Transforming the World - The Grove of the Druids - The Practice of Druid Magic

The Druid Magic Handbook: Ritual Magic Rooted in the Living Earth - John Michael Greer 2008

Transforming the World
The Grove of the Druids
The Practice of Druid Magic

The same approach can also be used to bring about changes in the world around you. This requires greater care, since the ethical issues are usually more intense, and it also requires more effort, since changing things outside yourself means you have to shape the flow of much larger patterns of nwyfre. For both these reasons, among others, it's wise to meditate thoroughly on any such project before you attempt it. It also helps to try for fairly modest results at first, and work up to larger projects once you get experience with the method.

The method is exactly the same as the more focused method for personal transformation just given. As with any other magical working, you need to choose your intention carefully, so you can state it in a single word, phrase, or short sentence. When you complete the Elemental Cross and go to the east to invoke air, change the wording of the invocation to ask the powers of air to accomplish your intention, stating it aloud. When you banish, banish every influence that might hinder your intention. Do the same thing in the other three quarters. When you return to the center, invoke Spirit in its three forms to confirm the accomplishment of your intention.

For example, if you need access to an old book of Druid lore that is out of print and unavailable to you, you would start by meditating on that intention several times, making sure your intention is ethical and that you can ask for exactly what you want. You might end up stating your intention as “A copy of Ross Nichols' book The Cosmic Shape comes to me.” You would then cast a divination to be sure the working is a good idea. If so, in your next Sphere of Protection working, when you invoke the element of air, you would use words such as these: “By the hawk of May in the heights of morning, and in the great name Hu, I invoke the air, its gods, its spirits, and its powers. With the help of the powers of air, a copy of Ross Nichols' book The Cosmic Shape comes to me.”

You would then imagine the book coming to you, brought by the winds and the spirits of the air, and then thank the air in your own words. As you trace the banishing version of the symbol of air, say words such as these: “And with the help of the powers of air, I banish every influence that might hinder my intention. I banish it far away from me.” Imagine that every obstacle that keeps you from getting the book dissolves like mist. Proceed to the south and around the circle as usual, repeating words of the same type in each quarter, changing them to suit the element of that quarter.

When you complete the circle and invoke Spirit Below, trace the circle of Spirit and say words such as these: “By the bright heart of the Earth Mother, and in the great name Ced, I invoke Spirit Below, its gods, its spirits and its powers. May the powers of Spirit Below guide the elements in their work, so that a copy of Ross Nichols' book The Cosmic Shape comes to me.” As you say this, imagine the book resting in your hands. See it in your mind's eye as clearly as possible; imagine the weight of the book, the texture of its paper dust jacket, the scent of old book paper.

Concentrate on the image of the book resting in your hands; let go of everything else for the moment. Remember, you're not trying to force the universe to do what you want; you're simply formulating a pattern into which currents of nwyfre will flow. When you are ready, release the image entirely and go on with the ritual. Do the same thing when you invoke Spirit Above and Spirit Within. When you do the Circulation of Light, imagine that the spinning spheres of light set the world into motion around you, sending your intention out to the edges of the universe. Once again, after you finish the ritual, take some practical step toward bringing about your intention—to continue the example, you might go onto the Internet and do a book search for The Cosmic Shape. Keep track of the results in your Druid journal.