Hematite - The Power of Stones: Crystals and Gemstones

The Encyclopedia of Crystals, Herbs, and New Age Elements: An A to Z Guide to New Age Elements and How to Use Them - Adams Media 2016

The Power of Stones: Crystals and Gemstones


Hematite is the mineral form of ferric oxide, one of the three main oxides of iron. It can be black, silver, or red, and typically has a shiny appearance. The word hematite comes from the Greek haima, meaning “blood,” due to its high iron content and red color. Deposits are found in Canada, Brazil, England, Italy, Switzerland, and Sweden.


According to legend, large hematite deposits formed in locations where ancient battles were fought, as a result of blood being shed and seeping into the earth. The Native Americans used powdered hematite to make war paint. Today, ground hematite is still used to make pigments as well as a product called jeweler’s rouge, which is used to polish metal.


Healing Uses: Hematite strengthens the blood supply, encourages the formation of red blood cells, and aids in the absorption of iron. It is also helpful for treating circulatory problems and anemia, as well as cleansing the kidneys. Hematite also ensures that fractures heal properly, and assists with spinal alignment (place it at the base and top of the spine for this), and it can draw heat from the body in the case of fever.

Magical Uses: Hematite is a grounding and protective stone that dissolves negativity. It strengthens our connection with the earth, particularly during out-of-body experiences, where it allows for safe travel and helps us bring back lessons to use in daily life.

Feng Shui Uses: Hematite is useful in the northern area of a space as well as the Career/Path in Life sector of the home. Place hematite in the corners of a room to create a protective spiritual grid. Carved hematite animals are excellent for feng shui, especially a turtle, which is one of the celestial animals of feng shui. For grounding on the go, keep tumbled hematite stones in your pocket, your car—just about anywhere!

Personal/Spiritual Growth: Hematite removes self-imposed limitations and boosts self-esteem and confidence. It is an excellent stone for overcoming compulsions and addictions, as it enhances willpower and survivability. Use hematite during meditation to calm your thoughts and bring focus and concentration.