Purifying Internal Energy - Personal Preparation - Workings and Rituals

A Druid's Handbook to the Spiritual Power of Plants: Spagyrics in Magical and Sexual Rituals - Jon G. Hughes 2014

Purifying Internal Energy
Personal Preparation
Workings and Rituals

You have already attended to some of the needs of your internal energy as you bathed and cleansed your body. The efforts you have made so far have served to stabilize your internal energy in preparation for the more concentrated cleansing you are about to undertake. At this stage your internal energy is neutral—not torpid, overenergized, or erratic.

Purifying your internal energy frees it from any extraneous or intrusive influences. This may be achieved through tranquil meditation. The effect of your meditative purification may be enhanced by the use of sympathetic essential oils, incense, and herbs. These may be burned or evaporated, allowing their attributes to permeate your consciousness. I recommend the following:














All of these will benefit your psychic powers and focus your concentration on the purification.

If the purification is taking place immediately prior to the sex magic ritual, make sure your selection contains cinnamon or lavender, as they contain particularly potent sex magic attributes.

To begin the purification, seat yourself comfortably in your usual meditation environment. You may now choose either to make the visualized journey to one of the special places you have reserved within the collective energy especially for meditation or to begin your purification exactly where you are.

The first step is to focus on your awareness of your own internal energy. Again, this takes practice. Being able to turn your consciousness inward and explore what is happening within your “self ” is a difficult concept. I was taught a visualization technique to help me understand this exceptionally valuable ability.

Once you are settled and tranquil, visualize your “mind” or “self ” as a glade of trees, a forest clearing with many paths and tracks radiating from it. For a moment, travel outside your body and see yourself sitting in that clearing. Make yourself familiar with the trees that enclose it and the paths that radiate from it. Look for a particularly wide path that distinguishes itself from the others by its width and the high trees that border it. Stand before this path and look down along it. It appears to be endless, stretching off into infinity. Remember where this path is within the clearing; you will soon be using it.

Behind these trees and down along these paths are all the prospective disruptive and intrusive energies that are likely to inhibit your internal energy’s effective workings. Return to your body and sit quietly, waiting for the first of them to appear.

As your consciousness presents each of these energies to you, confront it, deal with it in the best way possible, and send it down the wide path to infinity.

Once a particular disruptive energy has been dispatched, it may never trouble you again, but it also may return time and time again to confront you. Whichever is the case, it has, for the time being, been dispatched from your consciousness at least for the next few hours while you participate in your ritual.

As each successive disruptive energy is removed from your internal energy, you will begin to feel lighter and less troubled, and a sense of well-being will begin to settle over your consciousness. Eventually the procession of disruptive energies will slow down and finally stop. When it seems that there are no more to deal with, make a visualized journey to each of the paths and tracks, call down them, and search them for any remaining disruptive energies, no matter how small.

Once you are confident that all have been dealt with, visualize yourself sealing the entrance to the wide path with a dagger or triple-knotted rope in the same manner that you seal your cast Circle. This prevents the disruptive energies from reentering your consciousness or interfering with your internal energy.

As you return to worldly awareness from your meditative state, you will be bathed in a confident glow of well-being.

By definition, a disruptive energy is any form of energy that interferes with or disrupts your personal internal energy. If it is an external energy, such as a magnetic force, a ley line, a noise, a light, or something else in your environment, it can be dealt with in the physical world.

If you are being disturbed by a magnetic force or disrupted by any other external energy, find it, eliminate it, or move location.

On the other hand, disruptive energies may also be internal. These internal disruptive forces include stress, worry, preoccupations, memories, plans, and so on; they are any part of your conscious awareness that interferes with or intrudes upon your internal energy and disrupts its ability to focus. It is these worries, memories, and preoccupations that are dealt with in the course of your purification.

If your purification is carried out well before your ritual or working, be prepared to have to maintain your purified state until your ritual begins. It may be very difficult to remove yourself from any internal or external influences that negate your purification if in the meantime you have to function in the everyday world for any length of time. My advice is not to begin the purification until you are preparing for your ritual. I find that the best time for purification is immediately after the cleansing and just before I leave for the site of the ritual.