Spirit Animal Appearances - The Power of Insight: Divination Systems, Tools, and Practices

The Encyclopedia of Crystals, Herbs, and New Age Elements: An A to Z Guide to New Age Elements and How to Use Them - Adams Media 2016

Spirit Animal Appearances
The Power of Insight: Divination Systems, Tools, and Practices


Spirit animals (also known as spirit guides or power animals) are spirits that appear as animals in dreams or visions achieved through various spiritual practices, such as meditation and shamanic journeying (see entry in this chapter). Each animal has its own significance or meaning, but these meanings vary widely depending on which tradition you consult. Spirit animals are similar to totems found in some indigenous cultures.


The concept of spirit animals originated in ancient totemistic and animistic traditions. Totemism, a system practiced by the Native Americans and the Australian Aborigines, among others, includes the belief that every human being has a spiritual connection to another living being, such as a particular animal. Animism is related belief held by Neopagans and other groups that non-human entities (including animals, plants, and in some cases even inanimate objects) have individual spirits. The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras (c. 570—c. 495 B.C.E.) is quoted as saying, “Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.” Michael Harner’s book The Way of the Shaman includes a chapter on power animals.


It is generally believed that you do not choose your spirit animal; it chooses you. You may see the same animal over and over in dreams, or you may have repeated encounters with a certain animal in your waking life. In scrying practices, visions may include animals, and in meditation and shamanic journeying, animal spirit guides may appear and offer guidance. Once you have discovered your spirit animal, your task is to learn its significance and discern any messages it is trying to relay to you. There are numerous spirit animal guides available online, and you can also seek the guidance of a healer, shaman, or other specialist to learn the meaning and messages of your spirit animal.