Astral Projection - The Power of Insight: Divination Systems, Tools, and Practices

The Encyclopedia of Crystals, Herbs, and New Age Elements: An A to Z Guide to New Age Elements and How to Use Them - Adams Media 2016

Astral Projection
The Power of Insight: Divination Systems, Tools, and Practices


Astral projection, or astral travel, is a type of out-of-body experience in which the astral body leaves the physical body and travels in a separate dimension known as the astral plane or spirit world. The astral body is a supersensible body, meaning it is beyond or above perception by the physical senses. Many people believe there is a silver cord that connects the two bodies during astral projection, which allows the traveler to return to his or her physical body when the experience ends. Some believe that dreaming is a form of astral projection.


The exact origins of the practice of astral projection are unknown. What is clear, though, is that the idea of astral travel is rooted in the ancient religious belief in an afterlife. In many religions, it is believed that when the physical body dies, the spirit or soul continues on or ascends to a higher realm. The ancient Egyptians believed the soul had the ability to hover outside the physical body. The ancient Indian religions of Hinduism and Buddhism include a belief in reincarnation, which is the rebirth of the soul (or spirit or consciousness) in another body after death.


In the New Age world, it is generally believed that astral projection is a skill you can learn, like swimming or riding a bike. It simply takes practice. Most astral travel practices look a lot like meditation: You find a comfortable position in a quiet place, close your eyes, and achieve a state of complete relaxation and focus. From there, your mind does the work of moving your soul from your body. But why would you want to do this in the first place? There are many reasons, but perhaps the most compelling is that we are mortal creatures. No matter what we do, our physical bodies will age and eventually fail. Thinking about our mortality can cause immense fear, grief, and sadness. But what if there were more to us than what we see in the mirror? The idea of an astral body and a life beyond the physical world brings many people a feeling of peace. It also helps in dealing with the loss of loved ones. Astral projection is a way of getting in touch with our non-physical selves and learning about who we are on the deepest level.