A Druid's Handbook to the Spiritual Power of Plants: Spagyrics in Magical and Sexual Rituals - Jon G. Hughes 2014

A Druid's Handbook to the Spiritual Power of Plants: Spagyrics in Magical and Sexual Rituals - Jon G. Hughes 2014


The Use of Welsh Language

A Cautionary Note

Alchemy: Its Relationship to the Druidic Tradition

Initial Research

Alchemy and Ancient Herbal Traditions

A Brief History of Alchemy

Workings of Alchemical Preparations

Spagyric Theory

Practical Processes

Harmonious Associations

The Elevation of Basic Substances

Are Druids Actually Alchemists?

The Principles of Arriving at the Complex and the Incense

An Introduction to The Refinement Process


Flower Remedies


Conservation Issues

Morals and The Law

Assessing the Natural Resources

Working within the Rhythm of Nature

Understanding the Nature of Your Donor Plants

Knowing and Identifying Plants

The Flower

The Life Cycle of The Flowering Plant

Flower Structure

The Two Cardinals of The Flower

Flowers of The Sun and The Moon

Flower Attributes

Harvesting Ritual

From Harvest to Workshop

The Tree

The Life Cycle of The Tree

Tree Structure

The Three Cardinals of The Tree

Trees of The Sun and The Moon

Tree Attributes

Harvesting Ritual

From Harvest to Workshop

The Druidic Workshop

Workplace and Sanctuary

The Process of Obtaining Suitable Alcoholic Spirits



Refinement Tools

The Refinement Process: The Complex of the Flower

The Workshop Ledger

The Separation of The Two Cardinals of The Flower

The Maceration of The Two Cardinals of The Flower

The Leaching of The Two Cardinals of The Flower

A Pause for Reflection


The Fermentation of The Two Solid Cardinals of The Flower

The Unification of The Essences And of The Solid Cardinals of The Flower

The Amalgamation of The Cardinal Essences to Form The Complex of The Flower

The Refinement Process: The Complex of the Tree

The Separation of The Three Cardinals of The Tree

The Maceration of The Three Cardinals of The Tree

The Leaching of The Three Cardinals of The Tree


The Amalgamation of The Three Solid Cardinals of The Tree

The Amalgamation of The Cardinal Essences to Form The Complex of The Tree


Workings and Rituals

The Nature of The Complex

Single and Combined Complexes

The Crafting of A Two-Part Compound Complex: The Ritual Working

Mediums to Carry The Complex

Mediums for The Application of Complexes to The Skin

Mediums for The Ingestion of Complexes

The Role of The Complex in Sexual Potency

The Role of The Complex in Sex Magic Rituals

Personal Preparation

Cleansing The Body

Purifying Internal Energy

Mental Preparation and Awareness

Moon-Cleansed Water: The Working

Casting the Circle

The Triple-Cast Circle: The Ritual

Sealing The Circle: The Ritual

Unsealing and Erasing The Circle: The Ritual

The Sex Magic Ritual: The Pair

The Ritual Incorporating The Complex of The Flower

The Sex Magic Ritual: The Group

Druid or Alchemist? A Conclusion