Sublimation - The Refinement Process: The Complex of the Tree - The Druidic Workshop

A Druid's Handbook to the Spiritual Power of Plants: Spagyrics in Magical and Sexual Rituals - Jon G. Hughes 2014

The Refinement Process: The Complex of the Tree
The Druidic Workshop

We will now continue the refinement of our cardinal essences, both liquid and solid, into the highest and most exalted sort of essences possible—the creation of the sublime complex, the sublimation.

The three liquid cardinal essences will undergo a further filtering process to ensure their purity, while the three solid cardinals will be dried once again to form the plant’s incense. Let’s look at the sublimation of the liquid cardinal essences first.

Sublimation by Filtration of the Three Liquid Cardinal Essences of the Tree

In order to ensure that all of the liquid cardinal essences are in the purest state possible before they begin their maturation, each is filtered once again, in exactly the same manner as they were during the leaching process.

Some Druidic priests and priestesses actually filter each essence twice during the leaching. This serves exactly the same purpose and also obviates the need to reassemble all the filtering apparatus for a second time. As this working does not contain any spiritual/magical dimension, this shortcut is perfectly acceptable.

I shall not take up space here by reviewing the filtration technique, as it is described in great detail above. It is important, however, to point out that if you intend to use the short method (filtering the essences twice during the leaching), then it is imperative that you change the filter paper and wash the funnel between each of the two filtrations. This is the only way to guarantee the purity of the filtered essences.

Once filtered for the second time (by whichever method you choose), each of the three cardinal essences is poured into a separate glass bottle, labeled, and set in a cool, dark place to undergo a period of maturation.

Sublimation by Drying of the Three Solid Cardinals of the Tree

The three solid cardinals also undergo further refinement before they are amalgamated to form the tree’s incense. This is done by an additional drying process, whereby the solids are placed in a warm, dry place, away from any drafts, to allow them to be purified by the sun’s light and fresh air.

A sunny windowsill is ideal for this purpose. Spread out each of the solid cardinals on the base of a plate in order to prevent them from being blown away. Set the plate on the windowsill and allow the sun’s heat to dry the solids completely. Stir each of the solids once or twice a day and after a period of five to seven days (depending on the weather), return each solid cardinal to its individual jar. Seal tightly to prevent any moisture from entering, and store all three jars in a cool, dark place until needed.

At this stage of the refinement process we now have a total of six products: the leached essence of the leaves, the leached essence of the wood, and the leached essence of the bark, each produced at the leaching stage and stored in order to mature before use, along with the solid cardinal of the leaves, the solid cardinal of the wood, and the solid cardinal of the bark, also produced at the leaching stage and further refined before being stored until ready for use.

We may now begin to amalgamate the three solid cardinals in order to create the incense of the tree during the same ritual working.