Balancing the Chakras and Subtle Bodies with Crystals - Understanding Your Energy Field

Crystals for Energy Protection - Judy Hall 2020

Balancing the Chakras and Subtle Bodies with Crystals
Understanding Your Energy Field

Cleansing and rebalancing your chakras and maintaining the connection to your subtle bodies on a regular basis ensures your energetic well-being. Fortunately, crystals will do this for you. By placing crystals on the earth star chakra you ground or discharge the energies and are reminded to keep your physical body connected to the Earth.


✵ Hold a piece of Anandalite™ or other subtle body harmonizer in your hand and sweep it at arm’s length from your feet up over your head and down to your feet at the back — if you find it difficult to reach, ask a friend to assist. Then bring it up and over your head again and back to the floor.

✵ Sweep it from one side of your body to the other moving from your feet up over your head and down to your feet on the other side. Return to the first side.

✵ You may have to carry out several sweeps moving your arm closer to your body each time to integrate and harmonize all the subtle bodies with the higher dimensional energetic levels of the chakras.

✵ Brandenberg Amethyst, Ancestralite, Drusy Celestial Quartz or Lakelandite gives an extra cleanse and rejig to the ancestral subtle body, if required.


This layout is best done lying down — place the earth star crystal between your feet before making yourself comfortable.

✵ Place Smoky Quartz, Flint, Hematite or other earth star crystal between and slightly below your feet. Picture light and energy radiating out from the crystal into the earth star chakra for two or three minutes and be aware that the chakra is being cleansed, its spin regulated, and its function re-energized. As the energy reaches down to the Gaia Gateway, become aware of your connection to the body of Mother Earth.

✵ Place Red Jasper, Carnelian or other appropriate crystal on the base chakra. Picture light and energy radiating out from the crystal into the base chakra before moving through the physical body in a cleansing and revitalizing wave, then moving out to cleanse the ancestral etheric body.

✵ Place Orange Carnelian, Golden or Orange Calcite or other appropriate crystal on your sacral chakra, just below the navel. Picture the radiating light and feel the cleansing and energizing process in the chakra and then through the subtle energy bodies as appropriate.

✵ Place Yellow Jasper, Citrine or other appropriate crystal on your solar plexus. Picture the radiating light and feel the cleansing and energizing process in the chakra and then through the emotional body.

✵ Place Green Aventurine, Rose Quartz or other appropriate crystal on your heart. Picture the radiating light and feel the cleansing and energizing process in the chakra and then through the subtle energy bodies.

✵ Place Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli or other appropriate crystal on your throat. Picture the radiating light and feel the cleansing and energizing process in the chakra and then through the mental body.

✵ Place Sodalite, Apophyllite or other appropriate crystal on your brow so that it covers both the third eye and soma chakra (at the hairline). Picture the radiating light and feel the cleansing and energizing process in the chakra and subtle energy bodies.

✵ Place Amethyst, Quartz or other appropriate crystal on your crown. Picture the radiating light and feel the cleansing and energizing process in the chakra and then in your spiritual body.

✵ Now take your attention slowly from the soles of your feet up the midline of your body, feeling how each chakra has become balanced and harmonized and how each is connected to the energy bodies.

✵ Remain still and relaxed, breathing deep down into your belly and counting to seven before you exhale.

✵ Take your mind down to your base chakra and work up through each chakra again in turn. As you breathe in and hold, feel the energy of the re-energized chakra radiating out through your subtle bodies bringing each one into alignment with the others and with your physical body. You will build layer on layer of replenished and rebalanced subtle bodies so that your whole aura is in balance. If at any time you feel a blockage, simply breathe the light of the crystal into the area until it dissolves.

✵ Leave the crystals in place for 15—30 minutes. When you feel ready, gather your crystals up starting from the crown. As you reach the earth star chakra, be aware of the grounding cord anchoring you to the earth and into your physical body.

✵ Cleanse your stones thoroughly.