Boszorkányhab (Witch’s Froth) - Food and Drink

The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft: The Complete A-Z for the Entire Magical World - Judika Illes 2005

Boszorkányhab (Witch’s Froth)
Food and Drink

Once upon a time, and still sometimes today, people purchased spells from witches. This was the original take-out food; witches sold specially prepared meals or potions that would allegedly deliver the desired outcome when served. (A scene illustrating this is featured in the film Haxan: see CREATIVE ARTS: Films.)

Rumor had it, however, that witches kept their best, most potent recipes for their own private use. This Hungarian recipe is reputedly among them. Its name translates as “Witch’s Froth” but it’s also sometimes called “Witch’s Snow.” It has a reputation as a love spell. The ingredients are incredibly simple, nothing more than apples, sugar, and eggs are required and so was accessible to even the most modest kitchen witch.

Theoretically, the finished product is supposed to resemble clouds or snow. If this is desired, choose apples with very white flesh, otherwise the end result will have a pinkish hue. (If the pink color is preferred, adding tiny bits of red peel or the juice that emanates from the baked apples will enhance the effect.)

The quantity depends upon the size of the apples; four medium apples creates two generous servings.


Four apples

One egg whitea

Confectioner’s (Powdered) Sugar to taste

Optional dashes of eau de vie, rum, Calvados or almond extract

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F/180°C/Gas 4.

2. Wash four apples and bake them in the oven for approximately 45 minutes. (Prick the skins if you don’t want them to burst although for this recipe it doesn’t really matter.)

3. Remove the apples from the oven; when cool, remove the skins, core, and seeds.

4. With a fork or wire whisk beat the apple pulp until smooth.

5. Stir in the egg white and sugar and beat with a fork for an additional 10 minutes until a light, fluffy, frothy texture is achieved.

6. Add a touch of eau de vie, rum, Calvados or almond extract if desired.

7. Spoon into bowls. Serve immediately or refrigerate until served.

See also Witch’s Brew; BOTANICALS: Apples; MAGICAL ARTS: Charms.