive aspect of your magic. You will know it’s working when it feels more like a recipe you know by heart and don’t have to think about to create it versus trying to cook a recipe for the first time (So many steps! So many small adjustments to make!).

Once you get a handle on these aspects, you’ll be able to delve more deeply into your glamour toolbox, making you a formidable force for your autocrats: beauty, charm, discipline, conviction, and organization.

Glamour, Unwound

Beauty isn’t what the oppressor-run media tells you is beautiful, but what people actually find beautiful in their day-to-day lives. Others will naturally want to help those they find attractive. Think about how you feel about baby animals. You naturally want to help them because they are so tiny and adorable. It’s the same for many people with human babies. Beauty, however, is relatively static without glamour to spice it up. Glamour is everything you do to your beauty—the scarves you wear, the scent you wear, and the clothes you choose. How can you make beauty part of your glamour toolbox to achieve your Great Work?

Charm covers aspects such as wit, good conversation, and forging a bond with others, all things that are very useful in achieving your objectives. Beauty is and charm does. Charm can make you appear more beautiful to others than what’s just on your surface because it’s an outer manifestation of your inner spirit. Glamour is the spell you cast over others with your charm. How can you make charm part of your glamour toolbox to achieve your Great Work?

Organization is critical in glamour. Without organization, you will get stuck at the first stage of glamour (people giving you/buying you small things) instead of with a fully formed uprising for your ambitions. If someone shows you a business plan that is well-pitched, you will likely be more inclined to give a large sum of money than when someone says, “I kind of have this idea? Can I have five thousand dollars?” Glamour is the spark to inspire you to take a daydream into a structured plan. How can you make organization part of your glamour toolbox to achieve your Great Work?

Conviction gives you authority in your Great Work as it shows your passion and commitment to your cause. With conviction, you’ll be able to see your aspirations through, even when you face failure and fatigue. Glamour gives you the strength of your conviction. How can you make conviction part of your glamour toolbox to achieve your Great Work?

You will need to be disciplined to be able to wield your glamour successfully. None of these aspects are easy to wield, but you must become adept at wielding them all individually and together. Think about your Great Work. How can you utilize beauty, charm, organization, and conviction (together and separately) to assist you? Remember, you don’t have many resources as the oppressed and you will need to be able to brandish all of your carefully honed glamour tools in order to move forward. If you stop halfway in working toward your objectives, you will lose momentum and your efforts will become disempowered. You want to avoid this at all costs.