The Role of The Complex in Sex Magic Rituals - Workings and Rituals

A Druid's Handbook to the Spiritual Power of Plants: Spagyrics in Magical and Sexual Rituals - Jon G. Hughes 2014

The Role of The Complex in Sex Magic Rituals
Workings and Rituals

The enactment of Celtic sex magic in the Welsh Druidic tradition is wholly dependent on the power of the energy generated through the sexual orgasms of the people involved in projecting the spell or intention.

The greater part of the ritual is spent in amplifying the potential of this climactic burst of primeval energy, which acts as a vehicle for the projection and binding of the spell being invoked. Any safe means of enhancing the potential of this energy must be considered a benefit. The use of complexes is one of the best of these means.

Sex magic channels the projected energy of the orgasm, one of the strongest concentrations of energy that a human being is able to produce, and focuses it such that it may be used to benefit both individuals and society as a whole.

The exploration of the Celtic tradition of sex magic is far beyond the scope of this book, but the reader may find a detailed explanation of the theories and practices involved in my previous book, Sexual Practices of the Druids. We shall take a detailed look at one particular sex magic ritual later in this book, and it is with this in mind that we need to gain some understanding of the role of the complex before we embark on the ritual itself.

As we have seen during their crafting, the energies and attributes of any particular plant may be refined, empowered, and held in perfect natural balance within the plant’s complex. It is the complex’s intense power, maintained in this harmonious balance, that we seek in order to magnify the already awesome power of the sexual climax.

When facilitated for more than one participant, the sex magic ritual focuses the attention of the Gathering on one particular individual, the Principal Conduit. It is the power of this person’s orgasm that propels the Gathering’s communal spell or intention to its recipient and then binds it to him or her. This is done through a visualized journey undertaken by the Principal Conduit, when he or she accompanies the vision of the projected energy carrying the spell from its point of projection within their bodies to its destination within the recipient.

The role of the other participants at the Gathering is to support and fuel this projected energy and its journey to its recipient by entwining their combined energies with that of the Principal Conduit’s. It is by a similar entwinement of the energies and attributes of the complex with that of the Principal Conduit’s that the complex is able to amplify and reinforce the power and journey of the spell or intention.

This is achieved in two ways: first, by introducing the complex to all the participants in the Gathering so their energies may be enhanced; and second, by introducing the complex to the Principal Conduit through various methods, in order that he or she may benefit from its inherent potency. There follows an explanation of the ways in which a complex may be used during a typical sex magic ritual.

The complex may be used in the Gathering’s libations. This ensures that everyone present (including the Principal Conduit) shares the energies and attributes preserved within the complex. There are usually three libations taken during the ritual, and each libation may if necessary carry a different complex.

The complex may be taken by the Principal Conduit as a tincture during the ritual. This has sometimes been partly misinterpreted as “the taking of magic potions” by those outside the tradition, for the tincture is often a small amount of carrier (wine or moon-cleansed water) with equal amounts of complex, the total amount of liquid being no more than 50 ml. Although some may call this a magic potion, it serves a very different function, as we have already seen.

When the complex is applied as an unguent, it acts as a stimulant and as a lubricant during sexual activity. It may be used during the pre-orgasm period of the ritual to help in arousal, during the orgasm itself as a means of lubrication and empowerment, and after to maintain the Continuance or continued state of arousal following the orgasm when the visualized journey of the projected energy takes place.

The same complex (or a different one) may also be included in an evaporation and, like the unguent, it may be used during the three phases mentioned above. The immediate effects of the evaporation, however, do not last as long as those of the unguent, so the application of the evaporation must be timed more precisely.

You will see from this brief insight that using one or more complexes within one or more carrier agents may complicate the ritual considerably, and careful planning is important in order to maximize the effects of their use. It is also necessary to plan the ritual in a way that allows for the crafting of some of the complexes and all of the carrier/ complex mixtures during the course of the Gathering.

A ritual Gathering that incorporates one or more of these sex magic activities can last a number of hours, and may end up with your working stone looking more like a science bench than the focal point of ritual activity. The more complicated the ritual, the more likely you are to make mistakes, so plan your rituals to be as simple and concise as possible, particularly when you are new to the work. Stick to one main activity per Gathering, and you and the other participants will gain experience and knowledge as you develop as a working group.