Earth Spirit Dreaming: Shamanic Ecotherapy Practices - Elizabeth E. Meacham 2020
Introduction: Waking Up to Earth
From Earth-Connection to Earth-Care
Earth Spirit Dreaming: Three Steps for Re-Visioning Our Planetary Stories
How to Use This Book: Growing the Gifts of Ecological Consciousness
A Method for Discovering Magic
Everything Is Connected: A Brief Introduction to Visionary Environmental Thought
A Shifting Sense of Self: From Separation to Care and Connection
From Environmental Theory to Earth-Connecting Practices
Earth-Connecting Practices
Earth-Connecting: The First Step of Earth Spirit Dreaming
Developing Earth-Connected Consciousness
Coming to Our Senses: Slowing Down, Tuning In, Waking Up
Cultivating Ecomindfulness: Increasing Our Conscious Connection with Nature
Returning to the Land: Connecting with the Rhythms and Cycles of Nature
My Special Place: The Chagrin River
Nature Art Rituals: Earth-Connecting through Creativity
Nature Art Rituals in Sacred Places
Spirit-Connecting Practices
Spirit-Connecting: Working with Light and Vibrational Reality
Portals to Guides in Vibrational Reality
Incorporating Revelation into the “Everyday”
Raising Vibrations: A Full-Time Job
Sacred Space and Preparation for Working with Light
How to Know Vibrational Reality
Opening to Vibrational Reality
Karmic Eddies: Personal Vibrational Healing
Dream-Connecting Practices
Dream-Connecting: Creating New Stories in Vibrational Reality
Vibrational Experience in Western Cultures
Magic, Imagination, and the Quantum Self
Sacred Rituals: Pathways to Re-Dreaming the World
Western Earth-Honoring Sacraments
Creating Rituals for Earth Spirit Dreaming
Dreaming with Mandalas: Journeying with Sacred Circles
Dancing with the Ancestors: Cultivating Shamanic Experience
Trance States for Extrasensory Perception
Ask for Help from Your Spirit Guides
Conclusion: Re-Visioning the World One Dream at a Time