Summary - The Druidic Workshop

A Druid's Handbook to the Spiritual Power of Plants: Spagyrics in Magical and Sexual Rituals - Jon G. Hughes 2014

The Druidic Workshop

At this point it should be easier for the reader to fully appreciate the power and potency of the complexes we have crafted and to understand why the Druidic tradition stands apart from other herbal and alchemical traditions in this regard.

The research into the alchemical tradition that began our journey may well have explained some of the principles behind a few of the Druidic techniques, explanations that have been lost to the Celtic world throughout the millennia. It is difficult to believe that Druidic plant lore has not been influenced in some way or another by the wealth of knowledge that has been so accurately recorded by the ancient alchemists. The traditions seem to resemble each other so closely, to have so much in common, that it is almost inconceivable that each grew and developed in isolation. Even though no one can offer a plausible explanation as to how the two traditions could have exchanged knowledge and experience, there is without doubt a common thread.

They have, as we have seen, progressed in different directions, each with its own torch to bear. The alchemist’s quest to elevate metals and the search for the philosopher’s stone have no equivalent in Druidic lore; alchemy stands alone in this endeavor. The Lesser Circulation of the alchemists and the work of the spagyric adept, however, offer much to the Druidic priest and priestess. Later, in the final section of this book, we shall explore this in greater detail, but before we can do this we must gain an understanding of how the various complexes and elixirs are employed and what benefits may be expected from them.