Holistic healing: Body - Crystal Applications

Crystals: How to Use Crystals and Their Energy to Enhance Your Life (Hay House Basics) - Judy Hall 2015

Holistic healing: Body
Crystal Applications

We have already explored the effect of chakra blockages on wellbeing and in the next chapter we’ll look at psychosomatic dis-ease. Now it is time to turn our attention to the body itself. In the medical model, illnesses are caused by:

✵ the invasion of pathogens such as bacteria or viruses

✵ direct insult or injury to the body

✵ a disturbance in the organs, cells or DNA

✵ the psychosomatic effect of the mind and the emotions

In the context of crystal healing, illness is a dis-ease, the final manifestation of spiritual, environmental, psychological, karmic, emotional or mental imbalance, distress or blockage. In holistic healing, deeper causes are considered along with the presenting symptom.

Holistic healing

Holistic healing means bringing mind, body and spirit back into balance for maximum wellbeing. It does not imply a cure. Crystals act holistically to balance mind, body and spirit. They focus and direct energy to a specific point on the body or to an emotional or mental blockage. Dis-ease is gently dissolved, imbalance corrected, equilibrium restored.

Crystals can be used to alleviate symptoms, but it is preferable to work with the underlying cause. So, if your symptom is a digestive problem, for example, you could choose a Citrine point to assist. Laying it on your abdomen or wearing it on your little finger (which connects to the small intestine energetic meridian) could calm your digestion. The crystal would work directly on the physical body or on the solar plexus chakra (blockages here can cause digestive problems), but on an emotional and mental level, digestive problems often relate to a lack of abundance, and that also needs to be addressed. Wearing a Citrine re-energizes you, however. It stimulates your motivation and creativity and opens the way for abundance. Going deeper, to a spiritual level, fears around money often stem from a feeling of being unsupported by the universe. This fear is not merely psychosomatic dis-ease, it is spiritual disconnection. This could also be healed through the use of the Citrine, as its ability to activate the crown chakra, from which spiritual connection is made, could strengthen your trust in the universe.

Illness or disability as a means of soul growth

Some dis-eases, both physical and psychological, have been deliberately taken on at a soul level and are actually vehicles for soul growth, either for ourselves or someone else. ’Healing’ these dis-eases requires an understanding of the dynamics and the soul gifts that are offered by the experience. This is outside the sphere of this book, but it is worth bearing in mind if you are dealing with any chronic dis-ease or disability; see my The Book of Why for more information. An intuitive crystal healer can assist.

Crystal healing applications

Subtle meridians and energetic pathways run through the body, carrying Qi, life force energy. This flow can be heightened or sedated with crystals for maximum wellbeing. Crystals also have useful pain-relieving properties and some, such as Shungite, have been shown to be antibacterial and antiviral and can be utilized as a crystal essence or crystal water (see Exercise: Making a crystal essence).

In the simplest application of crystal healing, the body can be brought back into balance by placing an appropriate crystal over the site of pain or discomfort, or over an organ. Or, if you are already familiar with the body’s meridian system, utilize this. Brief crystal and organ connections are given below, but for further assistance, see my Crystal Prescriptions or the Crystal Bibles, and if in doubt at any time, consult a qualified crystal healer.

As an example of what crystals can do for the physical body, try this instant energy boost:

Exercise: Getting an instant energy boost

Place a Carnelian over your sacral chakra for a few minutes or Red Jasper over your base and it will power up your whole system, giving you an instant energy boost.

Crystal first aid

Shamans and crystal therapists are familiar with the ability of crystals to focus sound and light vibrations into a concentrated ray, which is then applied for healing. Rotating a crystal wand on the skin causes compression, which releases a focused beam to the organ beneath. However, ancient healers knew that there were crystals that sedated an overactive organ or stimulated a sluggish one. Red Jasper, for instance, stimulates, while cool green Eye of the Storm sedates and detoxes before stimulating the flow of Qi. Magnetite, with its positive and negative charge, sedates or stimulates as required.

Some crystals heal quickly, but may provoke a healing challenge, whilst others work more slowly. For this reason it is sensible to consult a crystal healer. However, crystals are useful as a ’first aid’ measure. Simply place an appropriate one (dowse for this or check in Crystal Prescriptions) over the site.

Crystal first aid kit


Qualities: Cleansing, opening, protecting, stabilizing, tranquillizing, transmuting

Organs: Brain, intestines, lungs

Gland: Pineal

Systems: Digestive, endocrine, immune, metabolic, nervous, skeletal, subtle bodies

Chakras: Brow, crown, throat


Qualities: Cleansing, protecting, revitalizing

Organs: Bladder, intestines, kidneys, liver, spleen

Gland: Thymus

Systems: Circulatory, immune, lymphatic, metabolic

Chakras: Base and heart

Blue Lace Agate

Qualities: Activating, calming, cooling, opening

Organs: Brain, pancreas, throat

Glands: Parathyroid, thyroid

Systems: Lymphatic, nervous, skeletal

Chakra: Throat


Qualities: Cleansing, energizing, grounding, stabilizing, stimulating

Organs: Intestines, kidneys, reproductive organs

Glands: Adrenals

Systems: Metabolic, reproductive

Chakras: Base, sacral and spleen

Clear Quartz

Qualities: Absorbing, balancing, energizing, purifying, regulating; releases and stores energy

Organs: All

Glands: Pineal and pituitary

Systems: Auric, immune

Chakras: All

Golden Healer

Qualities: Master healer, powerful regeneration for all the body and the spirit

Organs: All

Glands: All

Systems: All

Chakras: All, especially those from the solar plexus upwards

Green Aventurine

Qualities: Activating, cleansing, regulating, stabilizing

Organs: Adrenals, eyes, heart, lungs, sinuses

Gland: Thymus

Systems: Connective tissue, mental, muscular, nervous, urogenital

Chakras: Heart, spleen

Quantum Quattro

Qualities: Detoxifies, heals psychosomatic causes of dis-ease, protects, restores equilibrium, strengthens the immune system and DNA, tones and brings the body back into balance

Organs: All

Glands: All, especially the thymus

Systems: All

Chakras: All

Que Sera

Qualities: Powerful synergistic healing for all the body, especially the immune system

Organs: All

Glands: All, especially the thymus

Systems: All

Chakras: All

Rose Quartz

Qualities: Assimilating, forgiving, releasing, restoring, sedating

Organs: Genitals, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs

Glands: Adrenals, thymus

Systems: Circulatory, lymphatic

Chakra: Heart


Qualities: Research suggests that Shungite assists cellular metabolism, neurotransmitters, digestive, filtration and immune systems, enhances enzyme production and provides pain relief. It is an antibacterial, antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and detoxifier.

Organs: All

Glands: All

Systems: All

Chakra: Base, Earth Star and heart

Shungite water

Qualities: Used for allergies, arthritis and osteoarthritis, asthma, autoimmune diseases, blood disorders, burns, cardiovascular diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, gallbladder dysfunction, gastric disturbances, kidney and liver disorders, pancreatic disorders and sore throats. (To make Shungite water, see Exercise: Making Shungite water.)

Smoky Quartz

Qualities: Cleansing, grounding, pain-relieving, protecting

Organs: Back, heart, muscles, nerves

Glands: None

Systems: Nervous, reproductive

Chakras: Base and Earth Star


Qualities: Cooling, regulating fluids, releasing, stabilizing; is excellent for mental balance

Organs: Larynx, vocal cords

Glands: Pineal, thyroid

Systems: Immune, lymphatic, metabolic

Chakras: Brow, throat

Case history: Soothing Green Calcite

Green Calcite is traditionally used to calm both nausea and anxiety. So, when a dear friend of mine had to undergo extensive chemotherapy which resulted in violent nausea, I took a large chunk into the hospital. She was particularly anxious to be home, as she felt she could get better rest and nutrition there. She curled up around the stone and instantly became calmer. It didn’t totally alleviate the nausea, but it did release her anxiety about the whole process. She saw it as part of her detoxification and found great comfort in hugging her lumpy green friend. Within a couple of days she was well enough to go home.

Dealing with pain

Pain is a signal that something is out of balance in your body. It results from an excess of energy, a blockage or debility, as well as injury or insult to the body. A cool and calming crystal such as Lapis Lazuli or Rose Quartz sedates energy, whereas a stimulating one such as Carnelian or Red Jasper brings about a fast release but can instigate a healing challenge. In a healing challenge, symptoms may be exacerbated before they get better. If a crystal brings about too violent a challenge, Smoky Quartz calms the situation down.

Cathedral Quartz is excellent for pain relief, no matter what the cause. Lapis Lazuli quickly draws off a migraine, especially if this has a psychic cause (in which case place the crystal over your third eye). But you need to know where a headache stems from before you can ease it. If it is caused by stress, Amber, Amethyst or Turquoise placed on the brow or back of the neck relieves it. If it is food related, as many headaches are, a stone which calms the stomach, such as Citrine, Green Calcite or Moonstone, is appropriate.

Pain-release crystals

Amber, Amethyst, AnandaliteTM, Azurite with Malachite, Blue Euclase, Cathedral Quartz, Champagne Aura Quartz, Dendritic Agate, Eye of the Storm, Kutnohorite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Rhodozite, Rose Quartz, Turquoise, Wind Fossil Agate

Eye of the Storm (Judy’s Jasper)

Vibration: Earthy and high

Organs: Bile duct, heart, kidneys

Eye of the Storm acts as a haven during upheavals, enabling you to remain calmly centred. It draws off toxicity, rebalances the cells and stimulates the immune system. This stone sustains you during serious illness and regulates pain. It encourages the growth of healthy cells via etheric DNA. A stress-reliever, it switches off the ’fight or flight’ response. It is also a life-support system for the planet during Earth healing.

The immune system

Your immune system is what keeps you healthy. It fights off bacterial and viral infections and regulates the detoxification processes in your body. In addition to the physical immune system, you have a subtle, psychic system that interacts with crystal energy. When this is active and balanced, wellbeing ensues.

One of the major governing points of the immune system is the thymus gland, which is situated in the middle of the upper chest, about a hand’s breadth below the throat. (This point is also the higher heart chakra.)

Exercise: Stimulating the immune system

Bloodstone has long been used to stimulate the physical and subtle immune systems. Quantum Quattro is a more recent discovery that heals through the synergy of several minerals. Both are effective immune stimulators, but you could also use Que Sera for this exercise.

✵ With a cleansed and dedicated Bloodstone, Quantum Quattro or Que Sera, tap gently over your thymus gland (at the centre of your upper chest although either side of the breastbone may be more comfortable) for five minutes or tape the stone in place and leave it there for several hours.

Crystals for the immune system


Vibration: Earthy

One of the first healing stones used by humanity, Bloodstone is associated with the blood and kidneys. In crystal healing it detoxifies the liver, improves the circulation, purifies the lymph, stimulates the production of T-cells and strengthens the immune system. It also sedates systems that are overactive but stimulates those that are under-active. It reduces mental confusion, imparts alertness and relieves chronic conditions.

Quantum Quattro

Vibration: High

A master healer, synergistic Quantum Quattro brings the body back into balance. A combination of Dioptase, Malachite, Shattuckite and Chrysocolla on Smoky Quartz, it has a dramatic effect on the human energy field. Physically, it strengthens the immune system and DNA. Protective, absorbing toxic energies, it clears psychic attack. Placed on an area of imbalance, environmental or physical, it restores equilibrium. If one Smoky Quartz is placed on the third eye and another on the solar plexus, mind, body and emotions are balanced. It heals the effects of grief, draws out deep feelings and psychosomatic causes of dis-ease and breaks unwanted ties and outworn patterns. A strong mental cleanser, it supports a positive attitude to life.

Crystal essences

Crystal essences are a gentle way to use the healing properties of stones, as the vibrations are transferred to water. Essences can be taken as drops, spritzed into the aura, rubbed on the skin or added to bathwater.

Use only cleansed, non-toxic crystals. For toxic or layered crystals, use the indirect method (see below).

Caution: Toxic

The following crystals may contain traces of toxic minerals. Use polished/tumbled stones, make crystal essences by the indirect method and wash your hands after handling them:

Actinolite, Adamite, Andaluscite, Ajoite, Alexandrite, Almandine Garnet, Amazonite, Aquamarine, Aragonite, Atacamite, Aurichalcite, Axinite, Azurite, Beryl, Beryllium, Bixbite, Black Tourmaline, Boji Stones, Bornite, Brazillianite, Brochantite, Bumble Bee Jasper, Cavansite, Cassiterite, Celestite, Cerrusite, Cervanite, Chalchantite, Chalcopyrite (Peacock Ore), Chryolite, Chrysoberyl, Chrysocolla, Cinnabar, Conichalcite, Copper, Covellite, Crocoite, Cryolite, Cuprite, Diopside, Dioptase, Dumortierite, Emerald, Epidote, Garnet, Gem Silica, Galena, Garnierite (Falcondoite), Goshenite, Heliodor, Hessonite Garnet, Hiddenite, Jadeite, Iolite, Klinoptilolith, Kunzite, Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, Lazurite, Labradorite, Lepidolite, Magnetite, Malachite, Marcasite, Mohawkite, Moldavite, Moonstone, Moqui Balls, Morganite, Orpiment, Pargasite, Pietersite, Prehnite, Psiomelane, Pyrite, Pyromorphite, Quantum Quattro, Realgar, Renierite, Rhodolite Garnet, Ruby, Sapphire, Serpentine, Spessartine Garnet, Smithsonite, Sodalite, Spinel, Spodumene, Staurolite, Stibnite, Stilbite, Sugilite, Sulphur, Sunstone, Tanzanite, Tiffany Stone, Tigers Eye, Topaz, Torbenite, Tourmaline, Tremolite, Turquoise, Uvarovite Garnet, Valentinite, Vanadinite, Variscite, Vesuvianite, Wavellite, Wulfenite, Zircon, Zoisite

Exercise: Making a crystal essence

✵ Place a crystal in spring water in a glass or crystal bowl. For toxic or delicate crystals (see above), use the indirect method: place the crystal in a small glass bowl and then place this in the water so that there is no direct contact between the crystal and the water.

✵ Place the bowl in the sun for several hours or overnight in moonlight if appropriate.

✵ Remove the crystal and add the activated water to two-thirds as much again brandy, vodka or white rum to preserve it. Bottle, label and store in a cool place. This is the mother tincture.

✵ To make a dosage bottle, add 7 drops of the mother tincture to a small dropper bottle filled with one-third brandy, vodka or white rum to two-thirds spring water, or fill a small spray bottle with spring water plus 7 drops of tincture.

✵ Take 7 drops of the essence three times a day, rub it onto the inside of the wrist, over the site of dis-ease or the corresponding chakra, or spritz it around your aura or your environment.


Organs: Digestive tract, kidneys, liver

Systems: Immune, metabolic

Caution: Toxic — use with care (see above)

Klinoptilolith is a type of zeolite from which a pharmaceutical chemotherapy drug is made. Anti-fungal, it stimulates detoxification processes and enhances cell regulation and the body’s self-healing mechanism. Research suggests that the stone moves heavy metals and free radicals out of the body, improving the brain, memory and motor function. Balancing homoeostasis and encouraging oxygenation of the cells, it absorbs electromagnetic microbes, pollutants, radioactivity and other forces that disrupt cell function. As a detoxifier, it has been shown to regenerate the lining of the gastric system and to support T-cells and the body’s natural immune system. Reputedly, it supplies the metabolic system with the minerals required for optimum functioning.

Exercise: Making Shungite water

Research has shown that Shungite water has powerful antibacterial and antiviral properties. As it takes longer to become active, it is made in a different way from an essence.

✵ Immerse about 10 grams (¼ oz) of Shungite in 1 litre (1¾ pints) of water for at least 48 hours to therapeutically activate the water. You can also place the Shungite in a mesh bag in the bottom of a filter jug and continuously top up the water as it’s used.

✵ Cleanse the crystals frequently.

✵ Drink several glasses a day for maximum effect.

Case history: Shungite

Under EU regulations I am not allowed to claim healing properties for crystals, but I can share anecdotal evidence with you. Three years ago, shortly after starting to drink a litre (1¾ pints) of Shungite water a day, I caught a chest infection, so I upped my intake to 2 litres (3½ pints). In the past I had been hospitalized with pneumonia due to such infections. This time, although the infection lingered a while, it did not progress to pneumonia. Since then I have drunk Shungite water every day and have had two winters completely free of coughs and colds, despite travelling on trains and planes where infection has been rife.

Crystals grids for health and wellbeing

Gridding is the art of placing stones to create an energetic net to purify, heal and energize the body. Grids are a great way to enfold yourself within crystal energies and harness their power. They encourage relaxation and induce a sense of wellbeing, as they rebalance your subtle energies and re-energize your body.

The crystals are placed around your body, so you may like to enlist the assistance of a friend, although you can lay out your own grids. Tumbled stones are perfect for grids, but points and other shapes can also be used. Join the crystals with a wand or long-pointed crystal to set the grid, or, if you are working alone, use the power of your mind.

All of the following grid shapes can be used for environmental healing (see Crystals for Earth healing) and protection.

Exercise: Laying out a grid: The Star of David

The Star of David is a traditional protection layout but also creates a perfect cleansing and re-energizing grid.


You need:

— 6 cleansed and activated crystals (3 detoxing and 3 invigorating)

— a crystal wand

✵ Lie down comfortably where you will not be disturbed for 15 minutes.

✵ Place a Smoky Quartz or other detoxifying crystal below your feet, point facing down if it has one.

✵ Spread your arms out and place a Smoky Quartz or other detoxifying crystal at the end of your fingertips, point facing out if it has one.

✵ Join up the triangle with a wand or your mind and lie in it for five minutes. As you breathe out, feel any tension, stress or toxicity draining away from your body and being absorbed and transmuted by the crystal at your feet.

✵ Place a Clear Quartz, Quantum Quattro, Que Sera or other invigorating crystal above your head, point facing down if it has one.

✵ Place two more crystals just below your knees (points facing in) level with the crystals at your fingertips.

✵ Join up the triangle with a wand or your mind and lie in the Star of David for up to 15 minutes. Feel purifying and invigorating healing light coming in through the crystal above your head and filling your whole body.

✵ When you’re ready, collect up the Clear Quartz (or other invigorating) crystals and then the Smoky Quartz (or other detoxifying) crystals.

✵ Stand up and connect to the Earth beneath your feet through your Earth Star to ground yourself.

Exercise: Laying out a grid: The five-pointed star

The five-pointed star is a useful protection layout but it also calls in universal love and healing to enhance your energy. If your crystals have points, lay them pointing towards the next crystal in the layout to channel the energy.


You need:

— cleansed and activated energizing or revitalizing stones

— a crystal wand

✵ Lie down comfortably where you will not be disturbed for 15 minutes, with your legs and arms stretched out sideways so that your body forms a five-pointed star.

✵ Lay a crystal above your head (if it has a point, face it towards your left foot).

✵ Lay a crystal below your left foot (if it has a point, face it towards your right hand).

✵ Lay a crystal at the end of your right hand (if it has a point, face it towards your left hand).

✵ Lay a crystal at the end of your left hand (if it has a point, face it towards your right foot).

✵ Lay a crystal below your right foot (if it has a point, face it towards your head).

✵ Using a crystal wand or the power of your mind and, starting with the crystal above your head, join the crystals to form the star, remembering to complete the circuit from your right foot to your head at the end.

✵ Lie in the star for up to 15 minutes. Breathe gently and absorb the crystal energies.

✵ When you are ready, pick up the crystals in the reverse order from that in which you laid them down.

✵ Stand up and make contact with the Earth through the Earth Star chakra beneath your feet.

Exercise: Laying out a grid: A figure of eight

The figure of eight melds high-vibration energy with Earth energy drawn up from the feet to create perfect balance. This grid is useful if you have raised your vibrations without grounding them, resulting in headaches and bodily discomfort. The grid settles the new vibrations into your physical and subtle bodies.


You need

— 5 cleansed and activated high-vibration stones

— 5 cleansed and activated grounding stones

✵ Lie down comfortably where you will not be disturbed for 15 minutes.

✵ Starting on your left-hand side at your waist, place five high-vibration stones equally spaced above the waist to the crown and down to the right-hand side.

✵ Starting on your right-hand side, place five grounding stones below your waist down to your feet and up the other side. (You can sit up to do this and then lie back down again.)

✵ Join up the stones with a wand or your mind. Remember to complete the circuit back to the first stone placed.

Gridding Crystals

✵ Grounding and detoxifying: Black Tourmaline, Boji Stones, Bronzite, Mahogany Obsidian, Orange River Quartz, Quantum Quattro, Que Sera, Shungite, Smoky Elestial, Smoky Quartz, Tantalite

✵ Re-energizing and revitalizing: Carnelian, Citrine, Golden Healer, Quantum Quattro, Que Sera, Red Jasper, Trummer Jasper

✵ High Vibration: AnandaliteTM, Azeztulite, Brandenberg Amethyst, Golden Healer, Ocean Jasper; Petalite, Quartzes such as Nirvana, Rainbow Mayanite, Satyaloka, Satyamani, Selenite


✵ One of the most common uses for crystals is in healing.

✵ Crystals holistically balance mind, body and spirit.

✵ Crystals focus and direct energy to a specific point on the body or to an emotional or mental blockage.

✵ All illnesses ultimately stem from imbalances, blocked feelings, suppressed emotions and negative thinking.

✵ In crystal healing, crystals are placed over chakras or directly over organs, or laid out around the body to create a healing grid.
