
Crystals: How to Use Crystals and Their Energy to Enhance Your Life (Hay House Basics) - Judy Hall 2015


The crystals from this book are displayed in colour on

Jasper tie-cutters and rare high-vibration crystals are available from (e-mail for details).

Crystal suppliers (Judy Hall crystals) (USA) (UK) (Rainbow Mayanite, USA) (UK)


The Crystal Experience has a CD with specially written music to enhance your crystal attunement, or use any meditative CD.

Further reading

Books by Judy Hall

Crystal Prescriptions: The A—Z guide to over 1,200 symptoms and their healing crystals (O Books, 2005)

The Encyclopedia of Crystals and Healing Stones: The definitive guide to over 300 healing crystals (Godsfield Press, 2007)

Good Vibrations: Energy enhancement, psychic protection and space clearing (Flying Horse Books, 2008)

The Crystal Bible, Vols 1, 2 and 3 (Godsfield Press, 2009—2013)

The Book of Why: Understanding your soul’s journey (Flying Horse Books, 2010)

The Crystal Experience: Your complete crystal workshop in a book (Godsfield Press, 2010)

Crystal Prosperity: Create Abundance in All Areas of Your Life (Ivy Press, 2010)

101 Power Crystals: The ultimate guide to magical crystals, gems, and stones for healing and transformation (Fair Winds Press, 2011)

The Crystal Healing Pack (Godsfield Press, 2011)

Crystals and Sacred Sites: Use crystals to access the power of sacred landscapes for personal and planetary transformation (Fair Winds Press, 2012)

The Crystal Wisdom Oracle Pack (Watkins Publishing, 2013)

The Crystal Zodiac: Use birthstones to enhance your life (Godsfield Press, 2013)

Crystals to Empower You: Use crystals and the Law of Attraction to manifest abundance, wellbeing and happiness (Walking Stick Press, 2013)

Life-Changing Crystals: Using crystals for abundance, wellbeing and happiness (Godsfield Press, 2013)

Crystals for Psychic Self Protection (Hay House, 2014)

Earth Blessing Crystals: Using crystals for personal energy clearing, Earth healing and environmental enhancement (Watkins Publishing, 2014)

Crystal Prescriptions Volume 2: The A—Z guide to over 1,250 conditions and their new generation healing crystals (O Books, 2014)

Crystal Prescriptions Volume 3: Crystal solutions to electromagnetic pollution and geopathic stress. An A-Z guide. (O Books, reprint edition, 2014)

The stone horoscope: evidence of continuity of ancient esoteric tradition and practice. ’Are an authentic astrological practice and archaic ideological narratives concatenating sky and stones embedded in The Greek Alexander Romance?', MA dissertation available on

Books by other crystal authors

Gienger, Michael, Crystal Power, Crystal Healing: the complete handbook (Cassell, 2002)

Lecouteux, Claude, A Lapidary of Sacred Stones: Their magical and medicinal powers based on the earliest sources (Editions Imago, 2011, English trans. Inner Traditions, 2012)

Lilly, Simon, The Complete Illustrated Guide to Crystal Healing: A step-by-step guide to using crystals for health and wellbeing (Element, 2011)

Lilly, Simon and Sue, Crystal Doorways (Capall Bann Publishing, 1997)

—, Preseli Bluestone: Healing stone of the ancestors (Tree Seer Publications, 2011)

Martino, Regina, Shungite: Protection, Healing and Detoxification (Healing Arts Press, 2011, translated by Jack Cain)

Temple, Robert, The Crystal Sun (Century Books, 2000)

Scholarly sources

Bahler, Ingrid, and Katherine, Gyekenyesi Gatto, The Lapidary of King Alfonso X the Learned (University Press of the South, New Orleans, 1997)

Caley, Earle R., and John F. Richards, Theophrastus on Stones (The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 1956)

Evans, Joan, and Mary S. Serjeantson, English Mediaeval Lapidaries (The Early English Text Society, Oxford University Press, 1955)

Scalar wave research

Hunt, Valerie, Infinite Mind: Science of the human vibrations of consciousness (Malibu Publishing, 1996)


Robert Coon:

Andrew Lang on crystal balls:

Ancient sources

Theophrastus on Stones and other ancient and modern sources:


Clear2Light from is an excellent crystal cleanser and is available worldwide. Crystal Charge is also available from Petaltone.

Crystal Cleanser spray from the Crystal Balance Company and Crystal Recharge along with transmuting Violet Flame work wonders:

Crystal healing organizations and courses

Hay House Basics Crystals online course: I have produced a detailed and easy-to-understand online course to accompany the lessons in this book. You’ll see me demonstrate how to work with crystal essences, give crystal healing and learn how to use crystals for divination, besides many other meditations and video lessons.

Affiliation of Crystal Healing Organizations: ACHO promotes training and competence in crystal healing therapy and to act as part of the Crystal Therapy Council, which is a member of the General Regulatory Council for Complementary Therapies. ACHO maintains a practitioner register of qualified crystal healers trained to ACHO/CTC standards.

The Association of Melody Crystal Healing Instructors International: TAOMCHI provides a clearing-house for information concerning instructors and workshops.

The Crystal Healing Association of Japan:

Crystal Healing and Energy Work Diploma course: The School of Inner Light in Bournemouth, Dorset, and Llandeilo, Wales, offers a unique professional Diploma course in Crystal Healing and Energy Work, which combines crystal therapy/healing, Reiki and vibrational energy work.

Sue and Simon Lilly: Online courses in anatomy, colour therapy, crystal therapy, nutrition, physiology and tarot:
