Palmistry - The Power of Insight: Divination Systems, Tools, and Practices

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The Power of Insight: Divination Systems, Tools, and Practices


Palmistry, also called palm reading or hand analysis, is the practice of foretelling the future based on the lines, marks, and patterns on the palms of the hands. There are two main approaches to this practice: Chiromancy deals with the lines on the palm, and chirognomy deals with the shape of the hands and the color, shape, and texture of the palm and fingers.


Palmistry is an ancient practice. While the exact timing is unknown, historians believe it originated in India and then spread to China, Egypt, Greece, and eventually Europe. The Greek philosopher Aristotle (384—322 B.C.E.) observed, “Lines are not written into the human hand without reason. They emanate from heavenly influences and man’s own individuality.” During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church condemned the practice of palmistry, declaring it a pagan superstition. One of the major figures of palmistry’s revival in the nineteenth century was Captain Casimir Stanislas D’Arpentigny (1798—1872), a Frenchman who is credited as the first person to formulate a system of hand-shape classification. In his 1938 book, How to Know People by Their Hands, palmist Josef Ranald analyzed the handprints of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Benito Mussolini, and Adolf Hitler.


Despite its historical ups and downs, today the practice of palmistry is alive and well. If you’re interested in having your palm read, just search for a reputable palm reader in your area (chances are, there will be more than one). If, on the other hand (no pun intended), you’re interested in learning the art of palm reading yourself, there are countless resources out there, from books to websites and beyond. Organizations such as the American Professional Palmistry Association ( and the International Institute of Hand Analysis ( offer classes, materials, and online resources.