Opening the Higher Chakras - Understanding Your Energy Field

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Opening the Higher Chakras
Understanding Your Energy Field

As already mentioned, in addition to the traditional seven chakras, several more chakras are opening in response to universal energy changes at this time, and your spiritual equilibrium is facilitated by having these chakras open and functioning under your control as they filter and anchor multi-dimensional realities into the earth plane. These ’higher’ chakras vibrate at a different, faster rate and are more able to channel refined spiritual energies down through you and up from the Earth. Through this change in the core vibration of your energy bodies, ’lower’ frequency energies simply cannot reach you.

Several ’new’ crystals have become available to activate these higher chakras, some of which are expensive and difficult to source. Tugtupite, for instance, is rare, as it’s only found in Greenland, but you can use Danburite, which is in itself a high-vibration stone (though not quite as rarified as Tugtupite), Anandalite, Blue Kyanite or one of the pink Azeztulites, to open the heart seed chakra if Tugtupite is not available. If you cannot obtain the exact crystals you need, when programming the crystals that are available ask that the energy is lifted up to its highest level in order to receive the influx of new vibrations. Arkansas Quartz is excellent for this.

However, these new chakras can only be opened when you’re properly attuned and ready for the influx of energy that accompanies the opening, so don’t try to hurry the process. Open one or two at first and then allow the energy to be assimilated. Then open another and so on until all the higher chakras have been opened.

The Higher Chakras

✵ Gaia gateway: Paradoxically the ’higher’ earth chakra is below the earth chakra, about a foot below your feet. This chakra links to the Earth’s subtle etheric bodies and the subtle energy grid surrounding the planet. It mediates the inflow of rarified earth energy that helps you to stabilize and assimilate refined spiritual energies reaching the Earth and, at the same time, keeps you grounded in your physical body.

✵ Heart seed: Just beneath the breastbone, this chakra helps you to remember the reason why you’re in incarnation and connects you to the divine plan for your soul evolution. It is a chakra of infinite compassion.

✵ Higher heart: A place of unconditional love and compassion, this chakra helps you to radiate forgiveness and acceptance out to the planet and to yourself.

✵ Soma: With this chakra open you’re in a place of total spiritual connection and higher consciousness aligned with the purpose for which you’re on Earth.

✵ Soul star: With this chakra activated, you can channel the highest self-illumination and spiritual light into your physical body, which will raise its vibrations accordingly.

✵ Stellar gateway: This cosmic doorway leads to other dimensions and connects you to the highest energies in the cosmos, enabling you to communicate with enlightened beings.

Activating your Higher Chakras

It’s wise to take this activation slowly, working on one or two chakras at a time and gradually building up to opening them all and allowing the influx of energy that follows.

A sensible order would be to open the Gaia gateway chakra and the heart seed and link the heart seed to the higher heart. Then, after you have opened the soma chakra and assimilated the energy, move on to the higher crown chakras one at a time, always asking that the crystals filter and mediate the energy so that you can receive it at the optimum strength for your personal vibration. The influx of energy can be slowly increased as you become more attuned to the multi-dimensional levels you are contacting. Remember that you can always activate one or two of the chakras, take a break for as long as you need and then resume the process.

The Activation Process

✵ Hold all the crystals you are using for the exercise for a few moments, visualizing them bathed in bright white light.

✵ Lie down and position the crystals as appropriate according to the chakra(s) you’re activating today. Build slowly on the previous work you’ve done by laying stones on all the chakras already activated and the new chakras as follows:

o Smoky and Elestial Quartz about a foot below your feet.

o Tugtupite or Danburite on the heart seed at the base of the breastbone.

o Rose Quartz or Mangano Calcite three fingers’ width above the heart.

o Preseli Bluestone or Ammolite on your hairline (soma chakra).

o White Elestial Quartz or Nirvana Quartz on your crown.

o Phenacite or Petalite about a foot above your crown (point-down if your crystal has a point).

o Brandenberg or Anandalite above the soul star.

✵ Take your attention down to the crystal below your feet and be aware of the Gaia gateway chakra opening. Feel how it pulls in refined earth energies and radiates them up to the Smoky Quartz and through your whole body. Be aware of your connection to the Earth’s energy meridians and feel how the Elestial lifts them to a higher vibration. Feel yourself aligning to the faster, and purer, vibration it carries.

✵ Now take your attention up to the heart seed chakra. When this chakra opens you are flooded with infinite compassion and divine connection.

✵ Take your attention to the higher heart chakra. Feel it open and expand, receiving and radiating unconditional love and awakening your innate compassion and connection with others. Feel how this chakra connects to the throat chakra so you can communicate love out to the world.

✵ When you reach the soma chakra, feel how much more of your own higher energy can make contact with the part of you that is in incarnation and become aware of your soul plan for the present lifetime.

✵ Take your attention up to the chakras above your head. Be aware of your connection to higher spiritual guidance and other dimensions. Feel how the energy flows down into the crystals, activating esoteric awareness and soul memory. Know you are a spiritual being on a human journey and you have the support of many higher beings on that journey. Allow as much of the high-dimensional universal energy to flow down through your body as you can easily assimilate.

✵ When the activation is complete, slowly remove the crystals, starting with the highest crown chakra and working down to the Gaia gateway chakra.

✵ When you reach the Gaia gateway chakra, be aware there is a grounding cord that links your feet to this chakra. This cord keeps you grounded within your physical body and connected to the Earth.

✵ Finally, pick up the crystal from the Gaia gateway chakra. Stand up and feel your feet firmly on the ground.

✵ Repeat the exercise daily until the activation is complete.

Crystal Tip for Higher Chakra Activation

Laying the various colours of Arkansas Quartz from your solar plexus up to your throat, third eye, soma, crown and higher crown chakras rapidly activates and harmonizes the higher chakras. You can also use Blue Kyanite, Drusy Celestial Amethyst or Anandalite for higher chakra activation.

~ Treasure Chest ~


A powerful and exceedingly ancient combination, Ancestralite gets down to bedrock, sinking through layers of the past to reach the collective level. It clears the generic ancestral line of trauma, dramas, ingrained emotions, attitudes, soul contracts and imperatives passed down the family tree for generations, whilst preserving soul learning. It assists lineage breakers so that toxic karmas and attitudes do not carry into future generations. Ancestralite renegotiates and releases soul contracts and vows or promises made in previous lives or the interlife. In a pentagram, Ancestralite connects the past and the Akashic records to the ever-present now. In a grid, it sends healing far back into the family past and out into future generations. This crystal heals inherited diseases transmitted through familial DNA, or dis-eases and ingrained attitudes passed down the family line. It works with generic ancestors and ’Source’ to heal ancestral prejudice carried in subtle energy bodies and junk DNA.


Three Ancestralites (top left, right, bottom right)