Crystals for safe space - Crystal Applications

Crystals: How to Use Crystals and Their Energy to Enhance Your Life (Hay House Basics) - Judy Hall 2015

Crystals for safe space
Crystal Applications

Crystals are an excellent way to ensure that you live and work in a good space. Houses and other spaces have a subtle energetic history. An imprint is left by everyone who lives there. Neighbours add their vibes too, as do events that have previously occurred. Crystals are the perfect tools to keep your environment energetically clean.

But safe outer space starts with secure inner space. Remember that ’like attracts like’. You cannot create a safe space for yourself if your motives, emotions and behaviour are not in harmony. Similarly, if you share space with an irritable or pessimistic person, you can’t keep that energy out of your space — but you can place a crystal to absorb and transmute it.

Bear in mind too that ’as you think, so you are’. Think positively. Think clean, safe space and you’ll create it.

Practical space protection

You can’t protect your space from your own negativity or the negativity of anyone who shares that space with you. You must clear it from yourself first and then from your space, which is where crystals help.

Crystals have benefits which you feel rather than see. They absorb and cleanse subtle emanations and emotional debris within your space. They are particularly effective for soaking up the electromagnetic disturbances created by televisions, computers, phones, power lines and suchlike (EMFs). A protective crystal such as Black Tourmaline, Graphic or Smoky Elestial Quartz placed by the front door protects the whole house, preventing an influx of negative vibes. Traditionally, Sardonyx placed here repels thieves. Carnelian or Citrine just inside the entrance invites in abundance and good vibes, and Selenite brings in light. If you’d like your home to be filled with love and harmony, Rose Quartz just inside the front door does the trick, while a beautiful pink or blue Aragonite sphere radiates joy, love and serenity into your home.

If the protective crystal has a point, point it away from your house to deflect negative energy and transmute it into positive. If you want to call in beneficial energies, point the crystal towards you.

How do you find the right spot? Let the crystal tell you! Or dowse for it (see Exercise: Finding your pendulum). Some places are obvious. A large piece of Rose Quartz by your bed encourages love and harmony, but may disrupt sleep if placed too close.

The crystals in the list below are equally effective for any ’bad vibes’ that may be affecting your home or workplace. They are excellent for combating ’sick building syndrome’ too.

Exercise: Creating a safe space

Cleansing a space

✵ To keep a room energetically clean, place a large piece of Black Tourmaline, Calcite, Graphic Smoky Quartz, Smoky Quartz or Tourmalinated Quartz in a position where it won’t be disturbed and ask it to transmute negative energies.

✵ Remember to cleanse it frequently.

✵ You can also make a crystal essence to spritz around the space (see Exercise: Making a crystal essence).

Bringing in light

✵ To keep a space energetically purified and filled with spiritual light for long periods, put Petaltone Z14 on a large piece of Selenite — it works for six months and more.

Flushing away negative vibes

✵ A large Chlorite Quartz hung point down in the lavatory cistern absorbs negative energy from your house and transmutes it with each flush.

Calming noisy neighbours

✵ Place Rose Quartz near the wall you share with your noisy neighbours to radiate peace and calm them down.

✵ Remember to cleanse the crystal regularly.

Combating subtle pollutants

Most of us are bombarded with unseen EMF radiation or geopollutants (adverse energy lines and toxicity in the ground), which can have adverse effects, especially on those who are psychic or energy-sensitive, making them feel drained and ill.

Exercise: Protection against EMFs

✵ Switch on your computer or mobile phone or stand close to your television. With your hands, sense the energy field around it and feel the effect it has on your body and your energy. If it has no effect, you need go no further.

✵ If you become headachy or your energy drops or you feel any other kind of adverse reaction, place Amazonite, Black Tourmaline or Shungite between you and the EMF source. Feel the change as the emissions are blocked.

✵ Take the Amazonite, Black Tourmaline or Shungite around your body to find the best place for it. Wear it over your thymus (just above the heart) or place it over the spleen chakra under your left arm or wherever it feels it is working best.

Note: If you begin to feel tired when wearing or using Shungite, cleanse it immediately. It is sensible to have at least two pieces, one in use and one being cleansed.

Case history: Shielding the electricity sub-station

I’m all too aware of the detrimental effects of EMF emissions on my energy field. So moving to live opposite an electricity sub-station could have been bad news. I have, however, turned this around to re-energize myself with the use of crystals.

First I held the intention that the emissions would help me to heal. On moving in, I gridded the garden with pieces of Black Tourmaline, positioning one at each corner, and put these around my bed as well. I placed Amazonite, Amethyst, Herkimer Diamonds and large Smoky Quartz points on the windowsills (with the points pointing away from the house to deflect the energy). Later I added Shungite. The house feels energetically clear and, on dowsing, registers no adverse EMF emissions.

My computer is surrounded by Amazonite, Fluorite, Lepidolite and Shungite to further protect my energy.

Crystals for combating environmental pollution

✵ Amazonite and Black Tourmaline block radar/mobile phone mast emanations.

✵ A Black Tourmaline rod in Quartz, Smoky Quartz or Tourmalinated Quartz guards against terrorist attack or can be used to heal the effects of violence or trauma.

✵ Graphic Smoky Quartz soaks up and transmutes negative emissions, stabilizing and protecting the space around you.

✵ Malachite is particularly efficient at soaking up nuclear or Earth radiation.

✵ Shungite is the crystal par excellence for shielding against EMFs.

✵ Smoky Quartz is excellent for blocking electromagnetic smog of any kind.

✵ Turquoise is an all-round environmental healer and cleanser.

Graphic Smoky Quartz

Vibration: High

A fairly new discovery from Madagascar (available from the USA as Zebra Stone and elsewhere as Calcite Writing Stone), Graphic Smoky Quartz is a strongly purifying stone that grounds and helps you feel safe in physical incarnation. Invigorating for the body, it infuses dynamic energy and a feeling of wellbeing. The Smoky Quartz has been tightly compressed into Feldspar, and this crystal assists in feeling safe in traumatic situations, getting to the core of things and instilling trust. It opens and cleanses all the chakras and activates metaphysical abilities. A shamanic stone that enables travelling silently through the lower realms, it imparts the stealth of a big cat. Insisting on integrity in its use, it helps find a creative way to approach your goals and is excellent for strengthening the structures of the physical or subtle bodies.

Gridding for safe space

Crystal grids create and maintain safe space. The easiest way to grid a room or other space is to place a crystal in each corner, as this creates an energy grid across the whole room. However, you can grid the room with whatever pattern feels right at the time.

All stones laid in grids should be cleansed and dedicated before use, but remember to allow them to do what they do best rather than what you feel they should be doing.

Dowsing establishes the exact placement for the crystals. Join the crystals with a wand or long-point crystal such as a Lemurian or Quartz to set the grid. If the lines of force pass through walls and solid objects, use the power of your mind or a crystal wand to connect the points. Take it up to the point on the wall, visualize it passing through the wall and then walk around to the other side to recommence the line.

Exercise: Creating a safe space grid

✵ Place small pieces of Black Tourmaline, Graphic Smoky Quartz or Shungite in each corner of a room, or your house, to keep out bad vibes and transmute negative energies.

✵ Adding raw or polished Labradorite or ethereal white Selenite will draw in light to assist in your work or your daily and spiritual life.

✵ Join the stones up with the power of your mind or a Quartz wand to create a three-dimensional energetic grid that protects your entire space.

Safe-space crystals for gridding

✵ To absorb geopathic stress: Black Tourmaline, Graphic Smoky Quartz, Labradorite, Smoky Quartz, Tantalite

✵ To cleanse negative energies: Amber, Bloodstone, Shungite

✵ To clear environmental pollution: Graphic Smoky Quartz in Feldspar, Malachite (particularly good for radioactive emissions), Turquoise

✵ To deflect psychic attack: Black Tourmaline, Labradorite, Shungite, Tantalite

✵ To guard against space invasion (place at the corners of the room or grid in a pentacle or Star of David, see Exercise: Laying out a grid: The Star of DavidExercise: Laying out a grid: The five-pointed star and Exercise: Healing ancient trauma with the five-pointed star): Black Tourmaline, Graphic Smoky or Elestials, large Quartz cluster, large Smoky Quartz points, Rose Quartz, Selenite

✵ To neutralize EMFs: Amazonite, Black Tourmaline, Fluorite, Shungite, Smoky Quartz

✵ To prevent crime (grid around the outside of the house or in the corners of the room): Kyanite, Sardonyx, Selenite

✵ To replace negative vibes with positive, loving vibrations: Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Selenite


A triangulation grid neutralizes negative energy and brings in positive. It also provides protection or healing while you sleep, so this is a useful grid to build around your bed or to create safe space.


Exercise: Laying out a triangulation grid

You need:

— 3 cleansed and activated crystals

— a crystal wand

✵ Place a crystal (point facing down) above your head or at the head of your bed.

✵ Place a crystal below your left leg (stretched out sideways) or at the left-hand corner of your bed.

✵ Place a crystal below your right leg (stretched out sideways) or at the right-hand corner of your bed.

✵ Bring your legs together, join up the triangle and lie comfortably in it for 15 minutes or during the night.

You can also lay a double triangle — the Star of David — around your bed or anywhere in your space that needs protection.

The zig-zag

The zig-zag layout is particularly useful for sick building syndrome and for transmuting environmental pollution. Place appropriate crystals as shown on the diagram below. Cleanse regularly.


Things that go bump in the night

If you are troubled by restless spirits, gremlins or the impact of events that occurred in the past, a crystal is of great assistance. Quite apart from their own cleansing properties, they make great carriers for safe-space and clearing essences (see Resources). The synergistic effect is much stronger than using an essence or crystal alone.

Exercise: Dealing with ghosts

✵ Put a few drops of Petaltone Astral Clear on a Clear Quartz crystal.

✵ Ask the crystal to send the spirit to the light.

✵ Leave it overnight to do its work.

For slightly more troublesome spirits, Petaltone Special 8 or Z14 works well on Labradorite or Quartz as a carrier. However, serious activity requires specialist help.


✵ Crystals counteract any toxic imprints or emanations from the space around you, replacing them with beneficial energies.

✵ Clear negativity from yourself first and then your space.

✵ Grids create safe space and can be left in place for long periods.
