Following Love — Re-Visioning Earth - Conclusion: Re-Visioning the World One Dream at a Time - Dream-Connecting Practices

Earth Spirit Dreaming: Shamanic Ecotherapy Practices - Elizabeth E. Meacham 2020

Following Love — Re-Visioning Earth
Conclusion: Re-Visioning the World One Dream at a Time
Dream-Connecting Practices

Re-visioning Earth, re-dreaming the stories of our lives, is the journey of a lifetime; it is the journey and the task of OUR lifetime as a species. We are in grave peril as a species if we do not embrace, reclaim and enact these ancestral ways of being. We must create a new world! Many already are, and as you immerse yourself in this Great Work (Berry), or Great Turning (Macy) — and you already have — you will find a great sweep of changes, a vast network of light beings shifting the consciousness on the planet. This is challenging work; the single most important thing we can do as citizens of the Earth, and as spirits committed to the karmic unfolding of the planetary dream.

Following love means to listen to our bodies, to trust our feelings, and to do this in community that is aligned with healing and reverence for life. Dreaming a new dream, owning our responsibility to tell life-giving, life-honoring stories, requires actively replanting ourselves in our natural environment. Out of the “pot” of industrial indoor culture, to outdoor living, fully rooted in the Earth, open to the sun and the many beings that sing to us from all around the living universe. In order to take part as healing dreamers we must give ourselves what we need to be truly, healthy humans. A plant in a dark room, a pot that is too small, too wet, too dry, cannot grow into the best version of itself. So, too, we need to “replant” ourselves into the Earth sensitivities that are our evolutionary inheritance. With the right environment of intentionally relating to life with love, our stories naturally begin to reflect a healing vision. Our job is to connect and honor life; we are story-makers and the stories will begin to shift on their own. When the new stories begin to grow we feed them and water them by bringing them into the light of community. Reflecting back to others. Yes, I hear you, I see you. You are not crazy. There is love, and joy, and truth to be found with our feet planted firmly on the Earth in circles of song and sharing.

The practices in this book, and all Earth-healing practices, required to change the world are hard and require fortitude and unprecedented mindfulness. Along with knowing that everything is connected, the most important concept in this book is that as we heal our own lives, we heal the world. Re-visioning for ourselves makes us warriors of light for re-visioning the world. We all realign together as we are one, expressions of the divine light of life. We can consciously turn these skills of re-visioning, changing our story, toward changing the direction, vibrations and story of the world. Once we have developed the skills inherent in our human history — Earth-connecting, Spirit-connecting — we can begin to dream a new dream from the place of connection and love and intention for healing.

We have all that we need to return to the core of our genetic gateway to the stories and memories of the Earth, the true magic on this planet. Rhythms and cycles govern every aspect of our lives and reconnecting with these rhythms is the way back to our true nature. The sun rises and sets, we rise and sleep. We are both alive and we die, in cycles of soul, of spirit, of body. We breathe with the trees, we live through the seasons of years, generations and geological time.