Unsealing and Erasing The Circle: The Ritual - Casting the Circle - Workings and Rituals

A Druid's Handbook to the Spiritual Power of Plants: Spagyrics in Magical and Sexual Rituals - Jon G. Hughes 2014

Unsealing and Erasing The Circle: The Ritual
Casting the Circle
Workings and Rituals

At the end of each ritual or working, the protective Circle is unsealed, and once all the participants of the Gathering have left the Circle it is erased. Never leave a cast Circle standing until the next ritual; this simply does not work. Even if you are using a permanent site such as a standing stone Circle, as I often do, it is essential that the protective Circle be cast and erased for every individual ritual or working.

Make it your habit to unseal the protective Circle as soon as the ritual is over. Do not stand around talking to the other participants, and do not allow them to stand around talking to each other inside the sealed Circle. Make the unsealing of the Circle a part of the ritual; until the Circle is unsealed, the ritual is not over. Educate your Gathering to stay focused and involved until the final words, “It is ended,” are spoken.

To unseal a triple-sealed Circle, first pick up the hand-held candle from its place on the ground between the portal candles. Relight the candle from the flame of the right-hand candle, then move the flame of the hand-held candle slowly across the portal to the flame of the left-hand candle. Hold the lit candle high in the air and say:

“I remove the flame seal.”

Blow out the hand-held candle and return it to the working stone.

Return to the portal. With your right hand disperse the salt line on the ground between the portal candles, saying:

“I remove the salt seal.”

Next pick up the dagger from the ground. Holding it high in the air, remove the dagger from its scabbard and say:

“The seal is broken, the Circle is open.”

Walk to the cauldron on the working stone; dip the tip of the dagger into the moon-cleansed water within it, saying:

“And so it ends.”

Replace the dagger in its scabbard and place it on the working stone.

Turn to face the Gathering. Lift your hands high in the air for all to see and say in a loud voice:

“It is ended!”

This ends the ritual and indicates to the Gathering that they may now disperse, leaving the Circle to collect their clothing and dress.