
The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Complete A-Z for the Entire Magical World - Judika Illes 2005


My heartfelt thanks to the staff of HarperElement who labored so hard and meticulously on The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft, especially Steve Fischer, Chris Ahearn, Belinda Budge, Carole Tonkinson, Katy Carrington, Simon Gerratt, Neil Dowden, Kathy Dyke, Lizzie Hutchins, Charmian Parkin, Jacqui Caulton, Nicole Linhardt and Graham Holmes. Special thanks to Greg Brandenburgh, once again present at the conception.

I am so blessed to work with Charlotte Ridings whose thoughtful insights, scrupulous editing, amazing memory, wit, and gentle touch have contributed immeasurably to this book and its predecessor, The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells.

Thanks to my wonderful agent, Tom Grady, and the family and friends who put up with me during the long hibernation necessary to complete this book: Rachel and Jordan Nagengast, Zoltan and Herta Illes, Clare Asch and family, Irma Illes, Clara Fisher, the Salpeters and Raya Zion.

My webmaster, Jason Wilkinson of Moon Phase Design Company, keeps me worry-free. (And thank you, Priscilla, too!) Leor Warner has put to rest more panic attacks than he will ever know. Thank you, Dorothy Morrison, for being the wonderful person that you are. Thanks to Sandi Liss of Soul Journey in Butler, New Jersey; Morgana SidheRaven of Morgana’s Chamber in New York City; and the librarians of the Teaneck Public Library who located so many out-of-print books for me with patience and good cheer.

The one and only Halloween Queen, Pamela Apkarian-Russell of Castle Halloween, Angela Villalba of the Mexican Sugar Skull Company and Jim Balent and Holly Golightly of BroadSword Comics all showed extraordinary kindness and generosity during the writing of this book: thank you!

Eric Bobek provided translations from the Dutch. Mia Makabuhay opened new doors for me, providing insight and interpretations. Thanks to Amethyst Bubble, my authority on anime and manga.

The NonWiccan Witches Group at generously, fearlessly and thoughtfully shared their opinions and insights. To all the readers who have emailed me with thoughts, kind words and queries: writing is often very lonely; your words are a tremendous gift and blessing: thank you!

Too often the history of witchcraft has been written by complete outsiders or by those inherently unsympathetic to the topic. Too much of the history of witchcraft is the history of anonymous suffering: regardless of the actual number of those killed during the Burning Times, regardless of whether those killed and brutalized during that era genuinely were or weren’t witches, too many lives were destroyed, too many traditions lost, ultimately because of intolerance. Intolerance towards magical practitioners still exists. Historically, the witch’s voice has been suppressed: I am honored, privileged and humbled to be able to recount some of their stories and hope I have done them justice.

Other Book By

Also by Judika Illes:

The Element Encyclopedia of 5000 Spells